Sunday, October 23, 2016

Crystalline Cool (1)

   "Crystalline Cool (1)"

   Duncan was a bit weary concerning getting involved with other people, would always tell his adoring Dad:  "I'm not much into socializing."  
   His Dad would respond:  "Don't blame ya kid.  People are mostly scumbags.  Their father is the father of lies and murder--he was a murderer from the beginning."
   Of course Duncan knew these Words to be the Divine Words of God Himself, speaking of the venomous viper, but the youth-restoring eagle of Saint John, protector of the Holy Mother--he shall rise from death like a Phoenix.
   Duncan lived deep down in the blazing passion of the American South, where the passion was not so much Christ-Like, but scorched with devils deep into the chronic art of competition, though not on the field, as they are pathetic poltroons, but in the homes and workplaces of many who were innocent enough, driving them downwards, not being benevolent or wise enough to realize that everything is negotiable; therefore, when you communicate with a child, don't engage in a power-struggle, but understand rather than wanting to be understood; next, offer them as much free rope as possible.
   Duncan dug ditches--simple Voltaire-like metaphors in-play, knowing his Third Eye, that mystical Pineal Gland was always being activated, offering premonitions, angelic sight, quasi-telepathy, and the brain's scent of those demonically influenced by things such as hubris and needing victory by defeating or humiliating, as competition brings men into the state of bastards, again:  their father being the father of lies and murder.
   The Founding Fathers, the Catholic Church, Descartes--they all knew and know the power of a sublime Pineal Gland.  Duncan knew it was imperative too, especially to not calcify the pea-sized, pine cone-like house of mysticism.  And as crystals were known by the ancients to offer communication with the super-mundane, it has been axiomatically proven with the construction of scanners and other communicative devices.  But hell, Duncan dug ditches for a living, reading about the mystics, straying from politics and deviant art, admiring the holy things, and loving a Bio-Dad always there for him with words of wisdom, reminding to fear only God--nothing else!!!  And as for excitement in his modest life:  Duncan was known to be a wild man at times, getting a chili dog here and there.