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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles" -BRAGI-
I, Karsten, know 2 sing:
"Mother Nature is a Maiden enslaved,
Weeping through a womb molested,
Birthing the same foul fates upon Her soiled bosom."
Alas, the wicked seed resonates,
Yet the World Serpent raping the Ocean's Floor
Will be overcome by the Hammer of Thor;
Still, vanquished will all be
Save Balder and Bragi,
Forging fantastic--Earthly Sublimity . . .
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
Myths rooted in truth,
Slaying the reptilian uncouth;
Specifically, for Fair Maidens and Christ's Mystic Cool;
Alas, Saint George takes the Dragon 2 school--
Invoke the Saints--not dead but alive,
For the Luminosity of the Lamb's Blood gives a Soul perpetual Thrive.
Here/Now: Confusion
As wends the weird of a Lizard's intrusion.
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
The Arch-Angel Gabriel removes his helmet of bio-mechanical design
When his Nordic countenance offers Annunciation or gives a Prophet a sublime line;
Nevertheless, under cosmic attack from the hard-to-kill Adder,
Sometimes his message is mercurial as withdrawal is a necessary matter;
Indeed, it is not easy spreading God's Good Might
When under constant nag from reptilians hellbent on perpetual fight.
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I, Karsten, do ponder:
"Does the White House concerning people's skin launder?"
Futurity: Almost 4 years of power;
Next, before serpentine inherits more or does cower;
Regardless, plotting does God better than you,
Resurrecting Virgins, Saints, Eunuchs, & Confessors--armed with swords radiating a fiery hue.
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"Magnum, P.I. & The Lizard Lady"
Magnum thinking:
"Wow, Higgins will never believe me. I know I haven't had any of that crazy weed since the Vietnam War; still, this appears a bit weird. Maybe T.C. and Rick are pulling a prank on me? Those crazy guys. And the Lizard Lady does have nice hair, nah--I'm not buying into this. Got to solve this case. Maybe I'll start with the Book of Genesis. Wait a minute--does this Lizard Lady only like me for the Ferrari?"
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I, Karsten, drove pastoral Southways into the Tennessee green
Upon a chariot of public transportation resurrecting the Earth's Martian Mien;
Alas, contemplating, as a nice buzz did dictate--
The Brothers Karamazov speaking to the Virgin Mary's fate;
Specifically, She was sincerely wounded at the Crucifixion--
This Mother of Sorrow watching Adamkind's crimes convict Him;
Plus, the heretics got spawned and they cast Her out,
Planting the decadence of demons and holy doubt--
Though in the Gospel, the Arch-Angel Gabriel offers Her a Hail,
Proclaiming Her GRACE does in Heaven sail;
Hence, I am reminded of the female foot crushing the Adder--
A prophecy birthed as She will wend sadder;
As a result, She resides under discretion,
Loving the ladies of Joan's intention.
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
At the pulsating pub
Delicious tail did wrestle in the mud;
Indeed, the American Dream,
Yet the wicked are into shape-shifting, and concerning capitalism--very keen.
Clovis with a cold-poured draft, always--
Eyeballing me sideways,
Blabbering with many-a-raspy vocal chord:
"The Queen of Weapons--like King David's Goliath-pillaged sword
Speaks no lies or manipulates with misdirection;
Therefore, when Alien Contact is announced on Good Morning America--there is a section
Of truth, of fact, of God-Spawned Real;
Still, fabrication of religion/their galactic, pseudo-wise insight offers New Wine appeal
Of buxom beauty and a Rainbow Bridge's End,
Dismissing Spinoza-Like Pantheism as to that THEY cannot mend;
Hence, transcend all that is "on paper" and tangible,
For wisdom resides in the GHOST that is intangible."
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
--Clarity lost. What we know:
1.) U.S. Military has synergy with them.
2.) 2 mortally (via cranium) wounded females, prominent . . .
3.) Argument: Abrahamic repression. Follow us!
4.) Superfluous wonders beguile.
5.) Humanity convinced--these are not fork-tongued liars . . .
I, Karsten, suffer incarceration and threats. Where is the Word in Flesh?
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I am stupefied concerning the mysterious Civil War,
Feeling like an ignorant, transplanted Yankee Whore.
Tecumseh, I Karsten ponder a question, not wise without a Bio-Father;
Specifically, I know, or I think I know that some War requires burning slaughter.
