Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Honor, not worship of Christ's Mom
"Honor, not worship of Christ's Mom"
After years of Southern Baptist school, where they claimed Catholics worshiped the inviolate Virgin Mary, I switched to a Catholic school and got schooled, for real.
My theology teacher was a Carmelite Nun, and she specifically explained to us the truth concerning the Angels and Saints; moreover, that of the Virgin Mother, whose womb fed Christ the nutrients and blood of life.
Anyway, Catholics honor the Angels and Saints--no worship. We invoke them; specifically, we ask them to pray for us--like this: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners."
And the Angels are mystically forged by God--this is known as the wondrous Celestial Hierarchy; moreover, the Saints are alive in Christ. So what's the problem with invocation, loving ALL of God's Holy Family, and asking for assistance from time to time?
Southern Protestantism has birthed the great Tim Tebow, so I won't put it down. But down here, in the American South, well, like the fabulous Faulkner wrote: "Are they brave--yes. Are they courageous--yes. But they have no pity or mercy."
And without pity or mercy, there is no comprehension of the mentally or physically ill. No understanding of the love and nurture that they need and require.