Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Liberty's Sparkle (49)
"Liberty's Saprkle (49)"
Money spent, life enjoyed--the more you have; next, the more freedom in life--the evils of capitalism, as might a Pontiff proclaim; regardless, passports gotten, and a pet allowance, Liberty, Faye, and Spanky were in the hybrid, wending their willful way through the Windsor Tunnel from Michigan to Ontario.
Faye blasted: "I hope Justin Trudeau finds me and falls in love with me. Michelle Obama even has a crush on him, and some people say she is really a man."
Liberty reminded: "Remember--it's all relative. We really don't know shit in this world. Our own Universe we are, amid the Multiverse of all the souls and bullshit around us."
Faye replied: "I know. Physics and religion, yet Sheldon Cooper is too proud to shake hands with Aquinas, and it's all a psychological condition. Blah, blah, blah. We should talk about lightweight stuff."
Liberty snorted: "You mean like DC movies not comparing to Marvel?"
Faye content, igniting a cancerous cherry to life: "Now you're talking. Batman is a real ego driven pussy. Come on now--Captain America is fine as shit--the golden boy we are all jealous of."
Liberty laughed so hard, she almost shit a Twinkie.