Monday, November 30, 2015

PSLAM 54--the fighter/bard, David

   "PSALM 54--the fighter/bard, David"
   The most read poet--King David.  It usually wends in the direction of the Bible; then, Shakespeare; next, Agatha Christie as being things mostly read.  But first, from Guns and Roses:
Your stupid girlfriends tell you that I'm to blame--
Girl they're all used up has-beens, out of the game--
If they knew half the real truth, what would they say?

Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.

Hear my prayer, O God:  give ear to the words of my mouth.

For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul:  they have not set God before them.

Behold, God is mine helper:  the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.

He shall reward evil unto mine enemies:  cut them off in thy truth.

   There is more--check it out . . .

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Existence Womb (4)

   "Existence Womb (4)"
   Miriam was super-freaked at this point.  Circus people--"WTF!!!"  Regardless, she had an intrinsic and sincerely intuitive desire to further hear the bizarre rants of Brother Puck; indeed, he did continue, with the Otherworld gleaming in his forest-green eyes.
The placebo-effect is real, yet it can also be not real as well.  Remember the coyote mantra known by the American Indian:  "All is sacred; nothing is sacred."  There is truth in all religion, yet there are lies in all religion, like when the devil hacked into God's Creation and nuked the identity of a utopia-like Adamkind.  Wicca, even Christ both place merit in willpower or belief.  You can will it to happen, or believe it in your heart and it will happen.  Sometimes.  Unless possibly the mind is blocked or hacked into by demonic forces or negative people.  The ancients weren't ignorant--like with crystals allowing communication with the Otherworld, and yet now, science uses these same crystals and makes scanners and other communicative technology.  Johns Hopkins University found out that frankincense has psychoactive properties as do most plants that forge herb-derived medicines, outlawed by the government of the American South where reptilians are prone to thrive--not wanting people to know the truth or have true benefits.  Verily, evil is real.  And science will change in 100 years, not recognized by the science of today, yet modern science believes they are at the apex of knowledge.  Theology and the True Religion never change.  So, who is the real liar?  We can only scope 5% of the Universe when theoretically there is a Multiverse, with even greater wonder.
What the hell are you trying to tell me dude?
Just go home and ask your only living parent if you have Hebrew ancestry.  She will admit the real truth.  Know your name and its roots.  You have been chosen, as have many, to be tortured.  Not because you are into the Black Arts or believe in anything--some things just are.
   Miriam started her scooter, put her helmet on, very freaked, cruising away into wonderment.   

Existence Womb (3)

   "Existence Womb (3)"
   As if called by some radical mysticism, like possibly, Arch-Angel Gabriel went Sarah Palin (ROGUE) and gave literacy to Muhammad, Brother Puck came floating out of the Catholic Church, Saint Mary's, knowing mystically the suffering of Miriam and her Hebrew roots hidden beneath a family ashamed.  Yes Jesus claimed he knew:  "Salvation comes from the Jews."  And "Don't take the Holy Spirit from me God"  King David crooned in Psalms.  Miriam's eyes bugged out--knowing this was not normal.
Don't be phobic young madame--I am simply a layman.  We don't put jam on our toast like priests, nor have the elaborate funerals they do--it's all contained in THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV. 
Feeling really weird.  Dude, I think I'm gonna bolt.

No madame--I insist you stay.  Look Catholicism was initiated the moment Christ died on the cross, way before Islam and Nietzsche's hatred of Martin Lucifer as mentioned in his ANTI-CHRIST.  Too, Vatican City has been around longer than Washington D.C.--we know more as Catholics; plus, General George was so stoned during the Revolutionary War, he had no idea what was going on, but I do.  It's the reptilians.  The snake in the Garden of Eden.  They've implanted you--are infusing you with anguish and anxiety and feeding off of it--it's how they get their food.
Is everybody a freak in this life?  Starts weeping.

Yes, there are many circus people in the world, but they're the ones with the truth.   

Existence Womb (2)

   "Existence Womb (2)"
   Miriam was awake, at least her eyes were, scoping up and down, feeling the iniquitous torture of the demonic supernatural fluxing over and within her, paralyzing her body into monstrous fear and greedily feeding off of this negative energy of hers; indeed, she was metaphorical food for the haunting reptilians.  Regardless, like always--these paralytic episodes ended, Miriam thanking a God she didn't know too well.  Yeah, Jesus had been mentioned to her a few times by adulterous ministers and such; still, she knew she needed to muster some type of defense.  Remembered in literature class this senior year they discussed Tolstoy having had crafted some type of Gospel based on Jesus' Words:  "Resist not evil."  But how?  Why not beat the shit out of it--she surely wanted to.
   So, staggering to her bathroom, filling her mouth with her daily dose of Anti-Psychotics; next, using a mirror to observe further the bald spot behind her right ear, yet the pills were kicking in, and soon her brain was sedated to the effects of her once knowing the fear and trauma of it all.
   After scrubbing herself clean, dressing casually, kissing her Mom goodbye, Miriam sailed off to school on her 50cc scooter, made her way through the stereotypes of high school folk till coming upon her locker--it tagged with a note that blared in loud pink ink:  "DYKE!!!"
   Of course, this was from her ex-boyfriend, him totally loathing her humble chastity; plus, having used his physician father to poison her with reptilian witchcraft, an offshoot of ordinary Wicca, that mantra something like:  "Do no harm."   
   It was all too much for Miriam.  The human instincts, the fear, the shame; thus, she bolted from school, wanting to strangle Dr. Luke, her very decent psychiatrist--not because he wasn't helping, but exactly because he wasn't helping.  Helping in annihilating all of her adversarial entities.  So, further following her instincts, she floored the scooter to Saint Mary's Church, a nearby Catholic place of worship in her suburban region.  She parked outside in front of a statue of Jesus" Mother, the Virgin--a Tower of Shimmering Ivory--so the living statue seemed, and felt an immediate connection to the egg-giver of the supposed Messiah.  And she felt she needed to know.  To know the axiomatic truth.  

