Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Green Eunuch (Part 4) THEOTOKOS
As always--buy Mark David King's Books on Apple iTunes, the Nook, and!!!
Ooba alive with the glimmering rise of sanguine Sun,
Illuminating the moon with the innocent kiss of a Carmelite Nun--
Gentle and inviolate; moreover, on the cheek--
So wends the way of the carnally meek;
Furthermore, the Saint, Wolf, and Eunuch awoke
To a mystical woman encompassed by azure smoke,
Her attire the black of a midnight eclipse,
And underneath Her heel an adder didn't hiss
Though crushed from ever entering Her perfect form
That was outlined and loved by a God Who did adorn
Her with perpetual grace and regenerating Virginity,
Making Her an aspect of the Divine Trinity,
Being an immaculate mate and holy mother--
Stronger than the Norse god of thunder,
Alive forever to heal and love,
Eternally releasing the Holy Ghost like Noah did with the platinum dove;
Indeed, She was MARY, so glorious and keen,
Having a countenance that matched the Milky Way's mien;
Alas, She was here to guide Her three folk
Further into hell, thwarting the insidious smoke
That burned with grief, want, and desire
For eternal elation dumbfounded into the mire;
Thus, She revealed a nuclear-powered crossbow,
Handing it to Skunkfire, and he did know
That She was the best of Saint and Lady,
Resonating eternal with a nimbus gleaming hazy,
For to view Her in complete appeal
Would reveal the Beatific Vision that then might steal
All consciousness away from the flowing flock;
Hence, God muted Her beauty to make better the "Rock"--
For Pope Peter the 1st once glanced upon Her raven mane,
And without the humility of the Holy Ghost--She could drive men insane;
As a result, Catholics and the Orthodox truly know
That not even the devil's charisma can trump the Virgin's Good Glow.