Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Smoked By The Gods

   "Smoked By The Gods"
Canis latrans, their medicine bag resides in bushy, enveloping tail;
Moreover, the Poetic Novella Werewolf Slut offers a barking bard outshining harrowing fail
Of axiomatic love thwarted by envious cruel;
Thus, sprouting fanged-incisors to foxily fool,
Yet the wickedly sublime power of a gallant gal hornswoggled by the Gods
Spawns sophisticated synergy with Them--she gives prostrating nod;
Alas, de vos entrailles transcends singularity of womb,
Birthing us demi-gods by way of atomic essence that does from our innards zoom
Beyond our mundane plight of American Life,
Slaving for freedom--possibly the Holy Spirit of 1776 will ignite your flight;
Nevertheless--BEWARE:  Don't get arrested (as I did) for writing poetry--
Words, words, words--can proudly craft an insidious amount of multi-masked adversaries.

Monday, December 29, 2014

ECCE HOMO; plus, American Privilege

   "ECCE HOMO; plus, American Privilege"   
Oh America--they monstrously mock Liberty and Free Will--
Misinformation studies are demonically forged to wither and chill;
However, regardless of rancorous obesity and the cunningly common due of death,
They compare all quasi-euphoria to their prohibition-crafted meth;
Indeed, an inflamed abdominal core bleeding till blood transfusion
Deserves a hint of King David's herbal mercy and Christ's conclusion;
Moreover, my America too--not your soulwash so as to your opinion have favor--
Saintly, Honest Abe knew:  Prohibition insidiously thieves from America's Free Nature.
Too:  The soberly wicked children, killing and abusing the weak--
For them:  Carnal Uncool is more psychologically damaging than euphoria meek;
Plus, to brag on swine castration, bolding sodomized-deliverance--make 'em squeal--
Verily, you need an outlandish God to know the Divine Justice System's Unearthly Appeal.  
   * * * *
Tony Romo = Ecce Homo!
If he's not winking at the ladies in the cheap seats, he might win a few more games.  

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Southern Gothic Werewolf In Nashville

   "A Southern Gothic Werewolf In Nashville"
Miss Mandy McKelvy dreamed of a juicy & elongated, frankfurter Dodger Dog--
To carnivorously devour the mystic meat that won't her werewolf arteries clog;
Indeed, a high-school cutie, being a rocket southpaw for her varsity baseball team--
This sophomoric werewolf girl could cannon the stitched heat with mystic gleam;
As a result, she is perniciously prone to crave a boy's semi-innocent liver;
Thus, a wacky, pubescent poet dubbed Jelly Roll--will with St. Michael's exorcism deliver.
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble; plus, all Internet Bookstores.   

Friday, December 26, 2014

Otherworld--The Scent Of Mag Mell

"Otherworld--The Scent Of Mag Mell"  
Oh Living Christ and Gods Galore--I swear I did smell
The kind and gentle, shifting-nature of a Nun goddess ornamented so well
In a black wolf pelt of wonders possibly eternal,
Pulling my life force unto her milky maternal;
Alas, only as a poor man coyote can I somewhat claim,
And as an American--to the Irish we have not as much fame;
Nevertheless, the Liberty-Loving Shapeless Divine need a habitat too--
I will follow the enchanted sailors beyond the turf of Emerald Hue.  

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Adoration, never temptation towards an elegant angel,
For it might free the Holy Spirit from Christ's Holy Navel;
Moreover, for many this week we celebrate Cristes Maesse (Mass Of Christ);
Thus be marvelously merry, cookie-eat'n, elegantly tipsy, and fruitcake-spiced,
Ornamenting the Yule-Tree
With an appealing sparkle for jolly Saint Nicholas to clearly see.   

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers

   "Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers"
The Wily Wheaten don't know defeat'n;
The Wily Wheaten gives joyous greet'n!
* * * *
Irish Known:  Possibly the high-powered terrier spirit was Divinely Crafted to inflict population control over vermin, yet used as a working dog, possibly; furthermore, Wheaten Lore suggests that this remarkable, trickle-down from the wolf  doggie was used by the poor, blending in with the sheep and keeping Wheaten Command by way of play, tricks, and fiercely affectionate cunning.
                                        . . .  THE WILY WHEATEN . . .

