Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Milky Way Brothers (12)
"The Milky Way Brothers (12)"
Gloin and Davy's old man was feeling the bowel movement blues; thus, he sent the older, wiser Gloin a text.
That Bane villain on Batman is built like J.J. Watt. I started doing push-ups in case I ever run into him in an alley. Look kid, I'm bent over with abdominal and rectal pain. Gone anemic too--of the iron variety. Can't eat anything but bananas and only drink green tea, but I chill it. Everything stinks, real bad. I need some of that medical herb. Was thinking of going to the streets, but that is dirt; plus, don't wanna go to the pokey since I don't live in the American West. Too, Halloween is right around the corner. My beer bird bath is evaporating as we speak. Those flying pheasants are crapping everywhere.