Monday, October 31, 2016
Pro-Life or Pro-Planet?
"Pro-Life or Pro-Planet?"
Without Earth--there would be no life. Republicans are usually pro-life; on the other hand, Democrats are usually pro-planet. Therefore, what to do? Does the Pope not warn us of climate change and further terrestrial disasters?
And Al Gore has said: "The Earth has a fever." And why do they bother Obama about not being born in this America, when Al Gore wasn't even born on the planet. Some sources describe him as a shape-shifting reptilian from the planet Uranus. Well, maybe not Uranus, but I'm sure you're picking up what I'm putting down.
Oh well, there's always the British. You should hear them describe the mythology and metaphors of Star Wars. Like the seeming Limey, though not, William F. Buckley, once chewing on his pen as if more cerebral than he actually was; anyway, the real Brits say: "Solo, he is a swashbuckler."
Crystalline Cool (12)
"Crystalline Cool (12)"
Duncan awoke on All Saints' Day, having received dream wonders infused with the Good News, and not exactly the King James Version; nonetheless, it was much, something like: "I am the vine, and you are the branches--if you remain in Me, and I in you; next, you will bear much fruit; however, apart from Me--you can do nothing." He breathed, in through the nose; then, out through the mouth, which can defile a man--only that which goes outwards, relatively, in a vociferous manner.
And as always, in his mystical moments of being dazzled by Divine Powers, the old man burst through the door, igniting a Native People never to be forgotten, with that stoic humor, saying, probing, amazing: "How do you say BIG MAN in Apache, Duncan? You remember the Super Friends don't ya? Eh-neeek-chock. And I'm still only as big as Doug Flutie, huh? But you and that little shepherd, King David, tougher than King Saul, him head and shoulders above the rest, huh?"
Duncan could not ignore that his Dad needed friends; moreover, that that job was solely his and his alone. So, he turned to his Dad's weird grin, asking: "Ya wanna go to the junkyard today? For don't ya think I could use a day off work?"
His Dad smiled and lit up a cheap cigar. It had the scent of artificial strawberries.
Crystalline Cool (11)
"Crystalline Cool (11)"
Duncan and his Dad slept till Halloween night, getting no spooky visitors out in their pastoral proximity, way beyond the perimeter of love's handshake; nevertheless, Duncan felt not forsaken, for asymptotic love haunted him, and if enough of the angels and saints were manifest by his vivid gravity of the mind, pulling them downwards, unto him, with sweet charity; next, all was well.
Optimism: Holding your head up like an angel of light when they tear you down, or manifest the opossum Totem, or do both, being the balance of truth, but love does eternally outshine, and that light is meant for the long-suffering, punished due to the snares of the enemy--Duncan still praying for the souls in Purgatory, on his knees in his little, Franciscan-like room, Roadkill on the floor next to him; however, the old man burst in, boldly declaring: "Son, I'm going as a Dictator for spooky Halloween. Gonna put a potato on my phallus and be Fidel Castro."
Duncan couldn't help but laugh; then, the shame came, but it seemed, oddly, that the laughter had somehow helped the souls in Purgatory feel the ignition of mirth towards that brightness of Eternal Light--Jesus: In Your Joys!!!
Crystalline Cool (10)
"Crystalline Cool (10)"
Duncan unearthed his lack of agitation and frustration, meekly digging deeper, seeing the rear-view reflection of it all, Roadkill loyally beside him. He remembered when Dad left after Mom got sick; indeed, the old man was like everyone else. But the pseudo-caretakers, cackling over Satanic books, making his mother cry, all the false testimony, while he was the only one to bathe, brush, feed, change, labor, suffer--the rest, living their lives, not carrying their cross as commanded.
Duncan knew evil had to exist. He Socratically observed as they thieved away his mother's medication, or gave too much upon his absence, him doing everything to preserve the right to life, though contemplating taking his own life, though not a hypocrite, as the odds were crushing him down--a myriad of bullies constantly encompassing him, yet numbers don't matter in war as Sun Tzu knew.
He prayed for them to see the mother holding the son once off of the bravery of Calvary conquered, a unique and quixotic type of courage, misunderstood.
But Dad came home, paid attention to his son, and hit a home-run concerning the administration of love to a spouse, fighting, fighting, fighting, with his Native American ways.
It was all over now, and both Dad and him were hated for holding the eagle's feather to the heavens, crossing the threshold of hope.
Duncan remembered the old man's unique wit, him having said: "The nice thing about senility--you can hide your own Easter eggs."
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Crystalline Cool (9)
"Crystalline Cool (9)"
Duncan couldn't handle the stresses of Aimee anymore; indeed, she was a pleasant girl, with a heavenly face forged by God, yet he felt an awesome inclination to only dig deep into the Earth, visit the souls in Purgatory through prayer, and watch Westerns with his crazy horse Dad.
His Dad mentioning to him: "Still reading the King James Version, huh? You're so much like your mother, but I tell you--others might possibly transcend such poetry in verse."
And this intrinsic command Duncan felt, to visit the lost souls, knowing the physician Luke's Good News, offering: "Strive to enter in at the strait gait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able--I know you not whence ye are; depart from me . . ."
Duncan prayed for those souls; next, into the small living room, Roadkill atop the sofa with Dad puffing away his prayers, and the Duke, shot again, and yes, in the leg, on the tube, the black and white with rabbit ears still functioning.
And as Duncan took a seat, his Dad, having that stoic look about himself, calmly probed: "What's the difference between a cactus and a rich man's car?"
Duncan rolled his eyes, not eager to be tempted to laugh at the old man's bizarre humor, yet the son took the bait, asking for the answer.
Dad said: "With a rich man's car--the prick is on the inside."
Duncan looked to the stars through the ceiling, and Roadkill grinned while his Dad laughed; next, John Wayne got shot in the leg again, though it was unlike King Arthur's wound in the high thigh.