Friday, November 27, 2015

Existence Womb

   "Existence Womb"
   Miriam wasn't your garden-variety vegetation god; specifically, she might be an organic vegetation god--in futurity, as if it might have already been birthed.  Yeah, she pissed her hornafied boyfriend off, the adolescent thug wanting her chaste taste for things carnal and cruel--his father a deadly physician; plus, a reptilian member of a weird group of devil-worshiping quasi-Wicca types, it first leading to Miriam's dreams of bizarre sodomy; next, her beautician noticing a bald spot behind her right ear after Miriam complained to her psychiatrist of sleep paralysis.  A Freudian shrink, scholarly, understanding, knowing her reason for the visitations, but on the government-control list--what was he supposed to do?
   There was no way Dr. Luke could inform her of why the implant was put there, or why the sleep paralysis and dreams of butt-pirating were happening.  After leaving a job for helping the Men in Black cope with the reality of the bizarre supernatural, all Dr. Luke could do was provide scientific exorcisms.  Anti-Psychotics to sedate the cerebral curiosity of teenage Miriam, knowing if she spilled the factual beans on Twitter or other social media--it could lead to global catastrophe and start a crazy campaign for the cursed and molested--those affected by the fallen angels, them morphed reptilian and fighting for control over the population of Mother Earth.
   Thus, Miriam took up smoking.  Heard the American Indian would load the peace pipe with tobacco, take a suffering, deep inhalation; next, after soaking their insides with the anti-oxidant, release their prayers to Grandfather before passing out--and is there any record of lung cancer on the ancient American Indians?  Regardless, it soothed Miriam, along with the brain-sedating Anti-Psychotics, calming her to a bit of Buddha-like balance, but the negativity still erupted in volcanic fashion during motley nightmares and the sleep paralysis--nothing but eyes able to move while hallucinations, or actual reality, hovered around her harmless soul, as if a test subject, a tagged member of Vonnegut's zoo, but there was no Kilgore Trout to write her story for the magnanimous and always understanding underground of freaks knowing that demonic devils do exist.      

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Confronting enmity by ministering

   "Confronting enmity by ministering"
Christ wisely spoke to the negativity of the Samaritan woman,
Knowing her personal story--a sign of a supernatural spokesman;
Indeed, He claimed:  "Pray for your adversaries."
Lest you become possessed by pride that does wend a soul weary.
Benjamin Netanyahu sincerely has more anxiety and stress than Obama;
He protects salvation, which comes from the Jew, Jesus, giving us the "Our Father" mantra;
Moreover, is Jesus the Torah in the Flesh?
A mystical synergy of Divine Law and ordinary man having a mesh?
And once God saw humanity through the inviolate egg of the Virgin Mary's eyes,
Perhaps only the wicked adder did He despise,
Knowing diabolical possession is axiomatic truth,
Like if someone knows a secret you never revealed that is totally uncouth,
Or speaks in a foreign language they never heard--
Verily, miracles of the Good God do the hubris-filled disturb.   

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Muslim Boy At Starbucks

   "Muslim Boy At Starbucks"
   Insidiously plagued by night terrors and sleep paralysis (look it up), I often cruise the streets of Nashville after closing time for the drunks, not wanting to drive under the freedom of the big neon glitter when the crooked cops are on hopeful lookout to manifest their brutal bravado since they never got to start in gladiatorial sports when in high school or college, usually, and now, armed with weapons of mass destruction, their penile parts increase in size.  They love to trick the uniformed, raping them of their 4th Amendment Rights--never let them search your car; however, this may get you tasered and you might woefully wend into cardiac arrest--it happens plenty in this once Free Country.
   So, one early morning when the effulgent Moon Cheese was shimmering with a goddess-like beauty, I hit a local Starbucks in West Nashville, desiring the yummalicious taste of an icy cold Grande Frappuccino  with whip.  The barista was a young Muslim boy--I can spot the difference between a Hindu and a Muslim from a mile away--a canine-like telepathic thing; anyway, I immediately recognized my Abrahamic brother, intrinsically knowing he wasn't familiar with the Hindu Holy Text:  The Bhagavad Gita. 
   Anyhow, the young Muslim boy had an uncanny look of fear in his brown eyes, mentally surmising I hated him and his kind--a Monotheist Theological Type, somewhat like my Catholic Self, but I had no hate or savage desire to hurt him; moreover, I tried to loosen him up with my goofy, dog-like antics; plus, I was as polite as General George himself.  
   I wondrously wondered how his most likely poor family told him to get a job, work hard, and be a true American while there is so much rage targeted towards "Peaceful, True Islam"--a term never used by xenophobic Republicans, building up some seriously bad karma when they exit the womb of this life and enter the Otherworld.  
   Yes, diabolically possessed Muslims have killed thousands of Americans, but we've slayed millions--and did this resurrect our citizens, or did it spawn more demonology?  
   That young Muslim boy is a brave soul--again, my dog-like sense of perception picked up on this axiom, knowing he must be bullied at school, hated by myriads, and on a watch list by the American Government, which of course violates every American's Bill of Rights.  Yet this young Muslim boy gets up every morning, says his prayers to Our Abrahamic God; next, braves the day better than the rest of us.
   There's more murders in America committed by non-Muslims--just look at Chicago, or watch the bullshit mainstream media--if they spill those truthful beans, but rarely.  Regardless, Islam needs mollification--not hate pointed at it, especially the venerating Shiites.  As Mahatma Gandhi said to the people of his region during great turbulence:  "We are Hindu and Muslim--all children of God."
   Not only do I know the Torah and New Testament, but the Koran as well--the Arch-Angel Gabriel dictating it to the illiterate Muhammad.  A singular Surah in the Koran speaks about how God knows every atomic thought in your mind, and who you really are and what you really do--God knows everything about you it claims.  Thus, why can't we be like the living Christ, knowing Our own religion--the Beatitudes, like this:   "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."  I guess we're just not that UP on Jesus nowadays.
   Look, we've hated the British, the Germans, and the Japanese--this too shall pass.  Or we could make it worse without cerebral symposiums, like Reagan had with Gorbachev, fighting a war from across a desk.  

