Monday, August 21, 2017

Virgin Ninja (17)

   "Virgin Ninja (17)"
   Joanna Blanc felt the glue of groovy gel with Bobby McQuade; however, she knew the ninja's tactics for entrance, as it has been practiced by Christ; as a result, no intercourse, but a celibate relationship of kissing and heavy petting--no open mouth, for that is entrance as well.
   She informed Bobby of her intentions, and how far she was willing to go and why; next, the couth-filled redneck offered vociferously:  "That's cool."
   Learning is not about false mantras.  We get those from family.  Jealousy of beauty, brains, athleticism, rebellion against the first rebellion--all of it.  False mantras are to make you weak and doubt yourself.  Even your own sister wants you to die--if she has less beauty, even though she may be rich, for what has more worth than a flower ornamented better than King Solomon in all of his splendor?
   Joanna knew though:  Bobby could squeeze his scrotal desires and not quicksand Jesus away the life of a cunning warrior heavenbent on illuminating, secretly, the truth of justice.