Crystalline Cool (8)
"Crystalline Cool (8)"
Duncan labored with invisible intensity, lost in the backwoods, using his trusty, war-torn shovel to unearth Terra's terrain for peanuts, knowing his loving and loyal father had sweetly said: "It's okay if that's all you can do--just do it well, being the best ditch digger in the world." Roadkill watched alongside him, as well as other souls from the Otherworld; thus, perhaps his labor was not unnoticed or devalued.
He remembered his matriarch, and how the family would persuade her to dismiss the fantasy of her beliefs, saying stuff like: "King David is full of shit. Psalms 103 is crap. The Virgin Mary is a witch, and Jesus doesn't save."
Duncan keep digging, regretting their exile, even though they poured their negative possibilities upon his past and today, which is supposed to be the present, a gift from God. Now it was just Dad, him, and the Golden Retriever. Yes, he had read Joyce like a madman at one point, hoping they loved him as did Leopold Bloom, identifying with a wandering Jew, perverted by his own imagination as the culture of the world spread disbelief and spoke with the adversary's forked tongue.
He put his mind into a state of remembrance, his Dad and him always watching old Westerns on their black and white, Dad saying with a smoky smile: "Every John Wayne movie--the Duke gets shot in the leg."
Duncan too remembered Day of the Evil Gun, the androgynous-looking cowboy Glenn Ford quoting Christ in the movie, saying: "Blessed are the merciful, for they too shall obtain mercy."
What would he do without his father's wisdom? Then, Roadkill came close, licked him into the present, that gift from God, and Duncan noticed the aches in his back, his blistered hands, and all the rest that went along with his personal creation. As tired and worn-out as he was, he knelt down, praising: "Thank you God--thank You for now."
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Squirrel Girl
"Squirrel Girl"
Squirrel Girl was bullied and taunted due to her bizarre mutations; nevertheless, she idolized Iron Man, him not accepting her longing to be his partner, yet she defeated Doctor Doom, and buried her nuts, growing to know that every soul has power.
Much like the youngest seed of Jesse, David's brothers possibly made fun of him for being a mere shepherd, yet none had the scrotal qualities to defeat Goliath, and simply because: David LOVED God.
In Squirrel Girl we see a protector of Central Park. An admiration for even the lesser mammals, knowing: power is relative, and be can potent if we appreciate ourselves, and laugh at ourselves.
I like Squirrel Girl due to a squirrel's tail I used to hang from the rear-view mirror of my Chevy Monza during adolescence, which everyone called a piece of crap.
We all have bullies. We all have potential. So, send out love, and bury your nuts. Whoever you are, if you love the Kingdom of God within you; next, IT will love you back.
Crystalline Cool (7)
"Crystalline Cool (7)"
Duncan returned home to the mundane modesty of it all, yet as the Moon did offer a New and changing perspective, the mysticism of his beautifully bizarre life ignited--Roadkill jumping upon his chest for a doggy embrace as he exited the El Camino, and Dad, puffing away on his Dominican Republic cigar ordered off the Internet, smiling under a night sky only ornamented in the constellations that once offered Ronald Reagan the courage to speak the truth of things beyond the nature of man.
After some heavy petting on Roadkill and innocent licks from the dog's slobbery love, Duncan approached his father, sitting next to him on a futon out upon their redneckish front yard, the old, mature-looking man, steeled by years of existence, crafted by God's Divine Hand, and armed with a sense of jocular joy probed his son's night out with a girl, like this: "Was it better than that time you fornicated with a seedless watermelon?"
Duncan blushed: "Dad, I told the Priest about that at Confession. Why are you giving me the business?"
The old man laughed, saying: "Oh Duncan, my child, how you loved your mother while all the rest ran, living their lives while you transformed yours--you took a beating, yet God spanks all of his children, though from now on--you'll only get a time-out."
"You're such a sage Dad." Duncan said, blushing.
His Dad puffed away; next, stated: "The Book of Life has already been written, and sometimes God rereads it; thus, time is relative, and there are funny stories, for some pursue that witch-scorned look of a man having a selfish discharge into his own jubilation, yet others suffer with the Saints, and those fools for Christ give the downtrodden water; then, Jesus gives them a hundred cups in the Heavens."
"Have you been drinking tonight Dad?" Duncan asked.
His Dad blew a symmetrical smoke ring, saying: "No firewater tonight; plus, I never wear a mask, you know that, or speak bravely of myself, yet lock my prayers in a secret chamber, unlike the hypocrites wanting to be seen giving false praises in public, while a dog gallantly poops underneath the Sun, and your mother used to lock the bathroom door when she made a bowel evacuation--that poor, nervous woman."
Duncan laughed so hard his belly felt warm and cozy.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Lando Calrissian and Redemption
"Lando Calrissian and Redemption"
Even the late, great General Schwarzkopf Jr. said that Lando betrayed Han Solo; however, when you possibly have Boba Fett's disintegration blaster and Darth Vader's powers of the Dark Side at your throat; next, there's not much of a choice--or is there?
Regardless, Lando shows us redemption, displaying a heroic attitude in the rescue of his old buddy Han. Plus, the deleted Tatooine sandstorm scene from Return of the Jedi possibly offers further illumination into Lando's apology to Han; furthermore, Han forgives Lando, allowing him to pilot the Millennium Falcon during a raid on the second Death Star.
What does this teach us? Christ might wisely state: "When your brother sins against you--rebuke him. But if he asks for forgiveness many times; then, forgive him."
Lando, that scoundrel and gambler, turned out to be a pretty cool guy.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Margaret of Castello
"Margaret of Castello"
Date of birth and corporeal death: 1287 - 1320.