Union Blue--friends of Faulkner

   "Union Blue--friends of Faulkner"
Disregard the pageantry and proud pomp
Of Confederate Generals torn apart by a loyal wolf pack on the anti-terrorist romp,
For Twain and Faulkner both wisely knew,
They were made Generals cause of the their wealth and social status hue;
Colonel Sherman's (Union) jacket was bruised and like olive-green;
The Union Officers provided clothing for the enlisted, not garbing themselves only in brilliant keen;
Moreover, Gettysburg was a murderous slaughter,
Led by Lee--his size 4 feet ornamented, leaving the enlisted in frozen water.  
* * * * * * * *
In Faulkner's "Absalom, Absalom!" he wisely offered of his own south:
"Were they brave--yes.  Were they courageous--yes.  But they lacked pity and mercy!"   

Phobic Bravado

   "Phobic Bravado"
The wicked synergy of mutual neglect,
By those putting others in a more disabled debt,
Sipping their ostentatious wine and living on pride,
Allowing the elderly and ill into further anguish slide;
Thus, continue to neglect and pseudo-intellectually rape your brother, mother, and wife--
Thieve money from their SECURITY and worsen their life,
Caring more for yourself--your hungering hubris that fuels others' strife--
Because of self-celebration,
Falsely claiming great wisdom, though deaf and dumb about the Abrahamic Nation,
Offering profane slurs and steel chains that is the Southern Pride of slavery,
Getting fat off of this mutating gravy--
I've witnessed it all--
A sick child stolen from the North where the pentagram points truly tall,
Hijacked away from a Grandmother's longevity--her chain-smoking mouth,
Blowing prayers into the fiction of modern science as fire continues to wend south,
And the Almighty Father perishes from a broken heart
Cause stupid girlfriends and reptilian sales pitches informs her to get revenge and re-start
While your inflamed, vagrant child is the ONLY one who cares for you,
Ignited dignified by the anguished-hue of glimmering blue--
In more fist fights and unconscious, many times, made,
Unlike sand ni&$%r-dubbing marines ass-kicked while scoping tits at a bar to get sloppily laid,
And they think their scrotum huge, loving themselves,
Diving further into the many levels of Hindu hells--
You cannot stop the creation of the Author of Life,
Only execute as you do--being the villain of strife,
And bravado is fat lard, spawned by fear
Of others having sublimity and beauty so crystal-like and clear--
How wonderful is the boon of the Coyote Moon,
Killed in thousands, yet shape-shifting with life's billowing bark and song dog croon.   

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Is Ben Carson abusing Benzodiazepines?

   "Is Ben Carson abusing Benzodiazepines?"

Benzos, as known on the streets--ya know soccer Moms,
All on XANAX so you can deal with marital qualms;
Anyway, Ben Carson seems low-energy and perpetually sedated,
For benzos are hypnotic and amnesia-inducing medicine that's related
To possibly forming things like Alzheimer's Disease--
You Bush League physicians, read your journals please!
Regardless, Ben Carson thought he was admitted to West Point--where they have pillow fights;
Specifically, he forges stories like he forgot them with amnesiac-like might.  

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Saddam Hussein--reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar?

   "Saddam Hussein--reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar?"   
   Before Ancient Astronaut Theory became popularized, record store manager and quirky author Philip K. Dick, mystically touched by a pink hue of laser-like light, knew that the Middle East was an unearthly region, touched by the lesser gods and the Almighty God of the Multiverse Himself.  He (Dick) believed that there are mystical happenings upon this geographical region touched by God.     
   Indeed, the Sunni people (which make up most of ISIL) are demonically destroying our historical truth.  Some say that Saddam Hussein believed himself to be the re-fabrication of Nebuchadnezzar, wanting to restore Babylon (modern Iraq) to it former state of power, attempting, like Hitler, to unearth esoteric knowledge that would lead to Weapons of Mass Destruction.  Is this why W. invaded Iraq when the 9/11 attackers were Saudi Arabians?  What lack of truth is America concealing concerning galactic truth?
   I weirdly surmise God is locked in a battle against nefarious, demonic forces for control of the Earth, and that like mice who can be induced into violence by scientific means, so can humanity by the art of demonology.  
   So, until we fully comprehend the benevolence of Christ, merging with the Holy Spirit, birthing a universal knowledge as did Reagan with astrology or other means of mystical wisdom; then, we are doomed and paralyzed--not by the violence of men, yet by the diabolical possession that controls them.   

Friday, November 20, 2015

Vonnegut & Heller Symposium

   "Vonnegut & Heller Symposium"
   I believe it was at LSU years ago, the twisted yet hilarious Vonnegut and very ordinary Heller speaking about novelization and World War 2.  Heller even admitted Vonnegut had it tougher in World War 2, which of course he did, offering things like:  "First you think you're too good-looking to die; next, you think your girlfriend loves you too much to die; then, you realize--you are going to die in war."
   The best moment was when a pseudo-intellectual chick stood up, asking Vonnegut:  "In your book Bluebeard, who was the protagonist, when was the turning point, what metaphor did the climax represent, blah, blah, blah?"
   To which of course the wit of Vonnegut replied:  "Madame--I don't even remember writing the book."
   The crowd went wild with laughter.   

Bone Blood

   "Bone Blood"
THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE--said the Living Christ, soooo nice;
Indeed, constant blood transfusions have reversed the aging process in some mice;
As a result, I'm glad to have nearly bled out myself,
Getting infused by the fluid-like gore of souls other than myself--
Like Percy Shelley repeating the same words as if the mentalist Jabba the Hutt,
And a coyote's bones never resonate that of a Werewolf Slut,
Though too--wolves are uncanny in being loyal,
And coyotes do whatever they please--maybe to your bliss foil,
But much more than that in the canine's Totem--
A giver of life--a new chance:  LOAD EM!
Regardless, eat the Lord's flesh and drink His blood;
The Transubstantiation is not symbolic, but the infinite life of a perpetual dove in a flood.   

