Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Iron Bishop: Book of Reptiles (4)

   * * * King @ Amazon.Com, the Nook, & Apple iTunes * * *
   "Iron Bishop:  Book of Reptiles"
2 introduce myself:  Karsten is the name,
And only "infamy"--never fame,
For the cunning reptiles do enchant with meat,
Till la Vierge Marie steps on their leader with Her feet;
Indeed Evangelical Man--it's in the Holy Text
As is the Arch-Angel Gabriel giving Her HAIL & describing Her GRACE--She does not hex;
Alas, the adversarial organisms will kill, slander, or malign me in some way;
Hence, if you are of the Abrahamic Religions--for my weirdness pray.
I understand not what I do,
Wondering if they got 2 President Reagan before he was "in our defense" through . . .