Monday, January 2, 2017

Loup Soup (12)

   "Loup Soup (12)"
   Adorned in his Hawkeye Pierce-like Hawaiian shirt; plus, his crappy winter jacket bought at a thrift shop and with loose khaki pants hanging over his moccasins, Jasper throttled his Ninja 300 to the local coffee shop, where he was to meet Alicia for their date.  He harnessed none of the nefarious aspects of the Canis lupus, yet only the loyal and lethally-loving sublimity of Saint Francis' friend, which the Saint hung out with for an approximate two years.  Still, Jasper was worried about conversation, making sure he wouldn't bring up Squirrel Girl and how to hide your nuts for the winter, thinking Alicia might think him perverted, when in fact--he was only wily and weird.
   On the other hand, Alicia decked herself out in preppy fashion.  Though the French girl, armed with dual citizenship had no real money, her simply working at the local gas station--she did own some designer jeans, cool Nancy Sinatra boots, and a fashionable sweater hued in the frequency of aqua-blue, which she ornamented herself in, covering the conservative ensemble with a denim jacket to match her jeans.  
   Alicia was a bit anxious as well, for she had been crushing on the shifty Jasper for quite a while; hence, she used her French Catholicism to invoke Saint Joan of Arc for courage in speech, yet humility in bodily persuasion, her wanting true love, and not a mere roll in the hay, knowing intrinsically that Jasper was out for only true love as well.