Monday, May 23, 2016

Liberty's Sparkle (27)

   "Liberty's Sparkle (27)"
   Faye wasn't stupid.  Hell, she had her GED; plus, was an autodidact, knowing how to turn over a library, though not as mercurial in her reading as Liberty; nevertheless, Faye knew plenty of wise and ancient shit.
   A Kunoichi is a female ninja, and with the ninja--deception replaces confrontation.  It is the Art of the Deal.  Humble, a farmer, yet able to kick Navy SEAL ass by way of dressing up cosmetically like a clown and stabbing the honorary samurai in the back, without him being consciously aware; indeed, Putin and the KGB females know how to play America--get a hot Russian agent, and the American man will sleep with her in sloppy fashion and spill his secrets; plus, speculate and brag on classified material; moreover, Putin is a master of Judo, and as their mantra goes:  "When your enemy comes, welcome him.  When he leaves, send him on his way."
   Yup, Faye knew American men were sex crazed and starving for attention; thus, she figured she had a foot up, if she played it like Liberty, got All American Patriot, dressed in Walmart normality, and talked with couth and cool.  Verily, if she mustered the power to have that kinda counterpoise; next, she'd nab a down-to-Earth, regular guy like Tom, which is what her heart sincerely craved instead of tattooed guys with selfish semen to spill for the hell of it.
   Anyway, Faye missed Liberty and the grocery girl's growing belly, wanting the American Dream as well, ready and willing to rip away all her mortifying body piercings in order to capture the prey of a dreamboat dude decked out in modest decor and demon free.  It was on!!! 
   She manifested her more moral appearance at Liberty and Tom's trailer, wearing khaki pants and a Carolina-blue shirt to enhance communication and cool, Liberty was like:  "Damn girl--you're going down the middle road, staying outta the gutter.  I still liked you the other way too."
   Faye blushed:  "Just trying to find my cool, like you Liberty."  And she eagerly embraced her best friend in a cat-like bear hug.