Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dealing With Physical Pain From Ulcerative Colitis

   All the new health trends embraced by Pop-Cultural Physicians may be true.  Last night I dangerously devoured a London-Broiled Roast Beef sandwich with Horseradish; however, it was on multi-grain bread.  Still, today I feel the sour punch in my colon.
   At only 40, I've had numerous colonoscopies, a blood transfusion for the Jehovah's Witnesses, Remicade Infusions, Steroid Infusions, a plethora of pills and all the rest.  Nonetheless, the large intestine acts as if an adversary, flaring with inflammation and ulceration, bleeding me anemic, and what the hell can I do but cope.
  Narcotic should not be a bad word.  I've never abused pain medication, and there should not be a nefarious attachment associated with comfort.  Having dealt with constipation for months at a time, it would be foolish to take more than 2 opiate-spiked pills prescribed by a physician, for they have constipating effects.  There is no ethical blunder in being a stable patient, and people should not feel ashamed to ask for pain medication.  It's not axiomatic that everybody will become addicted; specifically, there are a myriad of medicated people doing so properly.
   Naps help too.  Just stay tough and pray to God that you can have the smooth suavity of a normal bowel movement.
   Too, buy my books:  King's Books  
   Sincerely, Mark David King