Margaret of Castello was birthed blind, having a severe curvature of the spine, difficulty walking; moreover, was a dwarf. Her parents basically incarcerated her for 13 years so no one could see her unsettling disabilities. However, they journeyed with her to a Franciscan Church, where miracles were reported, yet when no cure came--they abandoned her.
The poor took her in; furthermore, Margaret learned and loved the Book of PSALMS, living in prayer and charity. She ultimately joined a religious order.
In 1558 her coffin was found rotted. Yet when opened, her body was perfectly preserved. She was Beatified by the Catholic Church and is considered the Patron Saint of the poor, disabled, and unwanted. What a truly gallant tale, her never getting angry over her condition, but suffering alongside Christ our Lord.
1984 Lotus Esprit S3
"1984 Lotus Esprit S3"
While residing in Little Rock in them metal music days, where the beloved Hogs will always be constantly called, I used to follow a 1980's Lotus to the gym on my motorcycle when I was an adolescent, into the belief that muscles made a tough guy, which of course is not true for the redneck scrapper, him fueled by spirit alone. Anyway, here are some specs for the 1984 Lotus Esprit S3--this version more prominent in Europe.
RWD with manual 5-Speed gearbox.
120.2 Cubic Inches, though I may be a bit thrown off by the Metric System.
Cylinder Alignment: Line 4.
2 Carburetors.
160 horsepower.
160 lb-ft torque.
Still, the performance is uncanny--like this:
0-60: 6.7 Seconds.
Quarter Mile: Around 15 Seconds.
Top Speed: 138 Miles-Per-Hour.
Crystalline Cool (6)
"Crystalline Cool (6)"
Duncan had followed his father's advice, knowing the intercession of a truly wise patriarch was necessary at most times; therefore, he asked Aimee out on a date. Nothing fancy, just a banana malt and some french fries with sea salt. She agreed with a toothy smile. Duncan returned her bright smile with a halfway, Han Solo grin.
He filled up the rusty El Camino with a half-tank of gas--all he could afford, and a tear rolled down his cheek as he left Roadkill at home, wanting to bring the holy hound, but thinking it the wiser to allow for Aimee and him to sweetly gel on their first rendezvous before being accompanied by his canine companion.
She lived in a trailer, and had cats. He sneezed a few times when she got inside his cool vehicle, her wearing jeans covered in feline fur, and a conservative gray sweater--her blonde mane flowing downwards upon her angelically curved shoulders, and when she looked at him with her emerald green eyes, he melted softly like Frosty the Snowman always did at the end of his animated life.
They cruised the pastoral settings of their rural poverty, finding a SONIC, and ordering very meekly. Within the counterpoise of car and truck, the twosome talked not politics nor religion, but got into the vibe of sports. Aimee was a big baseball fan, and so alive with glee that the two teams chosen for the World Series were the Cubs and Indians. She stated: "Baseball is calm and charming Duncan. So darn charming."
Intercession by way of Saint Joan of Arc
"Intercession by way of Saint Joan of Arc"
Here is an invocation to a great Saint, alive in Christ, misunderstood on Earth, accused of witchcraft and cross-dressing, burned to less than smithereens, yet so alive--so alive!!!
* * * *
To Saint Joan of Arc
In the face of your enemies, in the face of harassment, ridicule, and doubt, you held firm in your faith. Even in your own abandonment, alone and without friends, you held firm in your faith. Even as you faced your own mortality, you held firm in your faith. I pray that I may be as bold in my beliefs as you, Saint Joan. I ask that you ride alongside me in my own battles. Help me be mindful that what is worthwhile can be won when I persist. Help me hold firm in my faith. Help me believe in my ability to act well and wisely.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit--Amen.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Mustang GT, 1987
"Mustang GT, 1987"
My step-daddy had one of these babies, way back when I was in the 9th grade; specifically, it was a special treat to be taken to school everyday in quicksilver cool. Mustang redesigning after 1986; plus, adding a fuel-injection system. Here are some basics about this wild pony:
302 Cubic Inches--a Five Liter, what the call on the street: A 5.0!!!
225 Horses.
300 lb-ft torque--and all that power to the wheels pinned you back in the seat, totally.
0-60: 6.3 Seconds.
Quarter Mile: Around 14 Seconds.
Top Speed: 148, and it could hold it with 8-Cylinder persistence.
Joan of Arc and rising from the ashes
"Joan of Arc and rising from the ashes"
Mark Twain stated that the only book he put any "real work" into was his biography on Saint Joan of Arc, which was written before her canonization in 1920.
He mentioned that she needed no sword practice, for a Divine Spirit was within her, which would animate her every move on the field of battle. Like a ninja--she knew what to do, before it had to be done. A distracted opponent is a weak opponent, and what is more distracting than a beautiful girl in combat? There is no situation that you cannot escape from, even when being tortured to death. Put your spirit in the Hands of a Merciful God--wend your lovely way to His Unearthly Palace of Peace; moreover, picture the angels, the saints, horses running free, for the Kingdom of God is within you.
And like the mythical bird, the Phoenix, Saint Joan has risen, gifting her soldier-like skills to the weak and downtrodden. All we can do is protect those we love. Our country, our friends, and yes--even our adversaries. Send them doves and eagles in your prayers, so that they soar high above the Earth, and have the wisdom to picture the truth of All things.
But like Jack Burton says: "Never can tell." Or can you?
Right To Life
"Right To Life"
There's this guy I know, and at one point in his young life he was bleeding to death--nothing would stop it; moreover, in the middle of the night, the nurse came in to check his vitals, and she cruelly said: "If I was in your condition, I'd know it was my time to go." Yet the dandy dude fought through it, and thrived a bit.
We are asleep concerning the suffering. The sick and elderly, or anyone dubbed a "burden" to society still has the right to live. A RIGHT is a moral claim; moreover, we do not claim death, but death claims us. And there have been many times when this "dude" has prayed to die, yet as the Man Upstairs says: "To Me belongs vengeance and recompense."
