Monday, December 29, 2014
ECCE HOMO; plus, American Privilege
"ECCE HOMO; plus, American Privilege"
Oh America--they monstrously mock Liberty and Free Will--
Misinformation studies are demonically forged to wither and chill;
However, regardless of rancorous obesity and the cunningly common due of death,
They compare all quasi-euphoria to their prohibition-crafted meth;
Indeed, an inflamed abdominal core bleeding till blood transfusion
Deserves a hint of King David's herbal mercy and Christ's conclusion;
Moreover, my America too--not your soulwash so as to your opinion have favor--
Saintly, Honest Abe knew: Prohibition insidiously thieves from America's Free Nature.
Too: The soberly wicked children, killing and abusing the weak--
For them: Carnal Uncool is more psychologically damaging than euphoria meek;
Plus, to brag on swine castration, bolding sodomized-deliverance--make 'em squeal--
Verily, you need an outlandish God to know the Divine Justice System's Unearthly Appeal.
* * * *
Tony Romo = Ecce Homo!
If he's not winking at the ladies in the cheap seats, he might win a few more games.