Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Syria--the collective knew

   "Syria--the collective knew"
   Our American President--methinks:  "Cautious/gives a shit, truly."
   Christ mentioned modestly praying behind locked doors instead of displaying public adoration.  Yet, we all stray, even Christ-followers, gelling with other gods.  Gods next to gods can be blasphemous; nevertheless, submission to a singular perspective, while loyalty overflows--asceticism ultimately offers much suffering and intensity to herself/himself.
   We know:  possibly, Jimmy Carter did something bad ass, yet the world never knew.  No accomplishments on sleeve.  We need soldiers; also, cautious leaders that give a shit.  
   The lack of mercy practiced by some in Syria--they collectively knew, knowing:  were informed by linguistic espionage or were spiritually aware that destructive power used against the weak will not be forever tolerated by the States.  
   America is not evil--for the most part.   We gel ebony, scarlet, yellow, and white; plus, soon robotic forms of pseudo-biology.  We are Terra mixed.  Transfiguring humanity into souls bringing the outshine.