Friday, March 31, 2017

Good Friday, and pseudo-family

   "Good Friday, and pseudo-family"
   He died for YOU--not for me, but he did--are you picking up what I'm putting down?
   And quasi-caretakers that drop them in the shower, flip them over in their chairs; plus, sleep for three hours during six hour shifts; moreover, talk with profane vulgarities on their cell phones in front of a hallucinating Lewy Body-deserved woman of compassion; indeed, rebuke the fiend; moreover, give the suffering love, and they will fully see love; on the contrary, give them obnoxious and noxious noise like:  "Motherfucker!  Motherfucker!"  And they will see an adversary attempting to further cage their hellish hysteria with contaminated contagion. 
   They have mundane lives.  Have college porn girls in their closet.  Ask you for pain pills, when you don't chase the dragon, but take, compulsively, as directed.  And they break the true Law, offering false testimony, denying Shakespeare's knowledge of a stepdame making you pay for inheritance, when you are sick and weak, bleeding a bloody river, purifying every purchase with hand sanitizer, as you have to inject yourself with medication that is the ruination of lung capacity; plus, infused by Remicade for years, transcending Wikipedia, and needing an ichor transfusion for Ulcerative Colitis, pooping anguished gore on the Social Phobia of newspaper; indeed, Obsessive Social Phobia makes you, in their minds, a fanatical freak.  And you drink a beer; moreover, smoke a cigarette for cool solace and they label you an addict, while their biological systems functions without purgation, them never knwoing illumination, but cursing you away from your deserved union, not understanding:  P + I = U, as Saint John of the Cross blindly forged the first theological equation.  
   Screw their denial, as Christ turned his head from the rich man, and a crossed brethren suffering, only giving it to those that would willingly receive, for the salacious slime are tapped into by pride, arrogance, and false testimony--their proud positions are a loveless life, granting them favor from phony law, but Jesus is big brother, seeing into the locked doors and closed curtains, knowing your intentions in private, beyond the supposed hijack of Russia's spies.
   I take care of her.  I have footage.  You live an approximate 8 miles away and want her caged, while she bravely endures hallucinations, needing the sweet solace of smooth talk, the perpetual preaching of good news and cool consolation, but a McDonald's milkshake is all you can offer, attempting to make a Judas, yet we love you, and pray for you to see the light, even if it is a gentle Godsmack from a living statue of sublimity.
   Who is the curious and crazy?--Those that seek help, or those that hide porn, addiction, betrayal, and a hatred for America if it doesn't vote your way.  Support whatever King, and make America great again; otherwise, you sow confusion and belligerent betrayal against the poor in spirit, needing the mercy of the merciful, and the meekness of an Earth inheriting calm rotation.
   We are not off our meds; specifically, you need some monstrous meds, before the shinobi stabs further in the back, not facing a samurai face to face, as honor is dictated by the joyously jovial and just.