* * * King * * *
text from African/Irish girl:
u such an alien dude/look, ebony hue, emerald eyes--i'm da bomb/u don't recognize/2, muscular thighs 'n a brain 2 boot/why don't u have ur crescent moon party without me/i'll slay ur waif slut--no shit/gah--u ever read SALINGER!?!
Crescent Moon/Crescent Moon;
Indeed--ignite the babalicious boon;
Alas, the anemic thieves play with my heart,
Mercurially stealing what tears my hide (pelt) apart;
Hence, I will grow in power as Luna evolves full,
Knowing a Harvest Moon instructs my incisors to drool,
And I find the rabbit both inviolate and a tramp,
Mating for physiological climax, yet a dim lamp;
Thus, I outshine the glow of daystar's kiss,
Being a suburban coyote--you get to digest a serpent's kiss.
TOO: WEREWOLF EATS VAMPIRE GIRL "BLOG" offers saintly sublimity merged with passionate Italians gone Catholic--no apostasy there, rather a re-invitation towards the Mystic Messiah--no crap . . .