Thursday, August 24, 2017

Android Creation--Why?

   "Android Creation--Why?'
   There are many theories, especially those that outshine Darwin's supposed complete axioms.  Is he axiomatically right?  Partially; however, does he have the DNA testing, strange theological theories that match astro-biology, theological and archaeological culminations of factual maxims?  On the contrary, if nano-technology is a thing of the future, or 60 MINUTES showcasing 20 decade old technology, when Kurt, Philip, Thomas, and waaaay back like Faulkner's Secretary, a Carmelite, celibate-schooled Nun, getting none, admitted the truth:  "Jesus, kinda said it WAS ALL about MONEY?"
   Follow the dollar, or where it doesn't go.  Tebow hit in the face with a 90 MPH fastball, and think the bullshit of coincidence.  As if.  Be a dumb blonde.  People hate, envy, and all the rest towards blondes.  Kill the blondes--they say.  Why?  Do you hate the golden of flaxen champagne made flaxen?  Indeed; plus, the blue, green, hazel eyes of angels, allegorically, yet truthfully in the sense that all men love blondes, that are Sunshine Gold.
   DANGER:  we created androids to have sex with them.  Selfish folks.  Women will only love the theorem of thrusts; moreover, men will have a helicopter of harm within the false and ferocious vaginal cavity.  DON'T DO ANDROIDS?  You'll get chopped; also, women will love the dildo machine's perfection, and assimilation of her Facebook.  Beware.  And I'm just the Fool Card.  A pathetic and little man.  Sport for the leviathan, yet pricks pinch, even if a plethora of plenty--yet, he who is first shall be last--Christ said it, not me.  Be pissed at His Pilate's described chestnut hair.