Thursday, November 19, 2015

How to change a paralyzed soul's diaper for years and still be happy

   "How to change a paralyzed soul's diaper for years and still be happy"
   Wearing diapers myself many a time, though with Ulcerative Colitis, it usually only holds 50% of the bloody runs; regardless, on the matter--I am an expert.  For years, living with a paralyzed soul, of course being diagnosed with Stage 4 Alzheimer's years ago by Bush League physicians, before my personal intervention, I have dealt with a twinge of anguish--but who really cares?
   And laxatives off the counter never work when their Parkinsonian medications block them up, causing them greater levels of high anxiety; thus, you must go to the underground to find better remedies for bowel evacuation.  And when it occurs, I am always there--nobody else seems to ever be.  So, you  simply pull the fecal stool out with surgical compulsion, wish I could produce a normally formed stool, from their rectal cavity; next, wipe them till an inviolate cleanliness; then, lift them, tearing your inflamed abdomen to further occurrences of bleeding; plus, dress them,
shower them, bathe them, brush them, feed them, do all laundry and dishes, dispense all medications religiously, and still yet--you are treated like a canine--"I am the dog, they all tried to beat."  Crooned an 80's rock band.
   Moreover, saving your family thousands of dollars since not using a professional facility, which I might need too, and getting spit on with hilarity can build a bit of unearthly might.  Yes, you must love these devils.  Those never pushing the wheelchair, taking the sick out for rides or lunch, which I spend my loser income on more than half the time, yet the falsehoods continue.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) would surely excommunicate men that allowed such macabre tragedy.  But I don't want any trouble.  And of course there's more.  Charlatan caretakers--the patient even complaining of them with cognizance when not doped up.  But who am I but the dog?  Take me for a walk Bernie Sanders.  Let the leash be long and loose.  Let me pounce on a rascally rabbit.  So, we must go to the axiomatic truth.  Still, there's more, buried deep in the geography of Nashville, one day to be unearthed.
VOLTAIRE:  "To the living we owe respect--to the dead, only truth."

And of course, stream of consciousness artistry is mistake ridden.  When college drop-out Kerouac brought in On The Road his publisher told him it was crap--full of bullshit structure and all the jive-turkey rest.  Kerouac pulled the script from his hand and boasted:  "These are words dictated to me by the Holy Spirit Itself!!!"  

For whoever will save his life will lose it--Christ's Words

   "For whoever will save his life will lose it--Christ's Words"
The miserable miser, the pretentiously proud, the envious, and the lazy for the ill and poor,
For these souls--will God open up Heaven's Door?
Even the Five Pillars offers an alms-giving to the poor,
Yet every pseudo-intellectual sorority girl only wants to carnally and financially score,
Craving and hungering for their personal climax more than the unity of love,
Denying the release of Noah's platinum dove.
So have your monstrous and amazing sex save for the asexual,
Them never knowing physical adoration or being lovingly touched, yet with Christ they revel.
Hold on, hold on, to your creature comforts and lack of income equality wealth
While matriarchs are willed to death by your lazy lack of mental health;
Furthermore, put it all on a disabled soul,
You blazed in bliss--spiritually at Black Mass, gaining for that toll.
And being no peaceful psychotic (a word) or mystic, never by the Holy Spirit touched,
Mock the impoverished widow; she didn't tithe much,
But Christ told His disciples:  "She has given more than such."
It is all relative, it is all relative!!!  Yet many devils dwell in their core;
Hell is thriving upon the Earth, and of Christ's sacrifice and peace we Americans ignore.  
But so many with the burning bush in their household closet,
Like sorority girl porn, you spilling it out of urethra's faucet--
A cream-filled Twinkie,
Oh baby, oh baby--do devils love to be kinky,
And of this bard's baby food diet--
My sickness is chronic pain and creamily stinky--I don't deny it.   

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dostoyevsky: Jesus and Mary Chain

   "Dostoyevsky:  Jesus and Mary Chain"
   The Brothers Karamazov, which I hungrily absorbed in my early 20's as a mutated ape without the divine instruction of even high school, though I hardly have any body hair, a bit androgynous in the face, possibly of the American Indian variety, loving organic tobacco, which of course puts Inflammatory Bowel Disease into a better state of remission--ya know, the anti-oxidant tobacco, used in the quasi-Ebola vaccine, yet hated by the Democratic party.
   Chief Mojo Rising never rolled cigarettes mercurially, and I wonder whether or not my inner coyote will rush me upon the yummy of bunnies; regardless, more about Russian Literature.

The Brothers Karamazov--the brothers:

Dmitri:  A sensualist--like most modern Americans.

Ivan:  An intellectual--unlike most modern Americans.
Alyosha:  THE MYSTIC.
Smerdyakov:  The cunning bastard child.  Many American women make their boyfriends or even hated ex-husbands pay child support, when these men are not the biological fathers.  Test all births; next, you will see why Jesus dubbed chicks like this:  "Woman."  Possibly, a term of adoring endearment?  Nope--not in my dog-like opinion.
The Book has many mystical encounters.  Lore and truth--hard to tell the difference.  Possibly the Virgin Mary walking through hell, guided by the Arch-Angel Michael, assisting the sinners.  Yet myriads of Christians have no love for Her.
And what of mothers?  Adore your ejaculated seed more than the egg from which you were lovingly formed?  Most do.  Yet as Christ knew:  "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Oh well.  I guess I'll watch the mainstream media now and get some bullcrap after pissing this stream of consciousness.      

