Monday, February 12, 2018
Holy Fire--a Samson movie!
"Holy Fire--a Samson movie!"
Was sinking sadly into sorrows; plus, that of my over decade old terrier and her gimp-like strut; next, I just caught a swift glimpse of a SAMSON movie preview--HOLY FIRE, as my pal Jeremy used to say at old First Baptist in Little Rock.
Dude was a Judge, and not crooked, never eating tuna salad after a fake trial with the jury-picking attorneys in the business of purchasing phony justice.
Anyway, I heard a voice say: "I hear your power comes from the One, True God."
People, even bogus physicians have told me not to read the Old Testament. Get over it. God has warriors on His team, not just wimpy buzz-cut monks that don't know karate.
Why doesn't the Church get some allegorical Jedi Knights? Let the Priests carry swords as did the First Bishop of Rome, Saint Peter. Don't need no back-up high school football players that became wimpy deputies guarding the Church. An old lady could take them out with a cane housing a .22 shell within the tricky chamber. Never can tell.
So, good to see SAMSON is coming to theaters, and that some women really will kill you, as it kinda went with him; however, he got the last word--or better yet, his God did.