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ode To Catholic Women

   "Ode To Catholic Women"
Je vous salue, Lady,
You are yummalicious potatoes and flax seed gravy;
Indeed, invoke apathy concerning the Reformation,
For they believe you are too much part of the Pagan Nation,
And wonderful Wicca claims you don't have magic,
Yet an inviolate Nun might feed a mystical rabbit in her adoring habit--
Just relax and follow the loving Lord;
If they live by way of the cutting blade; next--they perish by the sword.  

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tennessean Files--Wolves, Coyotes, And Foxes

   "Tennessean Files--Wolves, Coyotes, And Foxes"
Me:  1990's--carrier 4 Nashville Banner & witching hour Tennessean.  Went from paperboy to King of the paperboys; plus, arrested, suburban-habitat swarmed by deputies for forging 90 page, ambiguous poem; next, leaving the artistically weird document on my American property for a pseudo-intellectual (me too) nurse to fetch, her armed with rebel-like, proud standards.

WOLF:  awesome, mighty, don't smell my shit unless you want to be humped by me.
COYOTE:  good-looking, crazy eyes, balance, mockery--a fine mystical mutt.
FOX:  Eternally beautiful, crafty, gentle yet smartly savage.
My observations of the two:
1.)  Neighborhood fox crushed by late-night vehicle.  I observed the canine-like family for some months.  Deputies had blue lights on to investigate the brutal death of a gorgeous creature.  I prayed. Shaken.  Pissed.  Would date a fox-like human.

2.)  Daystar hinting of arrival.  Had slung near 300 papers, throwing up, in suburban driveways for hours.  Then, roadkill.  I stopped.  Got out of ride.  Bent down.  Smoldering coyote passing eternity-ways till  resurrection, rebirth, whatever.  Smelled the dead-eyed beast, it glaring at the curious Otherworld; hence, I invoked Saint Francis to pray for the sublime soul of such an American survivor.  Too, called authorities to have body honorably removed.  

Coydogs viewed as well.  Local paper, I worked for 'em, reported the hybrid dogs as a violent nuisance.  Deputies given unjust authority to shoot on sight.  Yup . . .  Them the late 90's in Franklin/Nashville Tennessee.    

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Saint Francis: A Fool For Wolf

   "Saint Francis:  A Fool For Wolf"  
What a sissy name, Francis--might a highly-educated thug say;
Still, a brave tour in a gore-smeared Crusade!?!
Furthermore, a Christ-Crafted Saint by war observed--him a humble, moonbeam ray,
Resonating brilliantly meek and having luminous potential--to this future day.
What a fool for Christ--to tame the carnivorous wolf with the Trinity Sign--
It being a bit pagan, yet synonymous with the Singular Divine.
Yup:  A little man, modest till crazy, eating the body of a Lamb,
Doing "what is always right" as wends his will to sorrow damn.   

Monday, December 8, 2014

They're Cops--Not Soldiers

   "They're Cops--Not Soldiers"   
Cuff & clasp--for walking on the Free, American Grass;
Hence, who is the real ass?
Regardless, not just rooted in dermal degree,
For I was once arrested for crafting poetry;
Moreover, No Fighting Words or Clear & Present Danger;
Plus, Ambiguous Prose; thus, 1st Amendment should have saved me like an Army Ranger;
Still, poor, different, mentally ill, and yes, black--
The once neighborhood friendly Starsky & Hutch is now juiced to attack--
Yup:  We all have targets on our back,
But our police shouldn't play soldier boy--
Join the Marines (War Corps) if you want to break another's toy.
Part of the community, respectfully talking a man down,
Not punishing the downtrodden citizen  for wearing the tears of a melancholy clown.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

All I'm Say'n:

   "All I'm Say'n:"
Wicca don't be so FLIGHT with Catholicism, especially of the Irish Forge,
For theirs is a Step-Remote Pagan--though not a Partying-Polytheistic Gorge!
Do the Protestants call the Catholics the Devil?
Yet in the Vegetative Christ might they revel?
Knowing:  Power is available in Every Nation--
Even a Mortified Catholic can do,
Beloved--to both:  Adore & Tame the Shrew.  
We are All, mostly, trying!