God Bless The Abrahamic Religions

   "God Bless The Abrahamic Religions"
Ted Cruz, in all his Protestant blues,
Claims Christians don't craft terror--yet there are clues;
Indeed he is in ominous error--
The heretical Christian W.--just should have been a mere mayor--
Since 9/11 happened on his keenly intelligent watch,
Freaking millions of non-violent Muslims obliterated while he threw back scotch--
How many a DUI and blow did that guy get and absorb after and before college
While dodging the draft and not getting knowledge?
"It ain't me, it ain't me--I ain't no senator's son!!!"
We only drafted and let die an approximate 58,000 poor kids during the beat of Vietnam's drum.
President Reagan fought a WAR with Mikhail Gorbachev from across a simple desk--
An adversary that could've atomized our best.
Of course, basing many of the meetings on astrology,
And this is not historical mythology.
Yet the Republicans always invoke the name of Reagan,
Turning a blind eye to his mention of the inhabiting Alien (Demonic) Nation.
Terrorism is damn evil--no freaking doubt,
But at the innocents we should not shock and awe and shout.
By being in Christian error 
We could, possibly, construct more terror,
Giving us bad karma, and you might be re-birthed a Muslim,
Or if sublime--a divine Hindu bringing Dharma and its lack of dumb.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Envy Of Beauty

   "The Envy Of Beauty"
Tyra Banks claimed she won the genetic lottery;
Thus, people complained that she was empty and haughty;
Still, humanity can be birthed with brains, sensitivity, or possibly even wise,
Yet of them we have no jealousy that does wickedly surmise
A green-eyed hate,
Damning glamour with a hope of megadeath fate;
Indeed, nice-looking guys are often called fag,
And some will believe this hell-sent nag;
Plus, no other guys want to be their friend,
Pondering if their girlfriends will then lose interest in them.
Others think the corporeally pleasing have it automatic and easy,
Not knowing the crooner Jim Morrison was stalked by many tramps yeasty.
This is the envy of beauty;
As a result, find brothers and sisters that are a cutie--
If not, the jealous will wish and will upon you things unfair;
However, in the end--their karmic value spawns Pandemonium's lair.
* * * * * *
And to the young and beautiful Justin Bieber:
"Please save some vagina for the rest of us."   

Coyotes won't die--a modern metaphor

   "Coyotes won't die--a modern metaphor"
Know:  While jogging, Rick Perry, armed with a low IQ shot a coyote, as if a mad dog,
And we continue to slay this animal in myriads, believing it as dirty as a hog,
Yet curiously--it continues to thrive--
Possibly, we don't have our hands on the wheel with Christ's commanding wise;
We are too busy breaking the 4th Amendment, spying on texts,
Giving us a further bad karma hex--
If we continue to obliterate but can't contain a coyote's supposed contamination;
Next, how to mollify an adversary without an air force, navy, or even a nation?
But like the American Indian once did wisely know,
Before their love of animism we did overthrow,
Cunning battled against by being genocide-like nasty
Can come back to haunt and be way more crafty;
Hence, glimpse the Coyote Totem and be wise and know--
The animal prospers so as to have a normal life and respectfully grow.
* * * *
"The fox condemns the trap, not himself."  - William Blake - 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Votive Images

   "Votive Images"
Christ informed Saint Peter:  "You are the Rock."
And that He (Christ ) would architect His Church upon him--always a holy knock.
Veneration of Holy Relics and the Saints is largely Catholicism,
Not the flatulent disease Luther suffered from, possibly, for crafting Protestantism;
Regardless, Luther was not Saint Peter--he was not the Rock,
And Christ now has been mocked;
Moreover:  "We perish for lack of knowledge."
This is claimed by a Hebrew Prophet from the Old Testament, never having attended college.
And our American ignorance--not knowing the difference between a Sunni and Shiite,
Is like the Catholics and Protestants having an Irish-Land fight.
The Shiite--these Shias venerate Holy Relics and Saints,
Knowing God has preserved them and will not taint,
Yet we deny the mercy and wisdom of healing with Holy Might,
Slaughtering without the nucleus of the Living Christ.  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sun Tzu & Neurosurgeon Ben Carson

   "Sun Tzu & Neurosurgeon Ben Carson"
THE ART OF WAR, by Americans, is rarely intellectually absorbed, even as lore--
Never have a protracted (as have we) and economic draining war
Informs with cunning the former Chinese tactician and General--
Yet Ben Carson claims in Syria do they already revel;
Plus, our space satellites and secret weapon technology is getting dangerously close
To Chinese non-gravity machines--like a noose on a rope,
And to tear apart the American economic system further
Causes The United States economic suicide and murder;
Regardless, Trump says burn the oil fields and be the ruination of money;
Next, the terrorists will have no sustaining honey;
Regardless, whatever theory, even conspiratorial--
We don't need another American gravestone memorial.
All I know is that our mainstream media is hogwash and divided,
Being a house that cannot stand with axiomatic truth united.   

Lucifer's Evolution: Prince Of This World

   "Lucifer's Evolution:  Prince Of This World"
Your father is the father of lies
Did the Living Christ wisely surmise--
He crafts murder, trickery, and all the iniquitous unrest,
Fooling us into losing sublime compassion and impersonating the rest.
Tempted in the desert with fame and wealth,
Yet the Living Christ, not of this world--denied ALL with mystic stealth,
Reminding us of the Holy Spirit and how it is like unto a Tower of Shimmering Ivory,
Being obedient even unto death, inheriting a perpetual satisfactory.
* * * *

My 9th grade, Catholic-school French is not good; nevertheless, to all the Priests and Brothers who schooled me, never hurting me--here is a prayer for the French--an invocation to Notre Dame:

Sainte Marie, Mere de Dieu
Priez pour nous, pauvres pecheurs
Maintenant, et a l'heure de notre mort.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  

Friday, November 13, 2015

Triskaidekaphobia--fear of 13

   "Triskaidekaphobia--fear of 13"
The final soul seated at the Last Supper 
Was Judas--legend, lore, and truth gift this to us with much muster;
Moreover, a plethora of times--13 Moons in a Chief's year,
Making Lycanthropy more often appear--
Numerology, a quasi-science, at least, considers 13 to forge upheaval,
So new vegetation gods can be sprouted if their souls prostrate to a Holy Steeple--
Adapting to change is needed, like with the resonating coyote,
Slaughtered in myriads yearly, yet thriving--never being poky. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Live by the sword, die by the sword--not my wise words

