Sunday, January 1, 2017
Loup Soup (9) & (10)
"Loup Soup (9) & (10)"
As the snow had experienced a deliquesce, it allowed for motorcycle travel on the asphalt; moreover, the work day at the comic shop had culminated, Buster allowing Jasper to leave first, saying he would lock up since the dude with the cat had sold a vintage Flash comic, influencing the customer with suavity and cool composure, which transcends confidence--a flaw of most salesmen.
So, Jasper cranked the Ninja 300 to a rumbling-life; next, he darted towards the nearby gas station, grabbing some albacore and spicy mustard for Boxer and him, making his way to the dirty-blonde beauty from Toulon.
* * * *
Jasper had always kept to himself concerning the ladies; however, he decided to introduce himself to the lovely lady from Toulon, officially, by offering his name. And when she spoke--her accent was always flawless--very potent English. They stood apart from each other at check-out, him somewhat nervous, running a hand over his buzzed hair, but keeping his gray eyes open and focused.
By the way--my name is Jasper. I have a cat. He likes albacore tuna and mustard--so do I. What's your name? How freaky am I?--he thought.
You're funny. My name is Alicia. I'm so glad you asked, and thank you for always tasting my pastries. I have some more for you to take home. And I'm a dog person, but cats can be cool.
Well, it's nice that we officially know each other--kinda/sorta.
Friends are nice--if they're nice, and not out to get you.
Tell me about it.
So, I think we should be friends.
Jasper and Alicia shared a smile with simple synergy.