Saturday, August 19, 2017

Empathetic Illness

   "Empathetic Illness"
   What you kill, if you are of it--you own it.  "Pick up your mat and walk woman."  Christ instructed the disabled lady.  He told her to take the mat, because the mat had owned her, now she owns the nasty mat.  Don't let yourself be labelled.  You are not what they say you are.  False mantras. Heinous hatred.  Envy.  That's why they tell you sex is a sport, and it is not frequency and vibration, but mere corporeal cruel--hogwash.
   I was dead as a baby.  Needles in my head; plus, incubation.  Talk about PTSD after I recovered; next, numerous illnesses and false testimony forged against me--thanks to the two men in suits that assisted in saving my life, as Grandma Bertha, the German, informed me.   
   My biological father let a sea hag sink her teeth into him.  Solomon admits:  "Beware of the harlot with painted eyes--she will kill you."  Indeed, remember the lady of your youth, and her bosom will comfort you forever.
   My bio-dad's fatal attraction said:  "I hope he lives."  But in her mind, she planted seeds of death, wanting him to leave my mother.  She then said she would kill herself if he didn't leave my mother; moreover, her and my brother shredded my inheritance, after my brother, an attorney and officer of the court, said my father would nourish me with an income, due to my sufferings.
   Oedipus Complex.  My brother's first words after my father died were:  "Dad is dead; I'm so relieved."  He was attempting to move to Nashville and be with his son, yet my brother rejected him, hating his father, and wanting his mother to be PROUD of him--pride:  Rebellion against God.
   I wisely surmise my brother's Freudian Bravo Sierra:  "Let the baby die; she'll love the strange baby more than me."  All that negative force, focused upon a premature, cooked to life child, due to envy and the bullshit of competition.  I'm not competitive; I only win.  For two have become one.  Thanks Saint Thomas.
   For 44 years, false mantras, neglect, abuse, envy, all in my direction.  I've been on my deathbed numerous times.  They've locked me up in psychiatric asylums due to false testimony, but as every warrior sadist, I resist not evil, embracing the pain, and allowing iniquity to make me monstrously stronger.  Thank God for G. Gordon Liddy--a coyote Catholic.
   Sir Charles Barkley said it the best:  "You will never have all people with you.  Some will hate you, some will love you, and some won't give a shit either way."  Thank you Sir Charles.  Run for Governor of Alabama.  
   Rh negatives are unexplained.  Science calls it a mutation.  So, nothing supernatural here, we're just mutants according to phony doctors.  And the great thing about one rich man, Trump:  Nobody can own him, for he has his own money.  Nothing owns him.  They can't buy him.  And those bastards just tore down a Saint Joan of Arc statue.  I'd like to screw their wives.  And remember Sheriff, I could screw your wife, anytime, and all night long.  Is it illegal for her to lust after me?