   "Live by the sword, die by the sword--not my wise words"
Muster your anger and madness at the sublime, Living Christ;
He claimed those words eternally--more than twice.
The former Soviet Union had over 20,000,000 causalities during World War 2,
And Stalingrad offered more resistance, some say, than D-Day's brave hue;
Still, no disrespect to the European-Americans (mostly) that were soldiers,
For they were truly patriotic rollers--
I spent many years in Catholic School with Sarge Stipsky--
A Vietnam hero adoring whiskey--
He was a Green Beret;
He drove a Chevrolet--
Told us teens about the macabre horrors of war,
Just as it will be with Babylon's Whore.
And Kennedy on opiates, marijuana, anti-anxiety medicine; plus, booze
Was completely cognizant and cool--to the Russians he didn't in outer space lose.
Yet like Reagan informed the deaf Nations,
Offering up our petty differences as stupid relations,
Mentioning a galactic threat,
Saying further they were already here and we have met.
ISIL too believes in the coming of Jesus Christ,
So why don't the Abrahamic religions unite?  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wile E. Coyote & The Living Christ

   "Wile E. Coyote & The Living Christ"   
   After the Living Christ, possibly, enraged the proud, inaccurate theologians of His time, they violently attempted to throw Him off a hill or cliff, and in my bizarre opinion, I can see the Virgin Mother's sincere concern for Her Son's Life--a saving physicality filled with Holy Blood.  
   Specifically, as Wile E. Coyote continued to perpetually resurrect himself after getting driven off many a cliff while pursuing his quasi-Eucharist, the antagonizing tongue-sticking Road Runner--a cartoon-like, demonic bird hellbent on bullying the coyote's need for a living sustenance, yet Wile E. Coyote never truly perishes.  A perpetual, intrinsic divination to live on more than bread alone--as Christ mentioned.
   And while cruelly considered vile vermin, though not injuring or killing nearly as many people as have domesticated dogs, this thriving beast continues upon a path of eternal resurrection.
   * * * * * * * *

The coyote or Barking Dog sings at the cheese-glimmering Moon,
Having fangs of life to receive the holy boon,
And every Good Shepherd needs a sheep dog,
Unlike the impurity of the mud-rolling hog;
Plus, while death for wisdom is birthed by the American Indian coyote,
So is regeneration of life, like Italian artists getting fueled by ravioli--
Nothing braves more envious contempt than an unerring survivor,
Like Christ denying the riches and fame of a reptilian miser.   

Monday, November 9, 2015

Mental, Physical, and Demonic Illness

   "Mental, Physical, And Demonic Illness"
   A recent article offered in the Journal of the American Medical Association forged by Duke University showcases how preterm birth spawns long term health and quality-of-life issues; moreover, 5% of the Universe is only scoped unlike the theoretical Multiverse and all of its theological implications.  Too, physician and nurse error is one of the leading causes of death in the States--just saying.
   By way of cesarean section; next, placed into incubation, which of course causes coyotes unearthly skittishness--this ominously offered me chronic pain and amazing anguish during childhood, including bloody urine, impacted bowels, which of course caused urethra probing and spoons inserted into the rectal cavity--what fun.  Also, having a sense of quasi-telepathy concerning using filthy bathrooms--toilet seats covered in lost pubic hairs and yellow stains--I could feel the leftovers of the unclean fools and their lack of appreciation for inviolate purity; plus, my biological father leaving me for a money-thieving moll after my first ten months of infantile existence; next, my mother ushered by a pestering salesman anchored me deep into the Confederate South, away from my entire biological family.   
   I continued on with phobic insanity, needing a speech-language pathologist to use my words, and I needed numerous physicians to assist me until a hellish adolescence.  The quasi-telepathy grew monstrously more intense, an inner knowledge of people's dirty resonation in the restrooms, leaving me with the inability to urinate or defecate in bathrooms, causing me to exile myself from school after the 9th grade.  People, including many family members concluded me simply lazy.  Lazy, lazy, lazy was their approach due to lack of knowledge.
   Sleep paralysis was the worst.  Then, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Tics, Social Phobia, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease where I lost over half the blood in my body, getting infused by blood and other medications regularly--all while the dumb-ass doctors never offered pain medication or anti-anxiety drugs.  I endured and was sincerely brave due to the Trinity Itself.  Thanks to an altruistic, Ivy League physician, the last nine years--I have barely managed, but managed.
   Whether Mary Magdalene had numerous devils or was merely a whore--I believe in the diabolical possession aspects, having encountered supernatural creatures during sleep paralysis and while completely conscious.  And of course more inflammation like psoriasis, which has made my right ear deaf twice.  
   An approximate 40,000 suicides a year, outshining recent war casualties and school shootings, but people still label the sick lazy or cruel--all of us.  Yet life is over in the blink of an eye, and the Divine Justice System will stupefy the unbelievers--in many a mystic and ascetic's mind.  For people love themselves.  Hubris their Satanic synergy, along with PRIDE--rebellion against God.    

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fallacious Nature Of American Society

   "Fallacious Nature Of American Society"
   The Living Christ is Him, according to Saint Peter's Rock Solid, but for the heretics--they have baby Jesus, or the pneumatic Jesus that you can fold up like a dollar bill and put in your pocket like most Protestants do, denying the inviolate nature of the Virgin Mother, thinking a barely adolescent girl would creamily lay with a much older man already having spawned many a child--how freaking creepy is that!?!
   Regardless, Our America--the most fictitious Christian Nation, forsaking the Beloved Beatitudes such as:  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  For hubris-shimmering pride and non-limited confidence is waaaaay up on how things should be here.  And blessed are the merciful and meek--are we actually anything like that?  And whether the Arch-Angel Gabriel gave the illiterate Muhammad the Koran or Islam was birthed by Catholics to compete with the true pillar of Judaism; regardless, the Holy Text  is sincerely spot on concerning knowledge of both the Old and New Testaments, putting an angelic spin on absolute submission to the Father, never adding the Gods to God Himself.  Yet Jesus is considered the Apostle having totally gelled with the Holy Spirit Itself, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, highly mentioned in the Koran is considered one of God's most unblighted souls.
   The falsehood of our society is the corporate system--some would argue, maybe me.  Bush League Colleges and Universities bursting forth on every corner, charging millions so people can get normal jobs where suicide is not highly considered--unless the market crashes.  It gets kids systematically plugged into a corrupt system that has no reverence for autodidacts like Christ Himself, much similar to the Pantheistic Spinoza--them both blackballed Rabbinical Scholars.  
   We pay for everything.  Crappy physicians, money hungry attorneys--you freaking name it.  And undergraduate students actually consider themselves smart--they are randomly educated, but not sincerely smart, unless of course they take the intellectually hungry route of Gore Vidal--he never needed the classroom, though he was insanely brilliant; also, very vile at times.
   The hogwash of the classroom with opinionated professors wasn't for Hemingway, Lovecraft, or Philip K. Dick--the mystic madman himself.  But get into school kids; next, take your XANAX, drink your cold beer, watch reality television, play fantasy football, die obese, and deny the foundation of religion--that which birthed spirituality!!!  It is what we Americans do best.  And of course--treat sick people like shit.  