Saint Francis was disgusted by lepers. He had an overpowering phobia concerning them; nevertheless, he conquered his aversion and kissed a leper. People need touch. A baby trapped in an incubator, alone and without the breasts of his mother has no touch. And Christ does touch us by way of the Eucharist. We all need positive touch.
Many caretakers have abused patients. Have cackled and shown violent and macabre images to them, or professed their readings of Christ's adversary; plus, much worse.
Even though Merlin was paradoxically spawned, being born of both mortal and demon, as lore and legend go--he still conquered his passions and assisted Arthur and his gallant knights in their search for the Holy Grail; indeed, all life is special, and any soul can accept the light; otherwise, the alternative seems a bit vacuous.
1970 Plymouth Barracuda (Big Block)
"1970 Plymouth Barracuda (Big Block)"
The Barracuda is not just a monstrous muscle car--much more; specifically, a salt water fish, found in tropical and sub-tropical oceans; plus, in a metaphysical sense--it fuels aggressive feelings and offers sincere courage, just like the awesome automobile, and now: the specs and performance levels of this well-respected muscle machine--off we wend:
426 Cubic Inches.
Horses: 425.
Torque: 490 lb-ft.
0-60: 5.6 Seconds.
Quarter Mile Sprint: 13.5 Seconds @ 105 Miles-Per-Hour.
Crystalline Cool (5)
"Crystalline Cool (5)"
Sitting on a comfy couch out in their rural backyard, a little red on their necks, but not drinking Mountain Dew--Duncan and his Dad started having a little talk. His Dad igniting it all, as the twosome and Roadkill, the adopted Golden Retriever looked up into the celestial night, admiring the luminosity of the sparkling heavens--Dad saying: "I'm proud of what's inside of you Duncan. Heck, you couldn't even speak until you were four years-old--that speech pathologist was an angel I'm telling ya. And then, you got fat on life, chasing girls, questioning everything, nervous as an innocent bird on a hot tin roof, yet you found your solace and refuge in the Lord. And I'm inspired by your work ethic, no matter that it pays crap--you just give me 15% of your earnings and I'll put it in a fund for you. Who cares if the community mocks your lack of being controlled by the fallen, gelling with an American Dream that is forged on damning the determination of the magnanimous, which seems deranged to those in pursuit of the brass ring. And I'm a damn patriot kid."
Duncan changed the subject: "Dad--there's this girl named Aimee. She works at the local burger joint in town. Anyway, I can sense her interest in me, and she's blonde, which for some innate reason makes me crave her glowing laughter. Should I ask her out?"
His Dad chuckled with a cowboy's snort on a smoky cigar, saying: "If it brings peace to you, and you never become more attached than to what is correct in life--go for it kid."
Duncan gave Roadkill a heavy petty atop the dog's head, and the noble beast nuzzled in close to his friendship.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
1970 Buick GSX Stage 1
"1970 Buick GSX Stage 1"
Usually appearing a canary-like yellow, the 1970 Buick GSX Stage 1 sings with unearthly power and privileged potency. Not to get too metaphysical about this bird, but the Canary Totem fuels the ability to feel and express emotions--and boy, does this big block sing on the blacktop. Here are some specs and performance levels from this Classic vehicle--here we go:
455 Cubic Inches--total 8-Cylinder.
Horsepower: Listed at 360; however, more in the range between 415 to 425.
510 pounds-foot of torque--imagine all that power going to the wheels!!!
Hurst 4-Speed Manual.
0-60: 5.5 Seconds.
Quarter Mile: 13.38 Seconds.
Top Speed: Never can tell, but I bet she could hold 144 for a protracted period.
Crystalline Cool (4)
"Crystalline Cool (4)"
Duncan's Dad surprised him at their humble habitat by driving his son's gift onto the gravel driveway--it was a rusty, old El Camino, which means: Royal Road, or the King's Highway; moreover, in the back of the counterpoised automobile, it being pure balance due to being a truck and a car simultaneously, was a Golden Retriever armed with nothing but gregarious glee and fortune's fidelity, though a dog needs a frisbee toss here and there--gotta play sometimes, but never too hard, for devotion trumps regalement.
Duncan was soooo happy that he immediately embraced his father after the old man exited the cool vehicle, touch being so grand, offering healing and the best positive energy, as Christ touches us by way of the Eucharist.
Next, Duncan ran to the back of the El Camino, and the large Golden Retriever jumped into his arms, as if axiomatically knowing his new best friend; furthermore, there were licks of love and slobbers of sublimity. The twosome danced and played in the pastoral parts of where they did reside, and Old Dad lit up a cigar, blowing his prayers and thanks to God, the Lord always hovering above, watching our every move and innermost actions.
Saint Guinefort; plus, what Pope Francis says about animals
"Saint Guinefort; plus, what Pope Francis says about animals"
Yes, yes--I get it. Fantasy. Myth. Yet all of that is rooted in truth. Remember: "Man lives not on bread alone, but on every word breathed from the mouth of God." Indeed, God is not limited to the Bible.
The heretical tale, as some see, of Saint Guinefort is not unique, but in 13th century France, a nobleman left his child alone with a Greyhound. When he returned, he found the child missing; moreover, blood on the dog's incisors; hence, he jumped to conclusions and killed the dog. Next, he turned over the infant's cot, finding the child alive, and a venomous viper slain by the holy hound's bite. Therefore, we get Saint Guinefort.
Pope Pius the 9th declared animals soulless. Pope Francis wrote otherwise, declaring they too can share the Kingdom of Heaven with man.
My step-father was saved by his dog Pete. He stepped, barefoot mind you, on a copperhead; then, he jumped away, but before the adder could strike, his dog Pete got a hold of the snake and killed it; plus, my friend's Dad, a Green Beret during Vietnam, having returned to Arkansas after his tour of duty, was out digging in his backyard when some toxic serpents came upon him--his dog pushed him back; then, it stood between him and the snakes with an intense growl--not even the cruel strike of reptiles wanted any part of that canine's teeth.