And what more of an attack on America
Than the South's firm grip on charming Wisteria?
May Saint John pray for your soul,
Whether it had 2 be done or scorched for fiery control--
I do not know the minds of men,
But ask: Are there reptiles in our mammalian den?
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I, as always, have made a mistake,
Ignorantly mentioning General Grant's alcohol-infused afterlife beyond the Heavenly Gate;
Alas, enigmatic he was--
Yes, Duck Dynasty Bearded and sometimes having a buzz;
Nonetheless, even that scorching Yank, Colonel Sherman did not of him (Grant) understand--
May there be peace on the geographical resurrection of General Grant's possibly Promised Land.
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I, Karsten, again in the Bold South of it all,
Biting my vampirish tongue hellbent on consuming the Universal Christ while smok'n a Pall Mall;
Still, the effulgent, ebony lady--shimmering, so lovely, dermis;
Moreover, an Older Lady with angels in her eyes and green tea in a STAR WARS-painted thermos--
Must have got it on the Internet--clearly she enjoyed the late 70's,
And I assisted her arthritic corporeality into a liquor store buzzed on reverie--
Yes, King David did give ode 2 wine,
And the female thanked me with a strong embrace--our synergy did shine,
Forgetting the Enlisted-Southern emaciation, them hornswoggled till Gettysburg Doom
Since the lies of wealth & status did craft insidious gloom,
Convincing "them" they had superior Generals,
Yet Ulysses before Joyce ornamented in sorrowful medals
From having slain a brother's pride--
Still now drinking--on the other side . . .
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I wonder of Clovis' many-a-word
Concerning the Lt. Governor of Tennessee--which he does me: Disturb--
Wine in Grocery Stores raise domestic violence,
And the Medical Cannabis Bill (a joke) was given, before hatched, silence . . .
Plus, the Poppy's Pain Relief put 2 a stop
So that the reptile spawns mammalian suffering, greedily ingesting a Bunny's Hop;
Furthermore, ladies infected from a deviant's rape not allowed 2 cancel,
And no calming medicine allowed for constructing upon tranquil anvil.
Therefore, where resides the beautacious boon of Wise/Free Elation
That unmasks the charlatans in the Southern Nation?
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"Ukraine: Putin Has Cosmic Advantage"
Reagan surmised the future with prophetic steel, knowing the Art of War resided in space. Bush was beguiled by the distraction of men in rags--them armed with no Space Weaponry; indeed, the Arab Peoples offered no terminal resistance--it will not be the same with the Bear (Mother Russia).
Putin has only begun to extinguish our space capabilities. Furthermore, he has the cosmic might to knock out our weather, intelligence, and communication satellites. Too, the Bear's Terra-Based Military rivals if not transcends that of the United States.
We were too proud after 911. Targeting the wrong people and turning our espionage on our own citizens. Still, we are at risk from them.
God is not the Author of confusion. Obviously they got to Reagan's neurological ideals before he could forge America eternal.
* * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
I, Karsten, gravitated towards the American Civil War,
Knowing the South was quasi-Babylon's Whore;
Alas, she has geographical attraction and ghostly girls with "lovely" do appear,
Implanting nobility that thieves away a bit of fear;
Nevertheless, the adder here did reside,
And offspring resonate boldly from that reptilian ride--
For 2 knight any man a General or Judge
Based on wealth and status is a vain-painted smudge,
While futurity for the asymmetrical is sucked into the past,
Crafting an American Region hellbent on not gelling with the Union's swift and fast
Pace into Human Rights,
Dismissing Liberty for the downtrodden in fights
Against a shape-shifting adversary chaining away
All the souls wanting equal say;
Moreover, the South burned the Patriot known as OLD GLORY,
Wanting to scribe their own serpentine story,
Keeping Joan in the kitchen and Pan illegal,
While insisting they'll rise again, yet only under a heretic's steeple;
Indeed, never risen in the first place--
Gagging the Free Dove's inspirational communication for the entire human race.
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
2 introduce myself: Karsten is the name,
And only "infamy"--never fame,
For the cunning reptiles do enchant with meat,
Till la Vierge Marie steps on their leader with Her feet;
Indeed Evangelical Man--it's in the Holy Text
As is the Arch-Angel Gabriel giving Her HAIL & describing Her GRACE--She does not hex;
Alas, the adversarial organisms will kill, slander, or malign me in some way;
Hence, if you are of the Abrahamic Religions--for my weirdness pray.
