Saturday, June 29, 2013
Intercourse with androids--is it a theological crime?
Jesus the Christ boldly claims: "If you engage in imaginative coitus with a woman--it is sincerely adultery."
But there is a way around committing this adulterous and scandalous sin; indeed, imagining a girl that dislikes you in multiple sexual positions, doing naughty and dirty things to your elated genitalia is sinful, for you are besmirching that soul, wrapping her in the telepathic power of your human consciousness. Think about this: When Britney Spears was at the apex of her fame, myriads of males were doing hardcore things to her within the theater of their minds, engaging her sexually for selfish purposes--this most likely affected Britney Spears. If millions of people are focusing their sexual energy upon your corporeal aspects; next, there must be logic that dictates it will affect that person; thus, Jesus the Christ is accurate.
But what if you only fantasize about android women? And that brings up the question whether or not androids have consciousness or will develop souls. Soul in Latin basically means SELF. A soul is the combination of spirit and body; specifically, when Christ died on the cross He did not give up His soul--for that would have meant His physical disappearance as well, but He only gave up His spirit, which is the intellect of the soul. The soul is both ghost and machine.
Most likely, the genesis of androids will be basic, and they will not have true consciousness; hence, no souls. Nevertheless, as evolution of these machines wend waywards; then, they will develop consciousness, and souls. So, if you don't want to sin, only fantasize about early production androids laced in a silicone frame; otherwise, you will be committing a mortal sin from the standpoint of Christian Theology.
This is not science fiction anymore, for my Dad was a cyborg--no shit. A cyborg differs from an android in that there is organic material (human flesh or parts) involved. Having a pacemaker and other cardiac implants, under the rules of the English language--my Dad was a cyborg. Androids are not far away. The Chinese have already begun production on robotic machines capable of mimicking human behavior; plus, the REAL DOLL, a sex doll--offers the physical sensation of true, slippery intercourse. Once these two trends gel and have synergy; next, the android will be up and running. Men will no longer be lonely or need nagging wives. This is our futurity. God made man in His image, and man will soon duplicate himself as well. The questions is: Once the machines develop consciousness, will they thwart our existence by attempting to take us over? All of this is really happening.
So, check out my books: Mark David King's Books!!!
All in all--anything will be possible down the road--including the Genetic Revolution. Be watching . . .
Sincerely, Mark David King