How did Captain Hook die???
--Jock Itch . .  .

Saturday, November 29, 2014

la Sainte Vierge

   "la Sainte Vierge"  
The Brothers Karamazov wisely frightens me,
Especially crucifixion sorrows endured by the Saintly Virgin as mentioned--2 us more free;
Nevertheless, Her corporeal womb crafted the Living Christ,
Birthing Genetic Love--intrinsic with a super-biology spliced--
A Mighty God totally tough & true,
Falling in favor with a Superior Virgin's Azure Hue;
Thus, redemption in that Lovely-Forged Lamb;
Also, wise for America to not Liberty damn,
Yet architect a Joan that amazingly can
Endure existence till evolved a Saint,
Shielding against Liberty getting the misinformation taint--
Too:  We are human (some are) full of trepidation,
Yet an attempt towards sublimity--thieves the phobia and preserves the Nation. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Domino--American Forged

Miss Neena was carried into the reverse-flux of all time,
Into the 1990's when Volcano Girls  radio-waved & Elvis Clinton did "is" rhyme;
Moreover, the 2nd Amendment safeguards the 1st--
No country would invade victorious, getting many-a-citizen's worst;
Specifically, an adversary beyond our Armed Forces, Police, & National Guard
Would mercurially retreat as our modern Minutemen would soooo totally play hard;
Alas, only should a projectile weapon be used to shield your virtue--
Domino knows:  well-schooled, wherever, makes the haters less hurt you.  

Sunday, November 23, 2014

AMERICA--once, a Free Country!

   "AMERICA--once, a Free Country!"  
Madmen--they might be salaciously dubbed;
Nevertheless, constructing freedom for all sinking in ultra-conservative mud;
Indeed, whether a horse shot out from under General George,
Or a rock star reputation for Benji Franklin's desire to LIBERTY forge--
True America did outshine terror and phobic politicians crafting more legal fear;
Hence, make the "pseudo-patriot act" sweetly disappear--
Allow us mixed immigrants to magnanimously imbibe, willfully write, & revere all people;
Plus, grant us free worship in mud huts or underneath the apex of ostentatious steeple,
For to bind a soul living under the fortunate flap of OLD GLORY,
Wickedly thieves away our liberty-loving story. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Black Canary Sings To Liberty!!!

   "Black Canary Sings To Liberty!!!"
Forgive my artist; he has never been comforted by buxom beauty.

Dinah Drake offers no manifestation of screaming, canary cries,
For her lovemake is never disguised by the glamour of the fishnet thigh-high;
Still it worked for the gravely-singing cat, Tina Turner;
Thus, original Black Canary acts & impersonates; plus, Judo--a many-hued learner.
And what of the modern system in America--
Doesn't this wend against Benji Franklin's Liberty-Loving hysteria?
So, might as well make liquor illegal in the American South;
Next, there will be medical beer from the government's fork-tongued mouth--
See how it feels to have a disease
And not enter the sublimity of a healing, buzzed state that does shrink and seize
Growing inflammation and raging tumor trouble--
Yup, America:  Don't live in an anti-liberty, conservative-constricting bubble.   

Friday, November 21, 2014

My Funky Baby!

   "My Funky Baby!"
I want everybody to meet my Funky Baby!!!
She's so funky now,
My Funky Baby--
She's so funky now--
She's making gravy!
She's so funky now;
I want her rabies!
She's so funky how!?!
Like peaches tasty.
She's gone funky wow!
Saves from Hades.
She shifts funky now!
Our luv is Mercedes.

And yes, crappy, distorted crayon art--it spat furiously from a questionable quill without the illumination of desk or lamp, like Benji Franklin's Autobiography trumping the Dr. Oz diet--only targeted towards "woman-kind"; specifically, a Southern Man says of the esoteric physician:  "Boy!  He comes from the Land of Oz."     
PSEUDO-BLACK CANARY (possibly, a Funky Baby).    