I understand not what I do,
Wondering if they got 2 President Reagan before he was "in our defense" through . . .
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
Encompassed in the beauty of poverty,
I thanked the American Maker further for my pseudo-chastity;
Next, approaching my rural lawn
Arrived Clovis--looking cool like Captain Solo dubbed Han.
He offered a beer and broke the ice,
Informing why Faulkner was not so drunk as nice:
"The South had courage and was brave."
Clovis further, silent while mind-melding a crashing wave:
The South though, lacked pity and mercy,
Not having the progressive sorrow of the poet Percy;
Moreover, that is why the Beyond-Cosmic-Organism allowed them to lose the Civil War,
Not wanting the chained-captivity of any innocent girl;
Plus, now: The South still does crush what is right,
Such as a sick man's inflamed or anxious plight,
While President Obama allows every State its might
To prescribe Medical Nature for a body's need to have an organic friend in the fight.
Then, Clovis further explained:
As President Reagan pondered if THEY'RE already among us,
Lt. Governor Ramsey is sure to cuss--
My son, I say he's a reptile--
Nah, not enough cunning to the gorgeous State of Tennessee beguile.
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
My brother Cassidy wasn't smart concerning our cool Dad,
For when the Old Man would hug his grandchildren, the children would grow the opposite of mad,
And ask:
"Grandpa, how do you knock out a guy and kiss a girl's fleshy mask?"
To which he would reply:
"Holy Shamrock--life is 2 never die."
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"Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles"
Clovis (my bio-dad) appeared 2 me after his death.
Now, a demonic decade later--I still don't do meth;
Alas, was he cloned from the Angel Nation?
Sent 2 remind of my carnal frustration?
To impress: "Notice a girl with buxom mass."
Yep, woo the woman; plus, kiss her ass.
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"Ukraine Crisis: Don't Be A Fool"
The White House must wisely embrace strength merged with patience. President Reagan fantastically forged our nuclear steel; moreover, attempted to craft the cosmic Death Star, and we should use his uncanny might with caution.
George W. Bush was like: "Yeehaw! We're going to war baby!" Though he kinda/sorta dodged it himself as a young man. And the buxom symmetry of Sarah Palin bounces stupidly concerning our own nuclear jugs.
Look, President Obama recognizes the disabled and impoverished--this is a serious duty.
Furthermore, to foolishly engage the Monstrous Bear without wise consideration is to be a drunken cowboy. Being combative with the Russians will not be a mirror image of running over the Arab Peoples lacking a Navy, Air-Force, Intelligence Satellites, and armed only with slingshots while wearing rags.
Obama is no coward. He's just not a fool. Never show your hand or manifest macho bravado cause it might impress a stripper.
"Craving the Lovebox"
First of all: I am a sincere ass; nevertheless, I know the toxic dangers of intercourse--with only a singular woman, mind you. Having endured penile lacerations, permanent discoloration and slight mutation of the sought after phallic pipe, elephantitis of the nutsac; plus, the Klingon nag of cosmic crabs, which, according to my own Socratic observations by way of a magnifying glass I found in my Easter Basket one year, appear to mimic something you might hungrily order at the Red Lobster; as a result, I vomit to the day when taking in the antics of Spongebob's greedy employer.
It doesn't matter if she stalked me for a year without my attention, if she jumped naked into my third floor habitat-like window by way of a Home Depot ladder and into my adolescent bed--it was all my stupid ass fault. I should have resisted harder, not having minded being called a "fag" by my motley circle of friends for never having had the desire to lay my pipe into her attractive sewage system.
--When all your best friends are sexing your quasi-girl--you should know about it, unless you're stupid.
Never blame the forked-tongued reptile mentioned by the wisdom of the American Indian. Don't slut shame. Don't react. These girls are empowered! Women first. For a woman never lies, cheats, does your best friend, becomes the Anti-Christ, or disguises herself as the victim.
And all men paying child support are the genuine, biological fathers of these nomadic children. A woman would never manifest a fib in order to get money. DNA Testing should never be offered to men. That would insult the value of a woman.
