Saturday, February 24, 2018
Physicians & Attorneys bombed on psychotropic medication
"Physicians & Attorneys bombed on psychotropic medication"
Should you be allowed to practice law or medicine if you're imbibing psychotropic medication? I know attorneys that drink the shit out of it, feed their fat heads with tons of psychotropic medication; plus, I know medical students that do it as well--WTF?
How many people in this country take something, especially pharmaceutical pushed garbage? 2/3--at the minimum. Moreover, they're total drunks, like some Deputy Dawgs I know.
Look at Kennedy's medical records? What did the last President take? Yet non-FDA inspected substances of potent purity are banned, because fools party, play video games where all they do is murder people, and frequently flog the bishop to the gyrating images of exploited young women and men. Physicians lock us into a prescription protocol that has no damn right to be dictated by the deep state. You've seen the drug pushers in the doc's office, carrying suitcases full of contagion--you don't think they get reports back; plus, kickbacks?
We got along just fine, and even better at times when America was a Free Country. Now, it's all about control, the common people getting engulfed in a quicksand mire, losing their status, as our handlers merge and herd us into a global web of corruption. The Ten Commandments, if followed--allowed a people to retain their geography, from everlasting to everlasting--that was the deal. If America continues to break the True Law; next, we will be sucked and stuck into a binding glue. Oh screw it--just go ahead and burn the Bill of Rights, for Congress thinks we're all nothing, when they cheat on their wives, spit on the Flag, and massively import people, not out of love, but for political purpose.