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Graveyard Womb 4; Moreover--Psylocke & Werecoyotes

   "Graveyard Womb 4; Moreover--Psylocke & Werecoyotes"  
Alas, Serpens, the Constellation divided into the synergy of two--
One, possibly patriotic--other:  invasion of our soothing Earth/Superman Blue;
Thus, Bernhard respectfully invoked the Wise Iroquois
Schooled NOT in that Myth is mere Myth; plus, allowing a serpent to rightfully annoy;
As a result, illuminated in the fashion of Crimson Savior,
Rolling Lando's dice, and betting on Princess Leia's true flavor--
He gives hearts--red, white, and blue,
Knowing:  LIBERTY is sincerely keen for the downtrodden too!
And, while wolves are robust and foxes crafty--
It is the neutral coyote that wily precipitates sublimity--constructing beauty through crazy.  
Oops--crappy crayon art, it cruelly forged and distorted by mercurial sip or two of Canadian lager--no crap . . .

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Graveyard Womb 3

   "Graveyard Womb 3"
Bernhard blossomed beautiful--even more,
Feeling guilt and shame giving the gift of living after the score;
Next, knowing better authors always exist, hearing an angel's harp--
It playing Davidian love from the start.
King Of Hearts:
Yes--it shrinks the brain--if selfishly used.

Then too, the reptilian brain stem constricts, binding itself.  If only the greedy youth wouldn't bully, kill, and smear with misinformation--and out of envy, mostly.  So, why the sword inserted into your royal head on your playing card?
King Of Hearts:
First love--she assisted me in a desire for self-mutilation; on the contrary, a Vegetation God can never truly die, resurrecting till Sun's golden kiss.
Yeah, like a gorgeously smart girl says before getting ready for prom:  "Take me for a ride in the Millennium Falcon."    

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Graveyard Womb 2

   "Graveyard Womb 2"
Bernhard heard snake-oiled politicians speak to the Middle Class,
Never once mentioning the poor, and how they work off their unrecognized ass,
Knowing:  The spiritually poor can never be charmed,
For theirs is a tragic yet steeled love song,
Not selfishly holding onto the false deity known as the dollar,
Yet embracing faith and incorporeal love that shapes their ghosts taller;
Indeed, hardly anything by man is forged for the rejected,
So Bernhard shape-shifted his essence into a hero that Christ reflected,
Bringing King David's herb to a withered, old lady residing in an elegant shanty,
Giving her the squeezed sponge Christ drank of, which came in handy,
For the Messiah took all of the Earth's pain,
Psalming perhaps, at first, that of complain;
Next, relieved by Pilate's possible mercy--
Proclaimed:  "It is done!"  And was no longer capitalistically thirsty.  

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Graveyard Womb

   "Graveyard Womb"
Bernhard legally immigrated from Northern Europe (had many an ulcer sore)--
Into the bravery of the American South's "pretty girl" core;
Alas, only the merciful West soothes with God & Nature's lore;
Thus, local Black Market offers gateway with wicked arsenal of non-organic galore.
Still, Bernhard gallantly braved with healing steel,
Imbibing lab-crafted medicine giving toxic side-effects waaaay too real;
As a result, he resisted not evil, knowing:  Christ resided under:  "I AM" steeple.
So, Bernhard took the mask of the adversary in symbol, like might:  SCARLET PIMPERNEL,
Soul-storming a gracious gift for all the wilted elderly--those absent of a diary's quill;
Plus, that of the youth gone sonically ill.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Secret Concerning HOT Girls!

   "The Secret Concerning Hot Girls!" 
Flaxen barley, shimmering into symmetrical spun, champagne mane
Births:  Freya's handmaiden; alas--nope, never a shame;
However, once gelled and a singular synergy fluxing,
Adversaries will spawn, your precious LOVE hunting--
Know:  To dismiss beauty might be a sin;
Still, it will frustrate and craft hate's kin;
Thus, HOT girls require a man, even if in female form;
Hence, carry protection to humble envy with the mercy of KNOWN crowned thorns--
It is all a gamble, either which way,
Stay @ least semi-innocent and to a LOVING God pray,
Yet carry the steel, even in your mind,
Gleaming the blade by never leaving a man behind.   

