Friday, October 13, 2017

Honor the Virgin

   "Honor the Virgin"
   Everybody save, mostly, the Catholics and the Orthodox, fear the Blessed Virgin.  They should!  She is the Mirror of Justice, Virgin Most Powerful, Ark of the Covenant, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Tower of David, Tower of Ivory, House of Gold, Health of the sick, Refuge of sinners, Queen of ALL Virgins, Queen of Angels, Queen of Saints, Queen of Confessors, Queen of peace.
   If you can't stand in Her presence; next, you can't stand in Christ's, for He resides in His Mother's House, Her being the Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, the one you don't want to meet, if you are not on Saint Nicholas' gift list.
   So, they say She is a demon, many, then know:  She can even be envied by the wicked adversary, for She is so powerful.  
   But just love Her like a mother, and She'll love you back.  She is also:  Virgin most Merciful.