Tuesday, September 5, 2017
A Strong B
"A Strong B"
Was just hoping: A Strong B. Never give up, like Winston during WW2. Talk and nourish them to the end. Not blaming; on the contrary, I'm just stating axiomatic behavior of those programmed, metaphorically, into always seeing death and never Christ. Christ died, yet His Light was too bright to inhabit Hades--they kicked Him out for selling electricity. He was Almighty Illumination, outshining the darkness of it all. Saint John: "The light cometh, and the darkness comprehends it not."
Just don't talk negative about the patient. I'm a flawed and emotional man; still, I have total empathy for the rejected. The nerd that never gets to drink a beer with the guys might invent some weird solution and guzzle it. I have family members like Chet in WEIRD SCIENCE. Get over yourself, I've never been lazy--this is the proof beyond reproach.
Yet I've looked at big tits. Even a guy's ass once, by accident. Imagined the girl naked behind the counter, her checking out my groceries. But I never do anything about it.
Was just expecting a strong B. A level of studying the positive concerning death, and taking everyone sweetly into eternal solace and sanctuary from this shitty world.
God Bless you all. But God Bless the defenseless too. Everybody should get, at least, a strong B when facing death--look it right in the eyes, fella.