Monday, November 3, 2014

Francis in Vatican City

   "Francis in Vatican City"
Dismissing the theological fight of fire with fire--
Pope Francis' flame is aqua-azure, soaring higher;
Plus, blessing the awkward and unwanted,
Never wanting the guilt-ridden to be venomously hunted;
Alas, as with Mahatma Gandhi, King Jr., & the Living Christ,
There is a bounty on morphing their perception--an insidious heist
Of sorts, desiring the continuation of chaos as it thinks itself proudly deserved,
And yes, but not at the price of sublimity being obscured.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Transcending Twilight: Sublime Times

   "Transcending Twilight:  Sublime Times"
Past History:  Forged 4 all eternity;
Specifically, this be resonating reverie--
@ 17, River Phoenix-looking Bob (Mad Shitter) with mullet worn nice
Gets rudely flipped-off by 3 college guys;
Thus, he returns THE BIRD, and is followed by their car; then, they park,
Attacking:  Him punched in the ear as he hollers 4 Bon Jovi Marc,
And Bon Jovi Marc enraged with spinning rake
Samurai swings it, until jetting outta his hand 2 late;
Hence, the post-pubescent Mr. Duke, with American Beer in hand,
Linguistically constructs a peaceful time & land--
They retreat;
The luminous spirit of Angie has shapely feet--
Look, I'm a smoldering prick,
Even in nostalgic trance, riding a mystic broomstick;
Alas, evolution can make timid and sweet a back-stabbed dude;
Still, in America--it is fair to manifest a cerebral rap with mild attitude;
As a result, calm and loving,
Sending positive awesomeness to adversaries--and they were very becoming.   

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Blasphemy: Limiting Our Gods

   "Blasphemy:  Limiting Our Gods"
The Abrahamic God is not limited 2 The Holy Bible;
Alas, He has a misinformation-spitting adversarial rival;
Indeed, Pope Francis knows:  "Do not lock God in a small-minded box!"
For this is when the Galactic Serpent mocks,
Even tricking Wicca into thinking that the Gods can't mix,
Yet an Abrahamic Messiah would Thor's flat tire fix,
And the Twosome might drink some Nordic Ale and Hebrew Wine,
Both axiomatically knowing:  Freya's beauty is sincerely Divine.
Thus, what to do Wicca, when Gods from other Earths OUR planet invade?
Don't you know:  The Multiverse can usurp OUR Sun, Moon, & Earth made?
Hence, like Martin Luther King Jr. gelling our humanity 4 a stronger man--
The Gods too might be keen on meshing for Multiversal plan.
Furthermore:  A Simple Man can be as mighty as an immortal,
Harnessing the atom's power--MAN has vaporized more than fanged, vampiric portal.  

Eva (The Hungry Serb 4)

   "Eva (The Hungry Serb 4)"
Eva's benevolent Karmic summary gently illuminated her with wondergaze dreamsleep--
Her sweetly ghoulish mentors rewarding with pearls 2 keep;
Indeed, like Benji Franklin's forgotten America,
Allowance of free life numbs hysteria,
For it is the land of the free & home of the brave;
Hence, remember:  It takes bravery to offer another soul the freedom that does save--
So don't mind your neighbors and their quirky garden gnomes;
Even the oddly bizarre can bring peace to suburban homes.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Eva (The Hungry Serb 3)

   "Eva (The Hungry Serb 3)"
Madame Everpink had spied Eva's platinum/pulsating vampire nimbus--
Not wanting to crave-like engage the other female vampire in sadistic kiss--
Nah, it was a glowing respect for the beautifully undead and in-the-moment-living,
For Madame Everpink & Eva preferred to dine on wilder mammals when bloodsucking kill'n,
Eating the overly-climatic rabbit as if werecoyotes sublime,
Never selfishly crossing the human-slaying line;
Specifically, Madame Everpink really wanted (with Eva) to be sincere friends--
A similar heavenly body in sub-cultural vampire trends. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Eva (The Hungry Serb 2)

