Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Existence Womb (83)

   "Existence Womb (83)"
   After a hard day's work putting in an old fashioned carburetor for a Plymouth Road Runner brought into the garage by a good old boy, who reminded Buck of Jimmy Carter with muscles minus the peanuts, the werewolf went up to his pad, where Miriam was paging through the Vulgate.  She blushed, feeling the heat of his man; next, closed the Holy Text, and smiled innocently at him; then, the cool conversation initiated.  

Buck, are we ever gonna do it?

Acting dumb.  Do what?

Ya know, the horizontal tango?

Don't speak like that sweet child.

Why are you so chaste, and especially around me?

Miriam, you are special--as are most souls.  I cannot simply act on my impulses.  Plus, being chaste is a special act; moreover, once people engage in intercourse, well, they lose the sweet flavor of decency.  Yes, we are incarnate, but so are many priests and nuns.  Look, the world is weird, and so are we.  We must be who we are--servants of the Spirit, not mere matter, a flux of atoms and blood flow.  We transcend such things.  Have witnessed what other men call impossible.  Yet, you never know.

So, you're saying that you are afraid?

Exactly.  You have been touched by God.  Who am I to interfere with your special flower?