Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mad Dog

   "Mad Dog"
   Was talking to a shaman, gotta love the American Indian, and he told me about the wild dog I came upon during the witching hour out in Cool Springs yonder 10 years ago.  He said, I chose not the animal, but the animal chose me.  Maybe the shaman was a she, maybe not.
   The transgender native further explained of the dog's power.  Said:  "It's their problem now, for the Spirit of the canine is within you."  Went further, communications with Idaho Indians.  Great people.  Strong.  Brave.  Beautiful.  Never envy beauty, for beauty has her way.
   Anyway, I was told never to worry.  For a soul dies if it follows a coyote.  I guess old Obi-Wan was right:  "Whose the more foolish--the fool, or the fool who follows him?"  And the coyote is the wise/fool.  The shape-shifter.  The trickster.  Second unto the Great Spirit.  Just ask old Saint Francis or Saint Roch, the Patron Saint of dogs; plus, the falsely accused.  
   I've always minded my own business.  But like Bluebeard's wife, the ignorant pry, and I get pissed--I mean, I get really explosive.  I don't want to call my fellow dogs in, ever--there's Snoop Dog, Scooby-Doo, Huckleberry Hound, and more.  Have you seen my man Snoop Dog lately?  He might be in your house.  Nah, I'm just crazy.  I don't know anything.  Life is nothing more than a flux of atoms, and then you take the dirt nap.  Right?  That's what they teach you in school.  Thanks to my Virgin Mother, I never spent a day in the classroom, not even when I was there.