Lance Armstrong is not a villain. A-Rod is not a nefarious angel fallen from heaven. Barry Bonds doesn't drown puppies. Nonetheless, they are besmirched with the bad attitude of legalists and law makers. In the words of William Blake: "The moral Christian is the cause for the unbeliever and their laws."
If we strip away these legends of the game their well-deserved accolades; next, we must banish classic literature and the social sciences architected by narcotic use; plus, allow the Japanese and Germans to rule the world. U.S. Military pilots were pumped up on amphetamines during bombing raids, but that's okay. Jack Kerouac penned On The Road by way of using dextroamphetamine. Poe chased the dragon with opiates to awesomely forge his prose. Carl Sagan engaged in the benign use of marijuana, an anti-oxidant and performance enhancer, in order to morph physics into linguistics. Freud crafted many a snowman, getting his frontal lobe stimulated in order to cope with romantic sufferings. Should we censor everything due to drugs? Should we continue to incarcerate non-violent drug offenders in prison where they are brutally sodomized? Is this the once great United States of America? Eric Holder swiftly pursuing the incarceration of anybody different than him. Why doesn't President Obama step down since he used narcotics in his sonic adolescence? It's Anti-Constitutional for the American Government to declare WAR upon its own people--and that is exactly what the Drug War is: A Declaration of War by the American Government upon its own people.
Though this is a Libertarian stance, taxing legalized drugs would allow these here States of America to pay off the Chinese debt in a matter of months and recapture our country's economic suavity that thrived under Reagan and Bill "Elvis" Clinton. But the moralists pounce on liberty. Land of the free and home of the brave--you have to be brave in order to have freedom. You have to be able to not give a shit about what your neighbor does in the privacy of his own suburban habitat. Instead, the DEA, wearing bandit-like masks, break into the houses of peaceful US Citizens, shoot the family dog, and spawn the ruination of decent families. This should not be happening in America.
And look at former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, he openly admitted on Letterman's Show that he used steroids--now how the hell did they fuck up his life? The dude thrived and made billions, married a Kennedy, and birthed numerous children from the fruit of his steroid-laced loom. It's not axiomatic that the ingestion of drugs will cripple a person. Sure there will always be addicts, but that shouldn't be the problem for the person who has no addictive personality. It's not my problem that Rush Limbaugh got hooked on pain pills and attempted to illegally score them, but because of losers like that, my physician will look twice at me before prescribing something that may give me comfort. All these weak-minded addicts and people like Dr. Drew are a bunch of anti-American scum. I'm sorry for their pain and suffering, more sorry for their nefarious philosophies that assist in the incarceration of non-violent drug offenders who are then raped in our shitty prison system. If I have a really bad headache on the weekend, can't get into my regular physician--why the hell can't I go to the drug store and buy an opiate-laced product for my excruciating pain? Then, let the government tax the shit outta it, making them trillions? Because of the pharmaceutical lobbies that wanna push Prozac on the foolish Nation--Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, things like Prozac and Paxil are oversold by doctors who can't prescribe things like medical marijuana if not in the Western States, and Eric Holder still wants to bust those people out there, no shit. Verily, SSRI's only work like this: 1 out of 5 people will have healing effects from this supposedly anti-depression medication. 60 Minutes did an exclusive on this anthropological axiom, showcasing how placebo was just as effective.
Regardless, here we go, butting into the lives of decent people, locking up our athletes because they took a performance enhancing substance. Not all people have the genetic jubilation of people like Shaq, and if I had to guard that dude in the NBA, damn--I'd want some steroids for the gladiatorial occasion.
So, that's me, and check out my books: King's Books!
Sincerely, Mark David King