Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Drug War Is A Toxic Evil
As always--my books: King's Books!
More or less, as I've mentioned before, it is Anti-Constitutional for the American Government to declare War Upon its own people; still, that is precisely what the Drug War is--a declaration of War by the American Government upon its own people, and it is the mentally and physically ill citizens in this country (once haunted by the Holy Spirit of 1776) that are the most maligned and mangled by this unjust attitude, which leads to cruel and unusual punishment in the toxically warped American Prison System, where sodomy thrives, trumping the regularity of rape in making someone miserable, for the anus is not constructed for phallic entrance, especially by a morbid malevolence hellbent on disfiguring the mind, rectum, and Lower G.I. Tract. Nevertheless, women and their outspoken political organizations turn a blind eye to the most savage and unnatural rape on the planet, man into man, while incarcerated and having nowhere to run; plus, the moralists believe Drug Offenders and other prisoners deserve this sadistic torture, not minding that in our prisons a 250 pound gravy-making man might rip apart another man's anal cavity and partial intestinal tract--all in the name of morality and civil punishment.
Anyway, Medical Cannabis is benign. An Anti-Inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and performance enhancer, offering solace for not just the singular affliction of AIDS but many diseases and illnesses, such as: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Depression, Chronic Pain, and a plethora of other conditions. And to allow Medical Cannabis must mean to allow it for any medical condition seen fit by a benevolent physician. Yes, there will always be people who abuse their medicine. Too, people who overeat, drink plenty more than they should, have multiple sexual partners, whatever; nonetheless, for the myriads who use remedies responsibly, this should not afflict their ability to receive and use such medication in moderate fashion.
Moreover, cannabis is never overwhelming to the physiological system of a man or a woman, being a moderate tranquilizer, a low key pain reliever, a totally effective anti-inflammatory, and yes--a possible mild hallucinogen that never directs the mind to lunacy lest the user already suffers from an angry psychosis, yet it may soothe his nefarious attitude as well. And, if it was medically legal in all states and for any medical condition; next, multiple strains would be available at the pharmacy, meaning the ill-fated don't have to purchase it on the streets, where they possibly might get unfit cannabis or more possibly get arrested--this followed by government enforced rehab, probation, court fees, jail, and sometimes sodomy--all for the sake of a twisted and misinformed morality. Too, if cannabis was completely legal and taxed--we could pay off the Chinese in a few years and fund a better Health Care System.
Also, opiates receive much wicked press due to returning War Vets unable to stop popping pills in ridiculous numbers. These soldiers are supposed to be tough, and instead of manifesting spirits of restraint, having reverence for the poppy plant--they abuse, overdose, blame their doctors, and then Uncle Sam is in your medicine cabinet concealed within the supposed privacy of your home.
Imagine having bloody or explosive bowel movements--10 to 20 times a day, along with psoriasis in your anal cavity, internal and external hemorrhoids, and an ulcerated and inflamed large intestine--why would the American Government reject such a man's burning anal fire to not be extinguished by God's Good Nature? Yes, opiates produce a bit of euphoria; hence, the possibility that certain (maybe weak) people will overuse. This factor should not thieve away the comfort needed by many. Used in small doses, and taught respect of the narcotic--these things can and will allow medical patients to use ANY drug responsibly.
It should not be a sick man's problem if a number of people have no regard for medicine; as a result of this foolishness, altruistic treatment is outlawed by moralistic politicians attempting to architect a NERF America where nobody gets a bloody nose from time to time--yet that is the price of a Free Country. Or a halfway Free Country holding no neglect for its own disabled and ill citizens. Furthermore, people prone to suffer do not deserve scrutiny for their ailing conditions, yet the comfort of God's Good Green Earth. Allow physicians to prescribe by way of their superior educations and definite lean towards sublimity. We should not make America less Free, yet allow the logic of moderation to soothe our sick.
Sincerely, Mark David King