Sunday, July 10, 2016

Weredog Tart (6)

   "Weredog Tart (6)"
   Siria danced and dashed to her creative writing class, needing to shoot a bull to get short, machine gun bursts of literature out on the page with squid ink or whatever.  The teacher read her dog scratched perspective:

"I'm Catholic.  Protestants scare me, for they say the Virgin Mary is a witch, and that Her apparitions are demonic, and that we worship Her.  But we only honor Her, feeling bad for what we did to Her Awesome Son--God's Son too, get me!!!  Regardless, Tim Tebow may not make it into the pro-football Hall of Fame, but the Halls of Heaven, for he got shafted on Earth's cruel turf, winning most games as a QB starter; next, turns down movies, helps the downtrodden in alien areas--I freaking love Protestants now.  Candace Cameron is cool too.  But still:  I have the Angels and Saints, and while not infallible, they truly lead to God, in mysterious ways, that Trinity, that Godhead.  That mercy upon us."

   The teacher proclaimed:  "Miss Siria--this is public school--you can't talk about that here."

   Siria howled, pulled out a rancorously spiced  piece of beef jerky, and took a yummy, uncouth bite; next, strutted out, towards a future detention.  Some kid in class went:  "Dudes, that girl is a delicious tart!"