So, we can either call these things fairy tales and pagan like, or accept that people like Saint Francis actually did have relationships with canines, as did Saint Roch, and many normal, neuro-typical people. All dogs are not just dogs, humping, biting, fighting; indeed, like people, some dogs can be loving, sweet, magnanimous, and even enter into states of sublimity. Why argue with a modern Pope dubbed Francis, being so popular--it even frustrates Christ's own Church at times.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Crystalline Cool (3)
"Crystalline Cool (3)"
Duncan's father told him: "Son, you've chastised yourself more than anyone since the Middle-Ages; moreover, wailed and given great lament unto the Lord. Mortification of the senses, chastity when it came time, scorning many, great states of poverty, which allowed you to see the beauty of nature, and yet you admit not your own courage."
Duncan would not cease. He would never admit himself, only those things within him that gave him affection for the Divine. Yes, a target on his back, that only the highest level of spooks in the government knew about--and would they assist?
He told his father: "I have sinned, and I know I'm being monitored."
His Dad back with: "So are your adversaries. The trick is on them. You never follow a coyote I've heard. They don't know why, but you do."
Duncan calmly asked: "Dad--could we get a dog?"
His Dad's face lit up in a sparkly grin, and out of his cool countenance, the old man's lips worked the words: "Every man needs a best friend. And no man should mess with God's gift of the canine, which has always resided side-by-side with man--since the conception of human consciousness canines and man have strode with smooth synergy. And I don't know if this is blasphemy son, but Anubis is an ancient god with the head of a jackal, and when you die he weighs your heart, as some of the myth goes; specifically, if your heart is heavy--he throws it away and you don't pass, but if it is light; next, you go on to the afterlife. Heck, the Knights Templar know more about the Egyptians than us regular Christian folk. So much secrecy, but truly--the Creator, God, that Master of Intelligent Design--He knows. Thus, let the Lord always be your refuge, and I think we should name the dog Roadkill."
Duncan: "That's horrible Dad."
His Dad with: "Where's your sense of laughing at yourself? Just because Percy Shelley couldn't do it, doesn't mean a wild, American dog can't."
Sunday, October 23, 2016
1969 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
"1969 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1"
I like the first production models, hued in a lively Dusk-Blue and armed with a super-cool intake manifold--this car seems to be alive in every soul's sea of muscle car dreams; therefore, here are some specs; moreover, levels of awesome performance--like this:
427 Cubic Inches with 8-Cylinders--this block known as the ZL1.
850-CFM Double-Pumper Holley Carburetor.
430 Horsepower.
450 lb-ft Torque.
0-60: 5.3 Seconds.
Quarter Mile Run: 13.6 Seconds at 110 Miles-Per-Hour.
Crystalline Cool (2)
"Crystalline Cool (2)"
Duncan was way out in the bucolic beauty, underneath shimmering beams of sunshine, working the pastoral glory of Terra's terrain, using a war-torn shovel to dig his ditches in solitude. An ex-admirer of his, a lovely-looking lady in her early twenties, along with some of her friends--they hotly drove by him in a fancy car. Anyway, as Duncan had rejected the lovely lady's carnal passes a while back, she had become scorned and full of anger--even questioning her own beauty; as a result, she found his laboring humility, which he himself adored, and flung curses and profane vulgarities upon his presence, her friends vociferously gelling with the cruel cackling as the fancy car swiftly passed.
* * * *
Duncan knew it was all real. But mostly, he knew the Lord was his refuge, and remembered the best bard's Kingly son having said: "Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker, and he that is glad at calamities shall not go unpunished."
Duncan prayed for the lovely lady and her friends to be blessed. To be forgiven and loved. Yet those girls were far from discovering "the Book" in all their passions so rich with filth; nevertheless, Duncan continued to pray for them to be loving; next, he returned to shoveling, digging deeper into the mysteries of the Earth. The daystar came alive, even brighter than before, and his body and spirit unearthed the Holy Grail within, touching Christ, so gently, so ever gently.
Yes, Duncan was a sinner. Not just once either. He had flirted with disaster. He had been a victim of passion himself. But when his true Father arrived in his life, all that heat of the South drove him home to the glory of the allegorical North.
Crystalline Cool (1)
"Crystalline Cool (1)"
Duncan was a bit weary concerning getting involved with other people, would always tell his adoring Dad: "I'm not much into socializing."
His Dad would respond: "Don't blame ya kid. People are mostly scumbags. Their father is the father of lies and murder--he was a murderer from the beginning."
Of course Duncan knew these Words to be the Divine Words of God Himself, speaking of the venomous viper, but the youth-restoring eagle of Saint John, protector of the Holy Mother--he shall rise from death like a Phoenix.
Duncan lived deep down in the blazing passion of the American South, where the passion was not so much Christ-Like, but scorched with devils deep into the chronic art of competition, though not on the field, as they are pathetic poltroons, but in the homes and workplaces of many who were innocent enough, driving them downwards, not being benevolent or wise enough to realize that everything is negotiable; therefore, when you communicate with a child, don't engage in a power-struggle, but understand rather than wanting to be understood; next, offer them as much free rope as possible.
Duncan dug ditches--simple Voltaire-like metaphors in-play, knowing his Third Eye, that mystical Pineal Gland was always being activated, offering premonitions, angelic sight, quasi-telepathy, and the brain's scent of those demonically influenced by things such as hubris and needing victory by defeating or humiliating, as competition brings men into the state of bastards, again: their father being the father of lies and murder.
