Sir Mark Sykes, master of the Middle East (sorta/kinda) expounded about Muhammad this way: "The Four Winds were silent. The big neon glitter shimmered above in effulgent motion; thus, for Muhammad--there was no denying the existence of God."
What makes Islam so unearthly in magnificent fashion is the mysticism of Muhammad--mysticism meaning: The co-action of God and man; specifically, the synergy of organic Earth gelled with something supernatural. And this is how it was for the magnanimous Prophet.
Like a rapper was Muhammad. He was young and not literate, though could spawn poetry divine. A loafer of the desert. A second rate man. Just like might be some type of African-American thug who hasn't climbed the scholastic ladder of academia but is able to forge words in uncanny fashion, rapping better than a Harvard Scholar might dream--this is Muhammad; next, the arch-angelity of Gabriel does emerge, crafting monstrous mysticism; indeed, the arch-angel Gabriel gives the Prophet the gift of literacy. As a result--the genesis of the Koran. Unlike the Torah or New Testament where prophets and saints are filled with the Holy Ghost to pen theology, the Koran is direct dictation from the supermundane mouth of the arch-angel, being the exact words of the Abrahamic God, or so the story goes. Therefore, education does not fabricate good literature, but it is mysticism that scribes the highest awesomeness of the written word. The Koran is the apex of literature in that it directly descends from the mouth of the Supreme Ruler of the gods, given ink-tinted ode by the hands of an illiterate man. Nothing in literature outshines the Koran in its miraculous birth by a second rate poet made immortal by way of Gabriel's mystical communication.
But we are ignorant of Islam in the States. We dismiss it as stupidity in motion. We aren't educated or made the wiser concerning its mystical aspects. We label it monstrously macabre and deliciously evil. And some sects of Islam are; nevertheless, some are the Holy Sparks of sublimity. Jesus the Christ is alive and breathing in the text of the Koran, though not perishing at Calvary, yet ascending directly beyond the Sublime Perimeter and into the ranks of an Abrahamic Empyrean. Too, the Virgin Mary is honored more than the heretical mouths of Protestants who consider Her apparitions as Satanically-charged spiritualism. Verily, we are all a bunch of sons of bitches; hence, know your adversary. Study him. Love him. Forgive him; next, Christ enters. Like the most potent of all Catholic Saints, Saint John of the Cross boldly brags: "When all is emptied, when the window pane is wiped free of grime and smudged clear; then, the Good God can enter." This is the Union-crafted Way of Catholic mysticism, transcending the illuminative way. Why aren't soldiers masters of Islam before the battle? Why do we hate what we cannot see?
Truly, to dismantle the enemy is the sublimity of knowing him. Blind kills only birth more kills. The Abrahamic religions need synergy and to mesh mystically. It is all the same God--the superlative God. Hell, hate the Hindu faith or Buddha and his Middle Path, but the desert religions of Abraham are blood, spiritual blood. But like the Protestants hating the Catholics we fight amongst ourselves for no solid reason. We are deaf and dumb to the core of reason. Hating the immaculate nature of the Virgin Mary has caused many a Protestant in Ireland to gun down virginal, Catholic girls. And now, we are killing our own theological brothers instead of offering the Ultimate Reformation. A benevolent Reformation rooted in the Patriarch Nature of God Himself, not one spawned by a loser who couldn't deal with the rigidity of asceticism as was the flatulent Martin Luther lost to his own libido. Alas, gel. Just fucking gel!
That is all, and, as always, my books available on Amazon.Com, Barnes and Noble.Com, Apple iTunes, the Nook--buy here: King's Books!
Sincerely, Mark David King