My book, (I'm Gay, And I Hate Myself: American Loser), offers the sublimity of criticism concerning Oprah; specifically, Oprah has been witnessed commenting: "God is Love." She is thieving away this theological theorem from the likes of the New Testament, inspired by Saint Paul. Moreover, I have no idea why the Holy, Roman Catholic Church canonized Saint Paul's scribble more than the plethora of other Gospels able to choose from. Verily, there is a reason Christ's Words are in Red. He usurps Paul; alas, His Gospels trump the religious might of all the New Testament.
My point is this: Pat Benatar had it right, angelically singing: "Love is a Battlefield!" Verily, when a girl is young, ripe, and hot; next, she will be pursued by a myriad of males, them offering up their genitals and cerebral capacity; plus, bank accounts and ability to score the good shit. The female decides what boy to choose based on the boy's ability to Bring It.
My wife left me after almost 20 years of being together; alas, I lost the fight to another man. Nonetheless, I don't blame this man, for if I was him--I too would want to have had sex with my ex-wife. As a result, what would beating his ass accomplish? Prove I'm the superior fighter, a true scrapper at heart; at the same time, he still would be the voracious victor and champion of my ex-wife's vagina. He beat me. He nastily nailed her better, and I have to coolly cope. He had more money, more fame, better looking, lasted (sexually) longer, was bigger, a better comedic spirit, whatever reason--he fucking beat me. He took her. So why the hell be bitter? Gel with the defeat, and let it spawn you divine. There are plenty of lewd and lascivious women who desire my attractive thrusts in the arena of intellectual symposium; plus, bedroom skills are decent, as the ex-wife trained me, forging my actions talented and architected by carnal couth.
Look, even Iron Mike Tyson got worked over a few times--that doesn't make him a pussy. Abe Lincoln was anthropologically correct in stating: "All men are created equal." For some men look like Brad Pitt, others endowed like Ron Jeremy, others funny as Johnny Carson, and others as smart as Albert Einstein; indeed, it is a level playing field concerning how to make "smitten" a gorgeous lass. And that is why love is a battlefield. Girls are pretty. Too, they're plentiful in nature, so even if one dumps you; next, there's a bunch of magnanimous bush waiting for you on the other side. Don't hate your ex, but adore her angelic curves and butt fantastic. For staying friends gives you the mercurial ecstasy of maybe making love to her once again someday--even if he is the BEST, for your second place Silver Medal promises you a chance of forever in her heart. No shit . . .
Too, buy my books: King's Books!
Sincerely, Mark David King