The Founding Fathers, the Catholic Church, Descartes--they all knew and know the power of a sublime Pineal Gland. Duncan knew it was imperative too, especially to not calcify the pea-sized, pine cone-like house of mysticism. And as crystals were known by the ancients to offer communication with the super-mundane, it has been axiomatically proven with the construction of scanners and other communicative devices. But hell, Duncan dug ditches for a living, reading about the mystics, straying from politics and deviant art, admiring the holy things, and loving a Bio-Dad always there for him with words of wisdom, reminding to fear only God--nothing else!!! And as for excitement in his modest life: Duncan was known to be a wild man at times, getting a chili dog here and there.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Children of the Luminous Light (5)
"Children of the Luminous Light (5)"
It was a tragic event, yet charity was offered, and after Chad's Dad passed onward, he was left with a Classic Boss 302 from the fast and furious year of 1970; plus, a little jingle in his pocket. He didn't spill the beans to Ann, but silently watched his Dad go into the Earth; next, humbly returned to work, knowing instinctively to put his fiery fists away; then, he asked Ann to marry him, with a small but strong diamond ring--she said yes.
Furthermore, he explained to her his new financial status, showed her his muscle car, and they eloped out into the freedom of the American West, purchasing a modest habitat, Frances the dog was there too, and soon--a baby girl named Mary.
Like Saint Nicholas of Myra, they stayed away from people, not even mixing with the Church crowd after Mass, and yet they still stumbled here and there, Chad for a year going through a nude calendar of college girls, but God's anger is not as great as His mercy, and they raised Mary in the Universal Faith; plus, kept buying holy hounds for their daughter to always have a best friend.
Ultimately, they both passed on, sick a few times, never challenged by chronic disease or pain; still, they did pass, and Mary inherited the house, adoring her dogs, and touching Christ weekly, so gently, as He wants to touch us--that's what the Eucharist is all about.
Mary remained reclusive and in love with God. Writing poetry and giving praise. Stumbling like most, here and there, but strong in faith, always remembering who she was and where she came from, forged by God, and adored by two mortals that gave her everything they had.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Children of the Luminous Light (4)
"Children of the Luminous Light (4)"
Ann had a great time with Chad. She wended her 2-stroke moped home to her humble abode, and there confessed her sins to God, doors closed, windows sealed, no one to know but God, as Christ ordered, not being like unto hypocrites praying in public for praise, though all is relative--some are genuine.
Next, she pondered further Bad Chad's spirit. King Saul stood head and shoulders above the rest, yet it was the seed of Jesse, a little, fiery man, a man after God's Own Heart who slayed Goliath, due to an insult to the Abrahamic God. He kept the boaster's sword as well, using it in the futurity of battle. His name was David. He spoke of the meek and inheriting Terra; plus, hands pierced and gambling for garments, an approximate 1,000 years before the birth of his metaphorical son, so to speak. What did they call Christ? Rabbi, Lord, and Son of David. And the Son of Man, as He referred to Himself would always say: "Your faith has made you well."
Ann didn't want to simply sleep with Chad and get plugged by persuasion, though he wasn't attempting that. And she knew virginity was a grace-filled gift; nevertheless, she adored his microscopic might, like a Multiverse himself, a union of all that was noble and knightly, questing as did the Green Knight's poetry forged by an anonymous monk. And what's the difference between a monk and a priest? A Russian bard claimed: "Priests put jam and jelly on their toast, but a monk eats it plain; next, gets a crappy funeral."
She was just glad for the first chapter of the Gospel of the physician Luke, Mary resounding David's Psalms, and pushing it further, saying: "My soul doth magnify the Lord."
Ann didn't know what to do. But at the age of 24, it felt right for her to pursue the honey-lathered taste of her first kiss.
Children of the Luminous Light (3)
"Children of the Luminous Light (3)"
The Moon hung by a heavenly God did wane, and bad things were ending as this Lunar cycle can offer gifts to the faithful; moreover, as that big ball of neon cheese went crescentways, Ann and Chad had hung out a few times, drinking coffee, and innocently getting to know one another. She dug his spirit, a fire inside, burning beneath his soft-gray eyes, but she wondered where his power came from, him being even shorter than her, but standing head and shoulders above the rest, internally armed with a monster of nobility igniting his insides.
As they laughed and sweetly giggled over simply glimpsing each other at the coffee shop, she decided to get personal; plus, preach, asking: "Are you religious?"
He didn't mind the question, calmly stating: "My parents were not--me either, I guess. But I know that something Divine is out there. I can feel it in my bones."
Ann went on: "They talk at work about you being a scrapper. Anyway, I'm Catholic, and Catholicism started when Christ asked Simon Peter who He was, and Simon Peter responded--You are the Messiah--the Living Christ. So, that's when the Universal Church began. Catholic kinda/sorta means Universal. Anyway, there are some Saints who were scrappers too--you'd like them. Such as Saint Louis, King of France. He fought in the hardcore Crusades; plus, wore a cilice, which is used by ascetics to cause corporeal pain--in Catholicism, this is what we might call MORTIFICATION OF THE SENSES. Like Saint Francis jumping naked in the thorn bushes when he became aroused over some hot women walking down the street."
"I can grasp that." Chad stated coolly. "My football coach always said--punish yourself before I do, if you make a mistake on the football field."
Next, the twosome sweetly smiled at one another, and a blossoming synergy was growing more sophisticated, and would soon wax with smooth sublimity.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Children of the Luminous Light (2)
"Children of the Luminous Light (2)"
They called him BAD CHAD, but he wasn't bad--not morally bankrupt anyway; specifically, he was just one tough kid. Only weighed around 140 pounds, but had the look of a wolverine in his eyes; also, he could tear up a bar, and would do it too, if you glanced at a lady with carnal cravings or offered her an insidious temptation towards sexuality, unless of course she was loose. Bad Chad could spot a loose woman a mile away. Could smell the stinky sex, like a skunk stuck in toxicity.
