Sunday, September 17, 2017

Indigo Samson (15)

   "Indigo Samson (15)"
   Bobby Rook and his buzz cut still lived with Liberty, in a romantically Platonic fashion, always invoking Saint Raphael for the jolly green glow of being a metaphorical package of frozen Brussels Sprouts, but Liberty thought they tasted like little medicine balls and looked like brains, and in fact--she was right.  Anyhow, Bobby Rook got the call from Miriam, hearing Buck howling in the background, Miriam instructing him to take Liberty and meet her in Lost Cabin, Wyoming.
   Miriam further explained about Samson and the cult of Maxie, saying it was more than chronic cyanosis, but had a metaphysical tint as well.  She told him that like Saint Joan of Arc, we all should make our countries great again and not just flee to America and destroy it, yet fight to make your own country great; specifically, protect your homeland, given unto you by the Creator Craftsman.
   Bobby Rook would not dismiss Miriam's request.  Miriam knew this.  Now, she just had to get Samson to see his potential.  She kinda/sorta hated to take him away from playing football, for when a guy loses his chance to play in high school, it's nothing but regret.; however, there's always redemption on other battlefields for the innate gladiator.