Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Milky Way Brothers (13)

   "The Milky Way Brothers (13)"
Lady Cop Evermint, like the The Cranberries--displaying a punk cut
Was balanced and fair with those sick in the gut;
Plus, as Arizona Heat with a Deputy Dawg dubbed Fuzz,
She kept her constant cool, only desiring the occasional, early morning beer buzz,
Yet as an odd member of the Catholic Church,
Schooled by Sister Megaberries; still--her:  not as spooky, yet prettier than Lurch;
Moreover, Lady Cop Evermint would not violate the 4th Amendment,
Being beyond copland by way of God's gift of the Love Commandment,
So when she spied the Classic Ranchero wending with V-8 speed burst by--
With water in her metaphorical cactus, she started her own 8 cylinder and did fly
Like a good witch on the blue light hunt--
Fuzz nervous--the deputy just a rabbit-eating runt.