Friday, September 27, 2013

Rumblitis--Chapter Ten

   As Always--my books:  King's Books! 
   Staci Rumble was casual with Her Almighty power to Superposition Her Holy-Constructed Self.  Like Mork to Orson, she communicated with the Hebrew God; moreover, kept a cosmic eye on Ray.
   This was the Castle Christ spoke of.  (See KJV, John 14:2)  The many-roomed mansion.  The Rumble household haunted by Xelba, a torturous churn of paradise, promising euphoric culmination.  God Himself is beyond the fabric of fantasy or mathematical equation.  Like Saint Thomas Aquinas blinded by his last mystical vision, this causing him to offer cessation to the quill, Ray was lovingly murdered by God.  He (God) is a slippery Orca in the sea foam-green of it all--it being an all-encompassing lagoon of lucidity. 
   "Damn."  Ray hesitated.
   The Ex-Canadian Punter was phobic about falling into the Caribbean-themed water and getting eaten by the Holy Killer Whale.  Worse, passed through the intestinal tract and turned into poop.  Everything cursed the mind of Ray, and he hated his own stupidity and emasculating imagination.  But he had to continue on, for Christ never gave up on him, and he would be wise to return that remarkable favor.