Monday, October 30, 2017

Honest Abe--Gorgeous

   "Honest Abe--Gorgeous"
   The phony system, which believes a checkerboard pattern gets ya to Heaven, has attempted to program my sub-conscious with shit--I'll save it for Lincoln's hat, and I say:  HE IS GORGEOUS.
   Don't know the details.  The wicked one resides there anyway.  Screw it.  So, some dude's parents told him that if he ever saw anybody uglier than him; next, he should kill that person.  Great parental units, right?
   So, Lincoln is going down a trail.  Has security.  The dude comes running out of nowhere, in order to kill Lincoln.  They stop him.  They ask why he wanted to kill Lincoln.  The man explained, telling them he was instructed to slay an uglier person than himself.  Lincoln kinda joked about it, sorta mentioning that if he was indeed as ugly as that dude; next, he should be killed.
   Get off your asses and smell the Folgers.  They've always been here.  So have you.  Pick a side, knowing, the six-pack is not always cold, and reality television is a murderer, mostly.
   Make America Great.  What do you have to lose, but your fortune?  What's worth more to you, greed or giving?  
   God Bless America.