Concerning my last Blog dealing with Trayvon and Zimmerman--I feel stupid. Look, with African-Americans and Whites there is this maxim: Some are good, some neutral, others, well, you know . . .
Whether black or white, there's always the dolts--like me. And the loss of an adolescent life (Trayvon) is to be remembered with prayer, and yes, rallies and such, for the youth is the futurity of our planet within the Megaverse.
I just hate it how people want to GET Zimmerman. Like punish the man. Lock him up and throw away the key. It freaks me out that there can be such hate, like with all the crappy white groups bent on exclusivity. We need to gel. Thank God black/white marriages are up in the numbers--we need to further have sublime synergy and be a united people.
I remember being younger and watching the late Steve McNair play Quarterback in the NFL. I freaking wanted to be that guy--the dude with awesome dexterity, able to scramble with sheer athleticism; plus, pass like an altruistically-drunken Kenny Stabler. Yes, having vodka in the huddle before the big game, drawing plays on the sandy turf.
I guess it comes down to tension and melancholy, seeming to resonate forever--I hope not. We just have to ignite our cerebral capacity, and gain wise insight into the lives of those different than us, imagining and brainstorming their trials and tribulations, like Clinton saying: "I feel your pain." But it's true in plenty of ways. So if you're pissed at someone; next--deal with that person, but not the whole world of different peoples.
Sincerely, Mark David King