Friday, November 6, 2015

Coyote--the inventor of death

   "Coyote--the inventor of death"
   The Wolf Animal Totem is pretty basic and sublime:  Loyalty, friendship, and sometimes suspicious.  The Coyote's Totem represents much more.  And some American Indian Tribes consider him the inventor of death.
   I will not simply follow the oral traditions of such a creature sometimes viewed as vermin.  I will transcend, go beyond, outshine and all the rest--not that my views are actually more superior.
   The reason to me that the elusive and bizarre coyote invented death is simple--for us to learn wisdom.  Wisdom:  Knowing what is right; next, doing what is right.  As we age, of course we grow towards death.  But why?  And why do we have to age?  The young are foolish more than merely innocent--in my opinion.  They overly enjoy mercurial sexuality and monstrous mischief.  To stay young forever would totally bring chaos to an eternal state of stupid existence.  But in aging, we learn.  We learn that we can't have multiple sexual partners forever.  That we can't goof off and toilet paper the suburbs while tossing eggs at the mini-mansions in the suburban sprawl--or we will all be in trouble.  Neither can we use drugs over and over again without any medical merit.  Therefore, in aging and in approaching death we learn to be calm, controlled, and deny the aspects of carnal cravings.  Most of us do anyway.  I'm still a fool plenty of the time.
   So, death is the giver of wisdom.  A chance to change our mischievous ways and be the divine elders who instruct the youth on their idiocies.  
   While delivering newspapers in Nashville, I came across many scattering coyotes during the moonlit nights here and there--sleek, good-looking, and ornamented with bushy tails that keep and contain the negativity of disease and demons.  But upon seeing a gore-smeared, dead coyote on the suburban road, I had a magnanimous desire to get out of my car and inspect the lovely Barking Dog--Canis Latrans.  I looked deep into its death-filled eyes, sensing the mysterious remains of life still fully existing.  We should all adore the coyote, whether he is a trickster or not.  

CMA Awards--tenuous and weak without Union Blue

   "CMA Awards--tenuous and weak without Union Blue"
   The trickster coyote, though their Totem represents many more things, proves to be the most enduring survivor in America even though slaughtered in myriads each year.  I surmise they enjoy the carnal aspects of elegant breeding--much like the folks of the CMA Awards, and my bizarre self included, if I could only transcend women who think that their vaginal cavities are self-cleaning ovens and don't randomly douche with the unscented variety.
   Country ladies should royally represent the bucolic nature of the American South, ornamented in cowboy boots, cut-off jeans, and tank tops that refer to gas stations--like EXXON--put a tiger in your tank girls.
   Regardless, country music dames are damning the impoverished audience of millions, dressing in ostentatious dresses as if they're Bond Girls--and they are axiomatically not!  Plus, the non-mystical majority of lyrics is about boozing and whoring, but teenagers love this.  
   Lady Antebellum kinda/sorta sings:

What I really need now is a double shot of Crown;
Next, my panties are coming down.
   What kinda ode would Union Blue respond with?  What about:
Girl, give me a golden shower;
Then, I'll pick you a Yankee flower.
   Rock 'N' Roll has changed the world.  Especially politics in the turbulent 60's.  Even swaying opulent born politicians to end the draft; moreover, they could actually bard with gleaming grammar and set the ENTIRE country on Freedom's Fire.  

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bernie Sanders' Weekend

   "Bernie Sanders' Weekend"

   Some say folk-playing Bernie will bring a return to Zionism, whatever; nevertheless, a loving and reverent knowledge of the Ultimate God and the most read poet, King David, his bad ass self both sincerely share a mystical synergy of wisely knowing:  "Herb for the service of man."  The King James Bible proclaims it!!!  
   People who don't mercifully support herb-derived medicine are usually healthy souls, thriving in their oversexed youth.  But they will unearth the mad misery of sickness after their middle ages, a terrible time of existence as did the romantic bard being mad, bad, and dangerous to know did know--Lord Byron himself.
   Yet for those in their 20's or 30's sickly suffering with disease and illness--herb-derived medicine offers a sanctuary of solace and reduces the inflammation of agony.  
   Bush League medical students of the American South aren't aware, but inquire upon those from Stanford, Berkeley, or UCLA--sublimity always happens in the American West first.  As Jim Morrison, whose favorite personal poison was alcohol did sing:  "The West is the best--get out here and we'll do the rest!"
   To deny herb-derived medicine to the ill-fated is sincerely demonic, driven by the lies of Satan himself.  As for the children--let their parents govern them, not a police state America.  Verily, it doesn't take the "Village People" to raise our children.
   A Weekend At Bernie's would offer the truth of honest Abe Lincoln's Yankee words:  "Prohibition goes against everything this country stands for--it makes criminals out of people who are not criminals."  Nuff Said.   