   "Eva (The Hungry Serb 2)"
A semi-aquiline nose that does itch & twitch is not vampirically keen;
Still, erotically innocent Eva appeared angelic at the Blood-Drive Scene,
Knowing class outshines the jiggly display of a waxing ass,
For the Southeastern European vampires can thrive on less glamour & cash;
Moreover, big booty offered might be looted
Wends the wisdom of the Mystic Owl--him hooted.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The CULT (Big Neon Glitter)

   "The CULT (Big Neon Glitter)"  
   Ya--I ripped that shit off--that regal resonance of song (In Language Drops):  "Big Neon Glitter."
How Quasi-Almighty in apocryphal forge; still, truth may be there.  
   * * * * 
None--that girl giving her love--
Capturing Noah's release of the Platinum Dove;
Her auto-biography
Is making sure her glam is pure yet artistically naughty,
Never weakening us--
Know:  USA--Free Country; a must . . .

Monday, October 13, 2014

Eva (The Hungry Serb)

   "Eva (The Hungry Serb)"
Eva was modernized by every United STATE;
Still, Serbian Blood haunted her mysterious fate,
For she was aligned with intrinsic lusts,
Eating young men & women as if worthless mutts;
Alas, even a splash or jump in neighborhood pool
Can wash off the vampire's dangerous cool.    

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ukraine--St. Andrew's Battle Cross Haunts Black Sea?

   "Ukraine--St. Andrew's Battle Cross Haunts Black Sea?"
Novorossiya (New Russia) transcends historical terminology,
Attempting to ensnare away others' autonomy?
Possibly; still, American South proud or not--
Damn, down here in Nashville:  "The weather & girls are hot."
Alas, gel with differences and freedom allow,
Uniting unique aspects does forge a brighter Earth by way of Love's unbroken vow.    

Monday, October 6, 2014

Eva's Prom

   "Eva's Prom"
Bram Stoker entertained Eva's undead heart,
Though scarlet guilt arrives to authors after crafting descriptive art;
Nevertheless, she (Eva) enjoyed the script, which offered multiple blood transfusions,
For it spoke of the wisdom concerning Christ's conclusions:
"The blood is the life."
Getting a fresh supply prolongs the puppy in mice.
Alas, Eva pouted to Daddy till he purchased her a thrift store dress;
Next, the adolescent vampire did feel an elegant yet macabre caress--
In the modest garb, yet sweetly divine--
If living in the future, a boy might holler:  "Girl, you so fine."  

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Kitty's Sister & Brother

   "Kitty's Sister & Brother"
Parents of vampires rarely know--
Much wiser than a bloodsucking overthrow;
Otherwise, there is garlic in the salad & silver crucifix hanging on front door--
The parental units begging:  "No more!  No more!"
Alas, Kitty pondered the whereabouts of older sister Eva;
Plus, that of big brother Micah--
Both so cold, distant, & far,
Shimmering crimson like starbeams bizarre.  

Kitty (Undead Hormones)

   "Kitty (Undead Hormones)"
It didn't matter to Kitty that vampire guys were infertile;
Not every supernatural stallion usurps the slow-but-steady turtle;
Indeed, she would follow a werecoyote's goofy dream,
Hunting his furball till their love did have eternal gleam--
Yep, Kitty needed the absolute of constant co-action,
For with lupine Adam--there was a monstrously gorgeous attraction. 


Friday, October 3, 2014

Adam & Sheeba McCool

   "Adam & Sheeba McCool"
   Distortion.  Already offended Arch-Angels; nevertheless, there are myriads of the supernatural--Holy Crap:  "That's a Class 5 Specter!"
    Who knew?  iPhone can make crappy crayon art almost elegant?  Just now.
   Adam & Sheeba are sometimes with me; I hope a few of you--just a FEW in this cloaked reality. The saturated synergy of the twosome speak:  American Gel.  No longer beware of magnificent mesh.  Not black/white nonsense--4 is every European truly white?  American Legion of Superheroes.  The Industry, Art, & Science is what births cool cure in curvaceous manner.  Spawns luminous liberty, which should be allowed to ALL, by the Holy Spirit of 1776.
   I'm still think'n 'bout Shmoo . . .   

