Friday, September 9, 2016
Truck-Driving & King David
"Truck-Driving & King David"
Being a voyager, or even worse--a freaking pilot of an automobile making the attempt to transcend an eighteen-wheeler is strictly intense; thus, get a muscle car, or pass with as much macho muster available; next, hug the outer, surrounding line, and be on your merry way.
Or you can hug a truck. Get behind the eighteen-wheeler and do the turtle dance of a mere seventy miles-per-hour; specifically, you'll make innocent and decent time. But with navigation systems speaking robotically to us, doing all the thinking, shit--this is trans-humanism. But what the freaking hell. Plug it into the brain--in the next score of years; then: downloading Ivy League Education, approximately twelve minute. Moreover: downloading Bush League Education, an estimated thirty seconds; plus, you get to drink and carnally engage sorority sisters in the virtual sludge match. It's cool though.
We disintegrate our heroes--slay them actually; then, we build new models, yet your iPhone 5 still dreams lest you demolish its technological wizardry.
But of King David--and a bard on the CB Radio would he be, back in the SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT days, outpacing a singular, monstrous gravity-sucking eighteen-wheeler with vociferous verse and the pure energy of a Holy Spirit, dictating: (PSALMS 31:24) "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord."
And I still wish Jack Burton was driving . . .