Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Yearning Apotheosis (4)

   "Yearning Apotheosis (4)"
Sister Cindy and Britt Flynn delicately digested their pizza covered in savory anchovies,
By way of a walk in the park, though not carrying band equipment like tattooed roadies;
Regardless, their hearts made a joyful noise unto the Luminous Lord,
Knowing Saint Michael will "Be Back" with his flaming sword;
Moreover, all shall see the Son of Man coming down from the Clouds of Heaven;
Plus, those Divine Angelic Entities standing before the Almighty's Throne--all Seven!
Them able to superposition their grace using physics unknown,
Which would give Einstein a headache if only corporeally known--
So just as did Saint Raphael superposition itself, walking alongside Tobias and a mere dog--  
Sister Cindy and Britt Flynn enjoyed their walk, finding a Federal Reserve Note behind a log.
A small favor from the Goodness of God--
Him being Super-Symmetrical, and can be an impenetrable shield, if given David's praising nod.