Heaven, Hell, or the neutrality of Limbo-Like spheres? It's not a Universe, but a Multiverse or a Megaverse; moreover, like a loaf of delicious bread baked to its luminous limitations, expanding beyond the reason of its apex, growing little bubbles, more unlimited Universes. But the Adder (Devil) is the Prince of this Earth as known by the living Torah, Christ. That immaculate miracle almost capable today, as a syringe full of myriads of single-minded semen could be injected through the hymen--ZANGO: Immaculate Conception is possible today; however, we are unable to clone the consciousness of the Torah and inject it into the inviolate womb of an ascetic, adolescent girl. Still--this means: God has technology, and when science and religion ultimately develope a mesh and move forward with sublime synergy; next--enlightenment for the Abrahamic theologies. However you look at it--here's how it all ignited with human consciousness: 5,000 to 8,000 years ago, a decent approximation, men developed consciousness, all around the same time; next, they architected language, forging texts that we believe to be mythical; however, this was their personal observations. Whether the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Torah, the Iliad, the Hindu epics and Eastern linguistics of passage, or in the Americas--it all claims the same thing--that gods or essences from the celestial ocean (space) came to Earth, fooled around with man (genetic engineering), and that there were reptilian creatures, flying craft and other elfin, angelic creatures, and that we should live a life of conscience due to their awakening us by giving cognizance. Thereafter, they all promise a tale of return, and of judgement, and of battles and protracted conflict. And this transcends us, for remember, the Megaverse--an unlimited amount of scenarios before entropy even gets to think about rearing the fiction and fantasy of itself.
So, why is heaven to the Abrahamic religions utopian orgasm? And why if we try to gel with that euphoric ecstasy now we are damned. So, the Republicans take away our narcotics, even though Moses and King David both scribed about seed-bearing plants and herb in the Old Testament; next, they enact legislation that incarcerates Amercians where they then are subsequently sodomized in a brutal prison system or even the light-weightedness of county lockup in some stinkhole counties. But, when in heaven they proclaim utopia. Climax, shimmering, effulgent orgasm and bliss that is similar to narcotic indulgement that they damn here and now--what fucking shitball hypocrazzy. Democrats are as easy to blame, never having their balls to the wall, but only wanting monarchy in the sense of Bill Clinton never desiring to do a bold deed, but only be adored by the masses. But nevermind--back to God and the gods, devils, demons, etc.,
Heaven maybe a playground for some, but I don't wanna sit on a cloud or screw virgins--shit, I feel reverence for the asceticism of virgins, and I want to protect them from the foul thrusts of heathens wanting to disgrace them in an immaculate sphere of sublimity. I don't want to do good works to get into heaven; I want to live a life of conscience to further my transformation into a celestial warrior--for evil is just as large as goodness. Remember the Megaverse. An unlimited amount of righting wrongs till both sides and the neutral ones even consider giving into the entropy that they constructed existence out of. Evil is monstrous and celestially brutal--remember the reptilians are amazingly mentioned in the numerous legends and Holy Books throughout our teeny/tiny globe. Yet there too resides magnanimous might, and of course the pussafied neutrals who walk the middle path, never getting the gore or ichor of slain gods on their hands. Truly, weapons forged by gods to slay gods exist. We are so young and lost unto celebrity and the animation of the Royal Family that we forget the axiomatic truth of mysticism contained in the Holy Books and even fleeting novels like the awesome Brother's Karamazov. And mysticism is, in a nutshell: Communication with supernatural creatures. Whether that be a grey alien giving you an anal probe or Moses glimpsing an aspect of the Hebrew God's hind quarter while hiding behind a rock--both ot these types of interaction grant you the title of mystic. So until they come back, or until the Genetic Revolution grants us corporeal immortality and we actually explore space beyond our bucolic galaxy, we are shit-faced fucked. Too busy fighting Arabs in the desert armed only with antiquated sling shots to give a shit about spawning a colossal space program, where we could have space marines, mine the planets of Venus and Mars, and ultimately gel science and theology and merge into the cosmological community before like ALL the Holy Texts say: They will come here, and judgement will be upon us. But I say: We get to them first. Yup . . .
Ahem, and a shameless promo as I am a rotten bastard for illuminating the obviousness of our beloved ancients: Here's my Amazon.Com Author's page where all my filthy yet altruistic literature can be obtained, thanx: My Books