Katie Holmes is not stupid--or is she? Specifically, she knew that Tom Cruise wore the badge of Scientology on his sleeve. However, she wasn't a theological master of the religion; still, she was aware of its esoteric and mysterious factor. So, what ultimately spooked her away from a Fairy Tale Marriage? Verily, nothing was getting weirder or more bizarre, for she had witnessed Tom's ascetic-like dedication to the religion, as had all of us under the glamorous glimmer of the mercurial media machine. So, why now? Why now file for divorce? Girlfriends and family getting to her is what I have my money on? Possibly spawned by their jealousy of Tom's unearthly influence. And people like that are animalistic rats, wanting to have a say to further their own inner self-centeredness. Them offering: "Katie, he's going to brainwash Suri. Katie, he's a nutjob, and Suri will be devoured by that Cult-Like religion." It's a simple power struggle, and obviously Katie's family and girlfriends wanted to stupidly stir the pot, making sure that Suri wasn't spiritually-forged by Tom's mystic mojo. So, why not the commotion when the marriage was being architected to begin with? Yup, Tom was a megastar miracle at first; next, offspring is hatched. Now, does Katie's family consider Suri to be more their property than Tom's? Believing him to be a wacko crackpot theologically armed with an underground religion that will vanquish the resonance of her Roman Catholicism. Verily, none of Katie's family or so-called concerned girlfriends are going to be canonized in any aspect of futurity--so what's the buzz? Yup, he's got a wacky belief system, and her intruding family and whispering girlfriends won't let Mamma have none of that.
Obviously Cruise wasn't domestically abusing Katie. Most likely wasn't cheating on her. Definitely adored and loved her as well as Suri. And in swift and gracious motion allowed divorce on her terms. So why did the media give Cruise the blues? Come on--if we're talking about Meg Ryan cheating on Dennis Quaid or Demi Moore morphing Cougar and dumping the world's most excellent action star or Arnold Schwarzenegger banging the maid--yep, that's being a crummy spouse, but Cruise had reverence and respect for his matrimonial kin--so why are we saying Katie played her cards right, or Katie was so smart in taking down Tom? What the f%$# did Tom do, except have a progressive religion? And why would it be wrong for someone's daughter, their flesh and blood (not yours), to follow in their patriarchal footsteps? So what if somebody has a weirdo Dad that has a Cult-Like religion--does that mean Mitt Romney's wife should divorce him? What's weirder: A Scientologist or a Mormon?
All in all, Tom Cruise has some serious witchcraft, and that's what this entire divorce is about, that and making sure Suri doesn't become engaged in an elusive theological ideal. And Cruise is getting the worst of it, this all fabricating a giant poop sandwich that he has to take a public bit of, and then digest it. Too, the females are celebrating Katie's supposed victory over a man, and the Evangelicals are partying in Osteen's narrow-minded teaching that only Christ makes right; moreover, everybody is celebrating that Tom Cruise has to eat that big shit sandwich, and it kind of makes losers like me sick to my gut. But hell: I'll say it to Katie too: "You go girl!" Ah crap . . .
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