Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sean Hannity's Theocracy; Plus, Virgin Mary LIVES!

    My poetic novella Sean Hannity's Theocracy; Plus, Virgin Mary LIVES! was written on a napkin when I was in my early 30's and Facebook was budding; plus--when MySpace was the grand burrito, or so it seemed.  
   Anyhow, my first poetry published, me blindly reading it off of the shredded napkin, copying it to a vagabond computer I used out in my parents' garage.  This "flawed and emotional piece" forged with young mercury for the sake of Liberty pains me to the day.  My tech is weak; nevertheless, I do it man.
   And not all Republicans want Theocracy; still--many do:  Their personal ideals and cerebral capacities totally infused by imperfect religion; next, they attempt to construct an American Government based on religious principles, not minding that Thomas Paine blasted the Divinity of Christ, a demigod to be admired and loved.   Too, religion is pure sublimity in many cases--the altruistic Catholicism of Pope Francis, and the super symmetry of the Virgin Mary, Her biological aspects used to birth the Living Christ.
   My whole linguistic-lassoed/mistake-ridden point or failed message:  LIVE FREE OR DIE!
   I don't care what my neighbor does as long as it doesn't destroy the innocent nature of something.  I don't want the NSA or FBI or DEA monitoring my every step, either by way of theocratic-thinking conservatives or those who have hijacked the word "progressive" for selfish purposes.  We can't craft a Nerf World.  Let us Live.  Let us get a few bloody noses.  We're all gonna die--even Dr. Oz and his Low Carb diet.  My Grandma chain-smoked tobacco for nearly 70 years, passing away @ 88 years of age--never a bit of cancer to the woman.  Let us Live--that's all.  Without being monitored.  Without Government control, for the only person you can control in life:  IS YOURSELF!
   Sincerely, Mark David King
   Books @ Amazon and Most Internet Bookstores . . .