Monday, August 18, 2014

Civilization & Monsters

   * * * King * * *
   "Civilization & Monsters"
   Faulkner might have implied:  "Serpentine slithered Southward."  Still, civilized is the American South--this Colonel Sanders (Southern Railroad) justice is cruel and without mercy; nonetheless, the dichotomy here transcends, and werewolves might be seen, while not phased by the Lunar Cycle, enjoying some Kentucky Fried Chicken.  
   Being uncivilized doesn't mean being stupid.  Gelling with the legal structure can be wise, especially if you want to avoid the pernicious pokey.  Still, look @ the most murderous of monsters--blood-suckers!  When not thieving away the life of an individual, these creatures are overheard discussing matters of philosophy & theology.
   Ferguson--as of today:  Got a sick taste in my mouth.