Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Unearthly Agony of Monstrous Mental Illness

   * * * Asshole King @ Apple iTunes, Amazon.Com, & the Nook * * *
   "Unearthly Agony of Monstrous Mental Illness"
   Mental Illness:  Schizo-Mode, OCD with Tics, the infamous & stereotypical Bi-Polar, and the worst--Clinical Depression, wanting 2 assassinate yourself perpetually--these things suck Loki's mutated apples made adulterous in front of the god of poetry & eloquence:  BRAGI.
   Mental Illness is LSD minus euphoria; indeed, euphoria is illegal, even medically, in the American South, where metaphorical chains still resonate with the crispy clasp of ice-cold, ghostly steel.
   As a result, all organic & freshly farmed medicines should be available; moreover, legal coke, rotten speed, and even opiate-minded slavery is legal medically; nonetheless, they deny King David, the boldest of all Hebrew Heroes (Bard/Fighter)--him vociferously proclaiming in the King James Book of Psalms:  "Herb for the service of man."
   And vampires not be as cool as werewolves/werecoyotes.  Just say'n.