Anyway, Chad worked at Ann's grocery store--he worked in the produce department, and was having a healthy affair with Rainbow Swiss Chard. All the colors and anti-oxidants, fueling him into more of a wiry little muscle man.
Too, Ann had heard the tales of his fancy fisticuffs. Always for noble purpose. But like a Saint gone warrior, as was Joan of Arc--the first rule about FIGHT CLUB is you don't talk about FIGHT CLUB; indeed, a man speaking with boisterous bravado usually has nothing to deliver, and uses a gun as an extension of his lack of pure libido--in Ann's opinion.
Anyway, she liked Chad's gray eyes and dirty-blonde mane, a bit curly, yet he had the trait most women find attractive in a man--a dark brow. But not too dark. Not like two mustaches from a Middle-Eastern dictator. No, it was pure elegance, and Ann knew too: Chad had an electric spirit.
Children of the Luminous Light (1)
"Children of the Luminous Light (1)"
Ann paged through her distracted memory, though happy to know that the serpent's head was forecast to be crushed by a virgin's foot an approximate 5,000 years ago, and Ann was a 24 year-old virgin herself. Her pseudo-friends kept telling her: "But you are incarnate."
Ann never let go, knowing the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, remembering: "Mirror of justice, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most powerful, Lover of chastity, Lover of poverty, and so on."
Her friends all laughed and snorted at her with angry puffs of hostility, not able to make the gorgeous, young girl fall into the dark pit. Ann was content with low-rent, a grocery market job, smiling at the customers, and walks in the park with her sisterly dog, Frances.
She had spent much time with her Grandfather during her adolescence before he passed, him always telling her: "You will find many people who speak with forked tongues, and you may too at times, but shake it off, remembering your family is truly those who do the will of God."
She missed Grandpa; plus, missed her sister lost unto corporate greed, believing in vanity of spirit, hubris hungry, and grabbing every dollar that floated her way, but Ann prayed for the light to enter her sister, to see the beauty of chatty chipmunks and eagles soaring with praise for something Divine.
Her and Frances were walking sweetly in the park, telepathically telling each other: "No problem mate." She never could get enough of other cultures, knowing God forged it all, and while most fall, she was a loyal dog, not merely trying, but truly fighting the good fight, though a nasty stumble here and there, as the forces of darkness are upon the risk takers for true love.
Would she ever meet her knight in shining armor she sometimes wondered, and would she know if he was truly nice or not? Test every spirit. But more than that. And homeward, to her modest dwellings, burning candles, and not resisting evil, but letting it grasp her luminous light, morphing it stupefied, or sending it away with contemplation of making a possible change. It didn't matter. All is in God's Hands, and yes--it has been written in stone, mostly.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
1975 Pontiac Firebird--what!?!
"1975 Pontiac Firebird--what!?!"
A bit ambiguous, confusing to me, very much so, based on my mercurial research; still, this reminds of all guys in the 1970's having a mid-life crises and purchasing one, to be like SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT or perceive its release in 1977, as did my cool, well-lit biological father. Am confused about the Trans Am essence of it all. Anyway, here goes:
Rocket Block Purchased--
455 Cubic Inches.
200 horses.
300 lb-ft torque.
Quarter Mile: 16.1 at around 88 MPH.
Not bad. Too, of that year--there was the fiery and underestimated Monza, either given energy by way of a Vega 4-cylinder, or a small block V-8.
1968 Plymouth Road Runner
"!968 Plymouth Road Runner"
Why Wile E. Coyote could never catch the Road Runner? Here's an example; specifically, the 1968 Plymouth Road Runner, selling regular, it possessed: 383 cubic inches with 335 horsepower, and 425 lb-ft torque; however, with a HEMI it doth transcend, and remember: MOPAR is an acronym for--Massively Overpowered And Respected--here are the HEMI specs and performance:
426 Cubic Inches.
425 Horsepower.
490 lb-ft torque.
0-60: 5.3 seconds.
Quarter Mile: 13.55 seconds.
Some places out West, there are no speed limits; thus, the Road Runner still haunts the highway, dancing like quicksilver on the asphalt ballet of it all.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
(Pope) Linus; plus, the Great Pumpkin
"(Pope) Linus; plus, the Great Pumpkin"
Linus, the second Pope, continuing the solid formation of the ROCK, kinda/sorta births Linus (theologian/philosopher) from PEANUTS.
Christ mentioned in the Good News of Matthew that we must make ourselves like unto little children in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
So, on All Hallows Eve, Linus from PEANUTS is a child, believing in the Great Pumpkin. And though it does not typically arrive, it does, broadcast from everlasting to everlasting.
Sally's refusal to lift up her friend's arms, as were Moses' arms lifted up for him by friends and brothers when he became tired, proves the axiom that two can be stronger than one--if we believe.
Therefore, God has granted us guardian angels to lift up our arms, if we fear Him, and do His Good Will.
Monday, October 17, 2016
2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS
"2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS"
The word "Camaro" is mysterious, possibly meaning: friend, companion, shrimp; regardless, forged to compete with the wild and free-running Mustang, that persevering pony car; moreover, get the better of it. Muscle is not gone in the modern age of automobiles. Here are the approximate specs and performance of the behemoth-like yet benevolent 2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS--like this:
455 pounds of torque per foot; specifically, torque meaning: force that manipulates and causes rotation--gotta get that power to the tires, for horsepower sells cars, yet torque wins races.
Horsepower: 455.
0-6: 3.9 seconds.
Quarter Mile: 12.3 seconds at 116 MPH.
