Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Reptilian witchcraft, brave eunuchs, & cyborgs
"Reptilian witchcraft, brave eunuchs, & cyborgs"
A quasi-medical curse on a semi-innocent man;
If he endures--you'll need the plan;
Moreover, an infertile eunuch with bacteria lurking in the cerebral/spinal region
Offers quicksand dismay to the serpentine legion;
Alas, glaring at Luna as if she is yours;
Next, a silver reflection betrays the glamour, like Mr. T rips off 'em doors;
Thus, the daystar becomes your only friend,
Melting away the shed that once did mend.
Post Script: A bit bizarre and mentally adult in literary material; nevertheless, this BLOG innocently absorbs the gift of imaginative youth literature. Not only might Vonnegut make reference that all the answers to life are contained within Russian Literature--we think: LUNAR CHRONICLES might have some life lessons as well. Mild fans of cyborg Cinder and android Iko we are.