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chris Christie and his elephantine addictions

   "Chris Christie and his elephantine addictions"
    Nobody running for the Republican theocratic-like control of America is more of an addictive lard ass than Chris Christie.  Verily, gluttony is a wicked sin, and only Mexico outshines with cottage cheese in their buttocks--them the only country more obese and gross while we whither the starving Abrahamic regions away with shock and awe--a hubris-filled son finishing his Daddy's war by slaughtering millions of innocents that had nothing to do with 9/11.  And just like marijuana being illegal birthed shit like meth, W. spawned ISIL.  Killing Muslims for America is like shooting fish in the barrel, but if we have to face Russia or China, megadeaths will belong to the proud American soldier.  An approximate 58,000 of poor kids unable to avoid the draft by getting into college wasted for no magnanimous reason were murdered in Vietnam.  What might the twisted Ezra Pound bard:

There died a myriad,
And of the best among them,
For an old bitch gone in the teeth,
For a botched civilization.  
   But back to Chris Christie's stinky body odor, most likely--he's a freaking addict.  A Mafia-like madman prosecuting liberty and freedom due to the innate nature of a bully.  Cupcakes fear him with great phobia, and his arteries are more clogged than Hillary's wicked cauldron full of damnation. 
   Like the late Nixon, she suffers from a tremendous fear of whether she's liked by the public masses or not--you can see it in her psychotically gleaming eyes.  And as for Ben Carson needing to hear a pragmatic reason against abortion--the answer is Hitler.  People mix, and once you roll the genetic dice randomly--you never know what you're going to get.  "I hated you even in the womb" has been mentioned in Holy Text as well.  
   Regardless of all these failures of weak and self-loving candidates, Christie's addiction to fatty food proves an axiomatic sense of clinical depression--there is no greater addict running than him.  And we all die!  We all fucking die.  Before Percy Shelley was haunted by his doppelganger he gave a similar ode:

How wonderful is death and his brother sleep,
One pale as yonder waning Moon,
The other soft with lips of lurid blue--
One rosy as the morn
When throned on ocean's wave
It blushes over the world.  

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Failures Of Modern Medicine

   "The Failures Of Modern Medicine"
   The visionary English bard axiomatically knew:  "People who control their emotions do so because they have weak emotions."
   The mentally ill, blamed for mass shootings--how many people have perished since the tragedy of Columbine?  Regardless, in 2013 an approximate reporting of 41,139 suicides--obviously, modern medication is a demonic falsehood.
   Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors--the ultimate joke in regulating psychological unrest; plus, benzodiazepines, known on the streets as dolls, downers, goofballs, whatever, increase sensitivity to depression even further--in many cases.  But herb-derived medicines have always proven to work and thieve away the mad melancholy of man, even though fools chase dragons out of social unrest--these medicines barded by King David in the Book of Psalms, him being the greatest of all the Biblical heroes save Jesus Himself.  Chase the high and you will die; ingest with reverence and you will live.
   Yet the controlling government has a wicked control over Earth's sublime nature, them in a nefarious and twisted synergy with pharmacists--and what good are cop-controlled pharmacists anymore?  They can't even make a club sandwich nowadays.  
   Governments, especially in the hubris-filled Southern States where many reptiles reside, refuse the ill, challenging them with discomfort and demonic negativity.  The quasi-governments of the Southern States should be marched before "The Hague" and face their due punishment for the myriads of suicides; indeed, due to lack of appreciation for the healing nature of Earth--there will be millions of megadeaths, especially since there are more suicides than wounded warriors killing men armed only with sling shots in the Abrahamic regions, where God's Power resides.  
   I know illness--since my botched birth to my 43 years of age I have bravely endured chronic pain, bloody bowel movements, unearthly anguish, and plenty of other demonic shit.  But who gives a damn about the ill-fated?  Maybe we should take Chris Christie's jelly doughnuts away before he swiftly quicksilvers himself into cardiac arrest.  Or make alcohol illegal, as it offers more bizarre behavior than any other substance known to man.  
   Like Reagan informed the globe about a Greater Force, offering:  "Are they not already among us?"  

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Anguish versus Depression

   "Anguish versus Depression" 
   The Living Christ had not lost interest--the main factor in depression.   Losing interest is the monstrous truth of depression.  Yet He knew anguish all too well.  What does the Holy Catholic Church proclaim of Our Lord and Savior?  "He was obedient even unto death."
   A demigod, half man, born of the best and most altruistic virgin--all the lesser gods were using virgins as biological construction for demigods, but the Abrahamic God chose the apex of purity in a fourteen year old girl.  And Christ, the Apostle, as mentioned in the Koran, symmetrically merged with the Holy Spirit Itself, surfing on the many colorful hues of varying sublimity like a magnanimous Kahuna.  He was the Living Torah--the Law in the flesh, knowing Luther and the rest could not limit God to the Bible or merely one verse listed, knowing:  "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God."
   Thus, Protestants listen:  All followers of the Living Christ don't need to be similar robots programmed with a singular perspective.  King David, having an almost psychotic love for God rocked many a woman's carnal world, the Virgin Mother was as pure as the platinum snow, and Saint Peter pissed his pants with phobic energy before the Holy Spirit overwhelmed his fears, forging him into the ROCK, the Bishop of Rome and architect of the most ancient aspect of Christianity.  
   Followers of Christ can be peculiar, quirky, conservative, or even coyote-like, but they must possess wisdom at the end of the day--wisdom:  A verb.  A thing in action.  Knowing what is right and doing what is right, regardless of reward or consequence, just as Krishna explained to a man afraid to enter battle for holy purpose.  But wisdom begins with fear of God, and Christ knows:  "You don't want to face Him without Me."
   Still, anguish weighs heavy on the Saints and losers in life.  Ultimately their deaths are gore-smeared and unappreciated due to the nature of wealth and status being the Duck Dynasty-bearded King of Our America.  Without money, one has less freedom in America.  Hard work gains nothing save muscle spasms and more anguish.  It is all a social game to be played for the money that grants more freedom.  A freedom deserved for all, but without lawyers, doctors, and hot babes in your pistol-packing pocket; then, you will know the truth of a media-driven country, showcasing its asshole to determine the outcome of elections and anguish itself.