And perhaps Oprah is right. Pure sublimity to broadcast a show on girls lacking their clitoral sunshine due to the evils of Adam and wicked emasculation; next, have Lady Bobbitt on your symmetrical show and suck out the laughter concerning a man's permanent, sexual disfigurement. And I'm still an ass.
Too, if a fancy dame treats her own, immaculate genitalia like a juicy joybox, maybe the guy should focus on a more cerebral piece of lass. But that would get him mocked. Of course . . .
King @ Amazon.Com & the Nook. Too, some @ Apple iTunes.
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"Notes: Ukraine HOTSPOT"
Joseph Conrad conquered me in the 1st Chapter, creating a self-loathing heart of darkness--too, a pseudo-autobiography of my own (Transcending Twilight); still, Ukraine, speak'n of Conrad's geographical-like birth; specifically, Europe should boldly unite, along with the cowboy philosophy of Uncle Sam.
Love the humble mystics of Dosto(y)evsky, a touch of Pushkin's leg longings, and perhaps a tease of Tolstoy. Nevertheless, we must have autonomy; if Russia does with humble/tuff nod cease; next, they will have even more autonomy.
American President Obama & German Chancellor Merkel could ultimately heal the woes of the past, forging a fantastic friendship. Oh well--who will get Manziel?
* * * Mark David King's Books @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
"Ulcerative Colitis = Southern Blood"
All you ever hear is: Crohn's Disease; moreover, while not to dismiss that crown of gastrointestinal misery--there is another: ULCERATIVE COLITIS!
Ulcerative Colitis affects the underground, in that it is not championed. A miserable butt-like disease, where inflammation and ulceration of the large intestine produces blood loss, this chronic, sanguine circumstance spawning iron-deficiency anemia, and it seems that Wikipedia denies: Blood Transfusions. For, at 117 pounds of withered bone and shrinking flesh, having up to 20 bloody & painful bowel movements daily--they infused me after nearly losing half my blood, going in and out of consciousness, till the altruistic Emergency Room Physician got me hooked up to an I.V. of godly Ichor--or it was to me.
Imagine if you had inflammation in your mouth, making your oral cavity produce blood; plus, ulcers all over that inflamed tissue and also encompassing it in a savage nature. Would that suck? Now image the complications of having Ulcerative Colitis, I ask? Hemorrhoids from chronic evacuation of the bowels; plus, the further ruination of a rectum. Then, Psoriasis swimming around the tissue of the rectum, further adding monstrous agony. This is me. My Great-Grandmother having bitten the bullet due to some form of rectal cancer. What a way to go. Though bleeding to death can be romantic, carrying you off into unconsciousness, till deeper into the esoteric cavern of eternal death. Though bleeding out of your butt is never romantic.
So, why no love for Ulcerative Colitis? Why is Crohn's Disease mentioned concerning the legality of Medical Cannabis Concepts, yet Ulcerative Colitis means nothing? Is our suffering not real? Or perhaps you never intended to pass the law, here in the Glamorous South, in the 1st place?
Cannabis is an anti-inflammatory among having other sublime virtue. That is enough to comfort the woes of a large intestine blooming with crimson inflammation. Still, no medical cannabis in Tennessee. So, some people go to the street; next, they get Mexican Dirt Weed or crap like that, offering not the organic and holistic properties of Western Pharmacies, where the cannabis is cultivated to have an intent and function of healing; plus, offering the mild narcotic bliss of perhaps a decent, 4 hours of futurity. Regardless, when you forge a Medical Cannabis Idea--you include all conditions; otherwise, you offer smack to those in corporeal need. Look, I adore the South--I know, partially, my William Faulkner. Still, why do the Western States allow their people physical solace, yet the South refuses? Moreover, cannabis use for recreation is even allowed in some Western States; as a result, the West has more Liberty/Freedom than the South--as it was, and still is, previous to the foolishly fought Civil War; we all know what Mark Twain meant after absorbing the prose of IVANHOE.
The Governor & Lt. Governor of Tennessee are so far into "supposedly" protecting the children and high-achieving, healthy people that they've forgot the downtrodden. If I lived in Colorado or Washington, I could find a doctor armed with mercy under the architecture of magnanimous law.
Here, oh well; nonetheless, the sweet green foliage of Nashville/Franklin on a blissful summer day do display more dazzle and magnificence than most of the other American geography. So, what to do? Suffer. Pray. Give to your Church if they support mercy. And maybe one day-- one red, white, & blue day . . .