Sunday, April 24, 2016
Virgin Mary Statue and Ireland
"Virgin Mary Statue and Ireland"
The only mythical thing about the word MYTH--is that it's a myth; specifically, myths are forged in axiomatic truth, kinda.
Wending my way through quasi-mystics and all the rest on the Internet, my Search Engine has done its share of the bizarre--I found a story about a Virgin Mary Statue and kids on the Emerald Isle.
It basically informs that some eager for action adolescents were partying too hard, in a park near a Virgin Mary Statue; alas, never be bad in front of your spiritual mother; thus, the legendary lore tells of the Statue coming to life and kicking the iniquity out of the teenagers, hopefully giving them a taste of the Holy Ghost Itself.
Regardless, these are more than mere metaphors, but the weird on its way. Like Christ taking enough. Dealing patiently, but returning boldly to cage the contagion, one glorious day.
We are all saved by a glimpse into the Otherworld, if the pursuit of the high life doesn't bring us down in the end, that is. Thus, keep your eye on the prize.