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (Coextensive) 3

   "Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (Coextensive) 3"
Sheeba crowned in cowboy hat,
Thrilled by Western cactus and many a big bunny track;
Moreover, Adam was goofy, chasing lunch,
Morphing softly fierce with a coyote hunch;
Alas, Sheeba thought of Steve Young--
That dude's brave runs could be mellifluously sung.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (Coextensive) 2

   "Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (Coextensive) 2"
Kitty glared with sapphire eyes
Gently into the revered lives
Of a boyfriend cheating; plus, with her best girlfriend;
Alas, life does birth; life does tend
To thieve away the beauty once known,
And now:  a poop in a pumpkin--Junkyard prefers a bone.  

Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (Coextensive)

   "Werewolf Eats Vampire Girl (Coextensive)"
Sheeba McCool, like Gore Vidal--didn't need them manners from school;
Specifically, she was nobody's fool
Save for Adam's Lupine Love,
And this similar All Hallows' Eve--it felt like more than enuff;
Thus, Sheeba (Vampire Hunter) & Adam (Werecoyote) were on their way
Westwards--where a free country did lay,
And Kitty--the Joan Jett-like, bloodsucking girl,
Remained anchored in suburbia--along with a slobbery Dalmatian that made her hurl,
But rescued Junkyard didn't care, 
Grooving (as a dog does do) with his keeper's despair.  

Girls, Cats, & Halloween

   "Girls, Cats, & Halloween"
The oddly appealing scorpion pinches glee during the eve of All Saints' Day,
When orange-haired girls are ornamented like an emerald-eyed fae--
Yes, it's Halloween;
Hence--be bright with excellence like the actor and word:  sheen;
Alas, there are fancy felines too,
Making every Wheaten Terrier fade blue;
Still, an Arctic goddess does adore
The darkly magical cat, purring next to a Jack O'Lantern near the front door.  

Friday, September 26, 2014

Androids versus Cyborgs

   "Androids versus Cyborgs"
Armed with @ least 30% machine-like parts upgraded
Allows 4 more than competition with some, unique androids hated;
Therefore, drink mineral-infused green tea; specifically--make that golden dragon
2 further display concrete ballet when on the trail with a rolling wagon,
For unless John Wayne's muscle resides inside the soul of your physician--
The android may give u a tech-like lick'n.     

Coydog County (2)

   "Coydog County (2)"
This was not the splendor of mixed-feelings suburbia,
Charming in Quasi-Camelot fashion, having housewives bathing in bikini fuchsia;
Still, the cherry wine--shed in the back yard brewed
Offered independent country attitude,
And Roadkill adored her pastoral sanctuary,
Being like cotton candy with teeth--and golden hairy. 


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Coydog County

   "Coydog County"
The Golden Babe known as Roadkill used the protection of the stag,
To shield her tame beauty from the disorderly coyote nag--
Yip & Yap--Roadkill heard their lusting sounds,
Knowing the bucolic South offered Bigfoot hounds--
Here:  almost deep, South; specifically, Arkansas,
Where the bog be muddy, and there stank a "no shit" law;
Thus, Roadkill knew she was safe from the heavy-heated, romantic stakes,
For some living-near-grocery-store hunters want coyote steaks.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ice Goddess & Eternal Virgin

   "Ice Goddess & Eternal Virgin"
Oh come on--Harridans don't be afraid;
It's okay that a bloated snake you got paid--
Ice & Virginity just want 2 talk 2 u,
Offering the sublime synergy of untouchable, Arctic Virtue;
Indeed, elegant ladies and empowered skanks don't play 4 the same team--
Some are divine--others, just plain & mean.
Too:  I wouldn't mind if my daughter was an exotic stripper,
But never a double yummy cocktail dipper. 

Post Script:  Fond of Lemurs.