Monday, September 5, 2016

Tex-Mex Guy (4)

   "Tex-Mex Guy (4)"
   Andy Samberg's Storks flick got the attention of a boring-day Celina.  Yes, it was Labor Day, and her hot Hispanic ass worked itself to the core at the local gas station/grocery market, where she seemed to perpetually labor.  But regardless of her lethargic feelings, she dialed up the Tex-Mex Guy's number, hoping he would engage her in a smooth dialogue, which would then lead to the journey of a harmless but hopeful date--no drama, just two souls igniting each other with positive energy; thus, upon him answering his telephone--she got positively giddy inside; next, the Guy explained how Curtis and him had been sweetly snoozing; hence, a twinge of guilt hit her guilty gut, knowing this guy was the best Tex-Mex delivery dude in the city and that he might need some silent slumber, but--she went for it, proclaiming:  "Come on Tex-Mex Guy.  It's a family and seemingly adorable movie--I hear.  Take me for a date!?!"
   The Tex-Mex Guy and Curtis figured:  "Why not."  Too, they told her so.  And after some BRUTE aftershave and quick scrub of his teeth; plus, a dab of mustache wax--the Tex-Mex Guy and Curtis exited the apartment, onto the asphalt ballet of Phoenix heat, but with total cool they entered the five liter Mustang and cranked on the air.  It was gonna be a restful day, for there was a noble babe involved, displaying a sublime sense of lovely spirit.