Wednesday, October 19, 2016

1968 Plymouth Road Runner

   "!968 Plymouth Road Runner"
   Why Wile E. Coyote could never catch the Road Runner?  Here's an example; specifically, the 1968 Plymouth Road Runner, selling regular, it possessed:  383 cubic inches with 335 horsepower, and 425 lb-ft torque; however, with a HEMI it doth transcend, and remember:  MOPAR is an acronym for--Massively Overpowered And Respected--here are the HEMI specs and performance:

426 Cubic Inches.

425 Horsepower.

490 lb-ft torque.

0-60:  5.3 seconds.

Quarter Mile:  13.55 seconds.

   Some places out West, there are no speed limits; thus, the Road Runner still haunts the highway, dancing like quicksilver on the asphalt ballet of it all.