Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Joan of Arc and rising from the ashes

   "Joan of Arc and rising from the ashes"
   Mark Twain stated that the only book he put any "real work" into was his biography on Saint Joan of Arc, which was written before her canonization in 1920. 
   He mentioned that she needed no sword practice, for a Divine Spirit was within her, which would animate her every move on the field of battle.  Like a ninja--she knew what to do, before it had to be done.  A distracted opponent is a weak opponent, and what is more distracting than a beautiful girl in combat?  There is no situation that you cannot escape from, even when being tortured to death.  Put your spirit in the Hands of a Merciful God--wend your lovely way to His Unearthly Palace of Peace; moreover, picture the angels, the saints, horses running free, for the Kingdom of God is within you.
   And like the mythical bird, the Phoenix, Saint Joan has risen, gifting her soldier-like skills to the weak and downtrodden.  All we can do is protect those we love.  Our country, our friends, and yes--even our adversaries.  Send them doves and eagles in your prayers, so that they soar high above the Earth, and have the wisdom to picture the truth of All things.
   But like Jack Burton says:  "Never can tell."  Or can you?