Engine: 6.2 liter, and totally: an eight-cylinder.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Sermon on Cincinnati
"Sermon on Cincinnati"
Deacon Jones knew that man lived not on bread alone, but on every Word breathed from the Mouth of God; moreover, his personal pedagogue was the Holy Spirit Itself. As a Protestant, he still talked to the angels and saints; regardless, was humble and rebellious to rebellion itself. So, standing before the crowd of the church, in front of a live-action microphone, instead of preaching on praise--he made a joyful noise unto the Lord, God-smacking the church into hearing--him singing:
Baby, if you've ever wondered,
Wondered whatever became of me,
I'm living on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati WKRP!
Got tired of packing and unpacking,
Town to town and up and down the dial--
I'm at WKRP in Cincinnati!!!
Then, Deacon Jones calmly quoted Christ to the astonished church crowd: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote of thy brother's eye."
If Deacon Jones was allowed--he would've been proud of himself, but nope--he was only proud of God.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Saint Raphael, Tobias, and a dog
"Saint Raphael, Tobias, and a dog"
Saint Raphael is an Arch-Angel in all of the Abrahamic Religions. Mentioned with Divine Power in the BOOK OF TOBIT, accepted as canonical by Catholics, this Divine Essence accompanies Tobias and a dog on their travels. Tobias washes constantly, buries, the dead, and Raphael assists him in binding a demon; plus, more. In the metaphysical genre, Saint Raphael is associated with the color green.
Here is a Prayer to Saint Raphael the Arch-Angel:
Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land, sea or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners. I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as you once helped the young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the "physician of God," I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of mys soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favor (mention your petition) and the great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Saint Raphael of the glorious seven who stand before the throne of Him who lives and reigns, angel of health, the Lord has filled your hand with balm from heaven to soothe or cure our pains. Heal or cure the victim of disease, and guide our steps when doubtful of our ways,
Friday, October 7, 2016
Full Hunter's Moon/October, 2016
"Full Hunter's Moon/October, 2016"
Mostly known in North America as the Full Hunter's Moon, though sometimes referred to as the Sanguine or Blood Moon due to an orange or possibly even red glow, which is attributed to the elevation of rise in the later autumn atmosphere; regardless, the Full Hunter's Moon means something completely different.
It is time for hunters to store up for winter. But be cautious concerning hunting too many benevolent stag or any deer in particular, as these animals teach us about having a gentle demeanor, to be detective-like, and always possess within ourselves a keen sensitivity.
Thus, knowing these facts about God's special animals, Celtic and Native American Tribes engaged in prayer for a holy hunt, giving their word that they would take no more than what was necessary to feed their families--gluttony has always been a nasty sin we've willed upon ourselves, or fed to us by nefarious others.
Just enjoy the Full Moon this October, and know that deer are merciful and protective symbols, showcasing an endearing attitude by only having the munchies concerning vegetation.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
National Poetry Day--October 6th, 2016
"National Poetry Day--October 6th, 2016"
I guess, to share, would be to offer the most read poet/bard of ALL time--King David. Here's some heavy and healing theology, very mystical, from a man after God's own Heart; specifically, special pieces from PSALMS 103, the King James Version--yes, I'm Catholic, but I love the poetry of the King James Version. So, here goes:
5) Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
9) He will not always chide; neither will He keep his anger forever.
13) Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.
17) But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His Righteousness unto children's children.
22) Bless the Lord, all His Works in all places of His Dominion; bless the Lord, O my soul.
Twain, Shakespeare, and Wittgenstein
"Twain, Shakespeare, and Wittgenstein"
Just a few bold quotes to better construct the introspective self; specifically, the soul: both body and spirit, gelled everlasting.
"The human body is the best picture of the human soul."
. . . Ludwig Wittgenstein . . .
"Always tell the Truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said."
. . . Mark Twain . . .
"There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face."
. . . Shakespeare . . .
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
The Lone Ranger: The Cross of Santo Domingo
"The Lone Ranger: The Cross of Santo Domingo"
Possible Arrival: October 11th, 1956, and I saw it in blazing color.
Writer/Screenplay Dude: Tom Seller.
The Lone Ranger, elegant and alive in Just-Law Blue; plus, with the whip of his pistols always alive, before the young ones got Indiana Jones, and I have him too. Anyway, Tonto alongside the Lawman, as always, aglow with spiritual love of sublimity and heels gone silver--the altruistic twosome go after robbers of a mere Monk, armed with a jeweled cross that protects people down South.
Anyway, the bad guys, one a jeweler, attempt to thieve away the gems and stone galore that adorn the mystical cross, yet Just-Law prevails over Unjust Law, and we see the red bandanna riding the weird of the wind.
As strange as these masked men are, there's something to the style of a luminary.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins
"Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins"
Release Date ( I sometimes ponder): September 13, 2009
Scooby-Doo 3--what? No way dog lovers and canine companions--you are hounds yourselves.
This film cures and offers healing balm to the vertigo induced by watching the first two live-action films; on the contrary, for others--it might be sublime. like unto a truly joyous cinematic experience.
This underground flick showcases how Scooby first encountered Shaggy; furthermore, crafts a web that spins the sublimity of Shaggy, in a stupid yet innocent way. Yet, this so-called stupidity outshines the Gangs' mystery intellect, and along with a Puppy of Goofball Peace--there is no mystery that these two cannot sniff out, forever armed with a synergy of true love--like a dog and a man; moreover, you can say, as they do: "Man's best friend." But it's always more-than-nice to have other pals to watch your back as well.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
1987 Camaro IROC-Z
"1987 Camaro IROC-Z"
Not your garden-variety 1987 Camaro with an eight-cylinder--the average one armed with 305 cubic inches; on the contrary, I'm talking: 1987 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z (Big Time)!!!
Stats and Performance:
5 speed manual gearbox; plus, RWD.
349.8 Cubic Inches.
225 Horses.
Torque: 330 ft-lb.
0-60: 6.4 Seconds.
Quarter Mile: 14.9 Seconds.
Top Speed: 149 MPH.
This was a beast in the day, forged to compete with the fiery and free Mustang GT.
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